Saturday, March 24, 2018

Caldwell, ID

Aug 5, 2017
We got to Caldwell and Ambassador RV Park early afternoon. This is a very nice park where we have stayed before. It was nearing 100 degrees and smokey in the park. We were here to visit Gail's friend Sheryl and her husband Tony and their family. Tony has ALS and is confined to his bed.

Aug 6, 2017
After breakfast Sheryl came to the park and we went to a few wine tasting rooms before having lunch. Then back to the park where we sat out and talked the afternoon away. It was a good day.

Aug 7, 2017
We went to Sheryl's home for the day. After lunch Sheryl's daughter and her family got home from a camping trip. After they unpacked most of us went in the pool to cool off  in from the hot afternoon. Then we had a nice dinner after which we went back to our RV park for the evening.

Aug 8 and 9
We spent more time with Sheryl, Tony and their family these days at their home. It was nice and relaxing except when I was swimming with their young children. We were back at the park in the early afternoon both days.

Aug 10
We left Caldwell today headed to Prosser for one night before heading home.

Aug 11 We left Prosser by 9:30 so got home about 12:30

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