Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Prosser, WA

Sept 5, 2014
Well here we go again on our annual September trip to Wine Country RV Park in Prosser. We arrived at about 1 to wonderful hot weather. I went for a refreshing swim in the pool. My sister Terry arrived later in the day so after she got set up we went to pizza dinner at the new location of one of our favorite places. Then back to the park to enjoy the warm evening.

Sept 6, 2014
After breakfast we were off for some wine tasting and shopping. After lunch we went out again to a local mercantile and other shops. It was another hot, 95 degree day so we tried to stay in air conditioned businesses. Even though it was hot the night temps were in the 40's so we sat around our fire in the evening.

Sept 7, 2014
Midday we were off to a little more wine tasting and lunch at Wine O'Clock Bistro. This is a wonderful place with a great variety of eats. Terry had one of our favorites, a wood fired pear and bacon pizza with white cheddar cheese. We had a new great one. It's called Spinach salad pizza which has bacon, some red pepper flakes and fresh spinach added at the end of the cooking time. Delicious. Tomorrow we are off to Lake Chelan for the week.

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