Thursday, August 24, 2017

Prosser and Chelan 2017\

May 29, 2017
We left Kent at about 10 AM heading for Prosser. It being Memorial Day we thought we might hit some traffic on Hwy 18 and I90. It was smooth sailing East bound but West bound was heavier. When we got over Snoqualmie Pass there was a multiple car rear end accident that had traffic going West all but stopped. From that point on traffic was awful for at least 25 miles. When we arrived in Prosser we heard that one group that left at about 10 heading to Puyallup took 6 hours to almost get to Snoqualmie Pass. Another told us it took their kids 3 hours to go 30 miles on I90. It was hot, 95 in Prosser but a light wind made it bearable. We visited Desert Wind Winery and then went to Jeremy's 1896 Roadhouse Pub for lunch. Good pizza and cold beer.

May 30, 2017
Today was another hot day but tomorrow it is supposed to be cooler. After breakfast we headed out to visit more wine tasting rooms. All of  them had AC on so it was comfortable. We had lunch and headed back to the park . Later in the evening it got cloudy and we had some thunder and light rain. Not enough to send us inside.

May 31 and June 1, 2017
The weather has cooled off so it is a bit but more comfortable. We spent these two days visiting wineries, gift shops and other local businesses. This was a fun trip as it usually is to Prosser.

June 2, 2017
We left Prosser at about 9:30 heading to Chelan for another four day visit. . We got set up and went to lunch at the Apple Cafe which is a landmark but we had not eaten there before. Well, we ate there so now we don't have to do it again. The food was very mediocre and service the same. Then back to the park and wait for my sister Terry to arrive. She pulled in at about 7 so we sat out by the fire after she got set up. It was windy earlier but lessened after sun down.

June 3, 2017
We headed out to wineries at about 10:30. We don't usually come here on weekends so we found it was very busy everywhere we went. There was also a car show in town that added to the crowd. We had a very nice lunch at the North Shore Cafe in Manson. Gail had a cup of Salmon bisque with her lunch that was wonderful. We will definitely return on our next visit.

June 4, 2017
We visited a few more tasting rooms and went back to the park today. It was a nice sunny day but with wind in the afternoon again but it died down in the evening.

June 5, 2017
We had a leisurely morning and then walked into town. A couple of the shops have changed since we were here last. There was not much wind so we sat out most of the afternoon.

June 6, 2017
We hit the road for home at about 9:30 AM and arrived before noon with no stops. The next outing begins on June 25.

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