Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Helena, MT

 August 11, 2014
We drove 300 miles to Helena, MT. When we arrived everybody was at Soup Creek so we got ourselves set up. When they came back to Lakeside I went for a SeaDoo ride with Caitlin, one of the twin 13 year old granddaughters. She really likes to go fast and jump boat wakes. Very fun time. Also at the property were Wade, an EMT who works with Steve and his wife and daughter. Wade is an avid fisherman so he brought a huge cooler full of fresh fish. For dinner they cooked fresh sea bass fish and chips, onion rings, salmon seviche, and dungeness crabs. WHAT???? I think we had more fresh fish in camp than in all the fish markets in Helena. After dinner we had a huge fire and s'mores.

August 12, 2014
When we got up the kids were doing breakfast and invited us to join them. After breakfast they were going back to Soup Creek so Gail and I ventured into Helena to explore the town. We walked through the old town area and visited a variety of shops. Then back to the camp for a nice warm afternoon. When the group returned from Soup Creek they were preparing for dinner. We ate on our own because they were having fresh grilled marinated tuna and we had had enough fish the night before. After dinner we were all out at the fire pit again.

August 13, 2014
After breakfast we gathered Carley and Caitlin to go for a day trip. We headed for the town of Townsend which is a western theme community. We drove from there to White Sulpher Springs where we stayed 7 or 8 years ago. We had a fun lunch at Dora's Cafe. Lots of laughs. Then we took them to the Springdale Colony which is a self sustaining Huderite community. The folks there school their children, make their own clothes, sell products to the public and retail outlets throughout the state. We had gotten produce from them on our previous visit so wanted to do this again. When we drove in the people were watching us from their homes and doorways. One of the ladies sent some some people to help with what we wanted. We got cucumbers, carrots, radishes, dill pickles, and bread. It is all organic and delicious. When we were getting ready to leave two of the young women helping us asked if the girls were twins. They were very curious. The twins really enjoyed the experience. Back at the lake we had dinner of fried walleye, chili ghetti, salad and other goodies with Jeremy and Deanna, friends and next door neighbors at the lake.

August 14, 2014
This morning Jeremy was cooking Huckleberry pancakes and maple sausage. It was a stormy day with wind, some rain and thunder. Everyone stayed in camped and watched movies or played games. When the weather cleared in the afternoon we guys went out for some trout fishing in Jeremy's boat. We caught 2 that weighed over 3 pounds. We got back to camp at about 5 so it was time for dinner and some time outside.

August 15, 2014
Up in the morning to have a light breakfast. The weather was still a little storm at times so we stayed close to camp sitting under the awning if needed. Between squalls we all played some horseshoes. For dinner we went to the Lakeside Bar then back to Jeremy's house to watch the Seahawks game.

August 16, 2014
We were up early to get packed up for a drive of about 250 miles to Idaho Falls.

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