Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Depoe Bay, OR

Sept. 26, 2014
We couldn't check in at Sea Sands RV Park until about 2 so we left Neskowin at 11:30 and went to the Boiler Bay Scenic Viewpoint. The wind was blowing hard on the coast and the sky was partly clear. The surf in Boiler Bay lives up to its name.
Boiler Bay, OR

We got set up in the park in our site very close to the ocean. After lunch we went for a walk along the beach. The wind was blowing very hard from the South so we stopped and went back to our site. Then we drove into Newport for a snack and a sampler of the brews at Rogue Brewing. We stopped at a pizza place on the way back to the park to pick up dinner. The latter part of the day turned out to be sunny with a light wind so we sat out enjoying the beautiful white surf in our "front yard".

We sat out by the fire talking to our neighbors into the evening. It was a great day.

Sept. 27, 2014
After breakfast I went to the beach to hunt for some agates as my Mom did when she and Dad stayed at this park. I found some that we will bring home to add to our supply of agates. Then we went into Depoe Bay to wander through the shops. As in other resort towns most of the stores had relatively the same merchandise so it was quite repetitive. The tide was coming in as we walked along the beach side so some of the waves created a spray that was challenging. We stopped at The Chowder Bowl Cafe and had a good cup of chowder and a salad. We also watched some of the fishing boats come in with catches of bottom fish. Then it was back to the park to enjoy another beautiful day on the coast. In mid afternoon we walked South on the beach and scattered Dad's ashes in the same area we did the same with Mom's ashes 4 years ago. It was wonderful to feel I reunited them at one of their favorite places. Then it was back to camp to relax and socialize with other campers. There was a beautiful sunset this evening.

Sept. 28, 2014
We woke to a perfectly clear sky and virtually no wind today. After breakfast I walked along the beach finding a few more agates. The temperature got into the 70's today making it one of the nicest days we have ever spent on the coast capped by another beautiful sunset.

Sept. 29, 2014
We woke to clouds and the threat of rain for our drive home. We took the more scenic route along the coast through Astoria and North through South Bend and Raymond. It was a long rainy drive to cap off our season of travels for 2014. It's almost time to start making reservations for next year. We are hoping head South in February to Arizona, Palm Springs and other sunny points of interest.

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