Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Boise, ID

August 17, 2014
We hit the road for Boise this morning at about 9. As we were nearing American Falls we heard a loud pop. I checked the gauges in the truck seeing nothing wrong so pulled over and found we had blown the left rear trailer tire. It was blown wide open with the steel belting outside the tire. This was one of the tires we had to buy in June when we found two of them were worn out. Fortunately the shoulder was very wide so I was able to change the tire relatively safely.We were only about a mile from American Falls where there is a Les Schwab but it was Sunday so they were closed. Tire changed we continued to Boise. We got set up at Hi Valley RV Park on another hot day. We stayed around the park for the day keeping as cool as possible.

August 18, 2014
First thing this morning I took the blown trailer tire to Les Schwab to be repaired. After breakfast we went into Boise to explore the old part of town and the Basque Block. We really like Boise. It's a clean friendly city. The Basque population of Boise is about 15,000, the largest in the US. The Block is an area that was settled by the Basque farmers in the mid 1800's. There are also some pretty interesting eateries in the area. We wandered around town a bit and then back to the park. Later in the day we went to Gail's dear friend Sheryl's home to have dinner with her and her husband Tony and their daughter and her family. We had a really good day.

August 19, 2014
It was another warm day in Boise today. At about noon we went to Sheryl's home to meet up and explore old town Nampa. She drove us into town and we had lunch at Messenger's Pizza. Usually we get a pie and share it and take some home. Messenger's features a slice and sides. The basic pie is probably about 24" round and is cut into six pieces. That and a salad was a big meal. Then we drove around a bit and the ladies went shopping in a make  up store. I wandered around in an electronics store. Then we went back to Sheryl's house for the afternoon and a light french dip and fruit dinner. Afterwards we went back to the park for the evening.

August  20, 2014
We stuck around the park today except for going to wash the truck and do some minor shopping. We took a walk around the park which has over 200 sites. Some are long term campers bit the mix is good and there aren't any old beat up junky rigs like we have seen in some parks. After dinner Sheryl came to visit and see our trailer. She is such a good strong person. Her husband, Tony, has ALS and is bedridden. She gives him hospital quality care all on her own in their home. She left at about 8 and we sat up a bit before going in for the night.

August 21, 2014
We got up and went to Les Schwab to get the repaired tire put on the trailer. After that we drove to Hermiston, OR for the night. We stayed in Pioneer RV Park. It is a nice clean park but the majority of the guests appear to belong term or permanent guests.

August 22, 2014
Up and on the road for the drive home early. We got home at about 1 PM and got unpacked and out the trailer away for a two week stay at home. We traveled over 2200 miles in 20 days. Overall it was a great trip.

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