Thursday, August 24, 2017

Cascade Peaks

July 23, 2017
We headed out to Cascade Peaks for our annual trip with our kids and the Hughes family. We usually stay 5-6 days but this time we are staying 8 days. Gail and I to Dog Lake just east of the White Pass summit to check out fishing. It was kinda windy so casting was difficult. I had no bites and didn't see any one catch anything. We'll come back with the others to try again. Meanwhile back at the park the gang was all set up. We decided to go into Packwood and have dinner at the Blue Spruce Saloon.

July 24, 2017
Today it was pretty hot so we all lounged around in the park. Some hiked to the Cowlitz River for a few hours to stay cool.
Hart Hughes and son on law, Erik body floated the river a few times.

July 25, 2017
I gathered at the kids site at 8:00 so we could go fishing at Dog Lake. It was another beautiful day and quite a few people were at the lake. We fished for 3-4 hours and caught 6 fish. It was a good time.We got back to the park and cleaned the fish so we could fry them for dinner.

July 26, 2018
We all went for a hike at Ohanapekosh to Rainbow Falls. It was about a 2.5 mile hike and absolutely gorgeous.

After the hike we stopped at the Spruce for a few cold beers and snacks. We had dinner with the others at their site and stayed to enjoy a nice fire.

July 27, 2017
Well it was another beautiful warm day. We all spent time at the pool and the river. In the evening six of them decorated their bikes with glow sticks and took a ride around the park in the dark. The park was really getting busy for the weekend.

July 28, 2017
We took another shot at fishing today. We only caught 2 but I had one on that jumped and flashed its side. It was probably 3-4 pounds but it spit the hook before I could land it. Then it was back to the park for lunch and some time at the river.

July 29, 2017
The park was very busy for the weekend so the pool was too crowded to use so we spent more time at the river. Hart and Amy's son Ethan wanted to have a fire on the beach so we went to the river in the evening and had a fire. It was a special time.
July 30, 2017
We packed up in the morning and headed out for Rockaway Beach, OR. It was a nice drive on Hwy 101.

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