Saturday, March 24, 2018

Rockaway Beach, Charleston and Bend, OR

July 30, 2017
We drove to Rockaway Beach on Hwy 101. The sun was out for the two days we were there but the wind blew very hard. We went to our RV site, unhooked and went into town for a late lunch.  Then we went back to the park to get set up. The beach was very close so we braved the wind and took a walk. Back at our site we parked the truck to block the wind as best we could and sat out for a bit.

July 31, 2017
After breakfast we drove to Tillamook and had lunch at a Brewery. Then back to the park, and wind, for the rest of the day. Tomorrow we head to Charleston, OR for a 3 night stay.

Aug 1, 2017
We arrived at Oceanside RV Park just after noon and set up the trailer. Our site was next to a path leading to the beach. We went into town for a nice lunch at the High Tide Cafe. Then back to camp for the evening. We walked down to the beach to see the sunset.
Then we went back to our site and enjoyed a fire until about 11.

Aug 2, 2017
We drove to Cape Arago State Park and viewed Shell Island where thousands of sea lions and Elephant seals come to mate and molt. Then we took about a 3 mile hike through the woods and along the ocean. We went back to the park and had lunch. Then we walked to the ocean for low tide. The tidal pools were interesting with anemones and little crabs in them. There was an overhang with various colors of moss and lichen.
Then later we walked down to the beach for another great sunset

Aug 3, 2017
After breakfast we drove to the town of Bannon. There are many nice shops, galleries and restaurants in town. Outside of town there are some very nice golf courses. After walking through the town we returned to Charleston and went to lunch at Millers on the Cove where we had some very good fish and chips. Then back to the park and a nice walk on the beach. Oh yes there was another terrific sunset.
Tomorrow we head to Bend, OR for a night before driving to Boise.

Aug 4, 2017
It was a long drive to Bend made even longer because of a wreck on Hwy 20 where a truck and fifth wheel crashed in the opposite lane. Traffic was being let through one lane at a time. We finally got to Bend and spent the night before heading to Caldwell, ID near Boise.

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