Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Chelan, WA

September 8, 2014
We had a nice drive of 167 miles in our new truck hauling the Bullet. The new rig gets about 1 mpg better mileage than the old GMC and uses regular gas so is saving us on two accounts. When we got to town we went to lunch at a Mexican restaurant. Then we went to check into Lake Shore RV Park where we usually stay. We have a nice sight with a great view of the lake. Later in the day sister Terry and sister Cheryl and her husband arrived in their motorhomes. It was like a mini family reunion. The weather was nice and warm and cool in the evening.

September 9, 2014
We all got in the truck before lunch to go see Alta Lake State Park where we were in July and were evacuated out because of a wild fire. The devastation driving into the park was awful. About 40 of the homes along the golf course were destroyed by the fire. Very sad. We then drove into the park. Most of the tent sites along the upper side of the road were totally burned. The fire seemed to have jumped around the area randomly burning trees and anything in its way, It was like a moonscape in places. Unearthly. There was even some people camping in the park. We decided we won't be going there for a few years. Gail and I went for a walk into town in the afternoon.

September 10, 2014
Terry needed some brake work on her RV so I followed her to Les Schwab and brought her back to the park. Then we all went to a couple wineries for tasting and then to Lake Chelan Brewing for lunch today. It was a nice and was even nicer when Terry got the call telling her her rig was fixed and it was a minor repair. Then back to the park for the afternoon. Gail and I took another walk into town for some exercise. The wind came up in the afternoon but diminished in evening so we sat out for a bit.

September 11, 2014
Cheryl and John had to leave today so we hung out with then til about lunch. Then Terry, Gail and I went for more wine tasting. At Chelan Ridge Winery we were told about a good artisan pizza joint in Manson. It was closed but we had our minds set on pizza so we went to Westside Pizza. Pretty darn good pie. It was a pretty windy day with even a couple rain showers throughout  the day. It all lessened in the evening so we sat out for a bit.

September 12, 2014
Time to go home today so we were on the road before 9:30 and home by 1. Our final trip of the season starts Sept 22.

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