Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Prosser, Walla Walla and Dayton, WA

Sept 4-7, 2015
We arrived at Wine Country RV Park in Prosser for our annual visit to winery tasting rooms and friends we have made over the past several years. The weather was very pleasant for our stay aside from a couple of windy evenings.

We visited all the usual tasting rooms as well as some we had not been to before. There was a Labor Day parade on Sunday that was well attended by the locals. For lunch one day we stopped at a Mexican lunch truck that was recommended by a friend at home. It was pretty good but the hot sauce was crazy hot. When we went to Chukar Cherries the clerk suggested a couple more places to try on our next visit.

Sept 8, 2015 
We took the short drive to Walla Walla  for some more sight seeing and wine tasting. After getting set up we went into town for lunch and a check out what has changed. The town has been voted one of the best small towns in America. Back at the park we relaxed in the beautiful afternoon and evening. 

Sept 9, 2015
We drove to a few tasting rooms and went for lunch at a really good sandwich shop. Then into downtown to visit some shops and tasting rooms. Then back to the park and dinner.

Sept 10, 2015
We next drove the 55 miles to Tucannon River RV Park about 20 miles NW of Dayton. After getting set up we drove to Starbuck, WA to get fishing info and lunch. We had a good ham sandwich at the Rawhide Bar and Grill then back to the park. The park is very nice and shady with the river running nearby. We took a walk checking for fishing spots but none were accessible. Later I drove to a river access under a bridge to see how fishing was. The fish were rising for flies so I tried one and got a few bites from them but they were very small. Back at the park we sat out watching the stars and listing to coyotes and owls in the distance. 

Sept 11, 2015
After breakfast we drove into Dayton to check it out. The Columbia County Fair was on so we went there for a visit. It was the smallest fair we have ever seen to but was a lot of fun looking at the 4H exhibits and the livestock. In one of the barns there were little kids, 5-10 years old, showing their cattle. It was very cute. 
Then we visited a few businesses in town. We found a cool Seahawks blanket and pillow. Next we went to lunch at Chief Spring's Fire and Irons Brew Pub. The owner is a retired fire chief that just got off the fire line at one of the many fires in Eastern Washington. Our lunch was very good and we saved half for dinner. Next we went to the old train depot in town. It is the oldest one standing in the state. The care taker was very informative. Then back to the park for the evening where we saw what looked like a body that was buried head first in the central yard of the park.

Or maybe it was a tree stump....

Sept 12, 2015
In the morning we hit the road for home. One more trip coming Sept 28 for four nights at Chelan. This is a trip we scheduled for the first of Sept but rescheduled because of the fires.

Pendleton, OR

Aug 31. 2015
We had about a 225 mile drive to Wildhorse RV Park just East of Pendleton, OR. We stayed here a couple of years ago when we came for the Round Up. What a difference in the occupancy of the park. It was jam packed for four days when we were her last. Now it gets to maybe 50% full for a night and then the over nighters leave with maybe 25% of the sites occupied. My sister Terry joined us later in the afternoon  in her rig for our four night stay. We hung around the park for the day relaxing in the warm weather. We got our little fire place going in the evening until the security people told us we couldn't have a fire. I asked when we checked in and they said it was okay. I'll clear it up in the morning.

Sept 1, 2015
After breakfast the three of us went into town to check out their underground tour. I tried to check it at the headquarters in the Working Girl's Hotel. It and the office for the tour were closed so we moved on touring downtown. There are some pretty cool shops including a western wear store that has been in business since the 1880's. There was also a great antique shop we visited where Gail found an old iron to add to her collection. We had lunch, did some grocery shopping and went back to the park. I walked to the pool for a refreshing swim and a little nap in the sun. Somebody's snoring woke me. Oh, I guess I was the only one there.. I went to the office and asked about the use of propane fires. The clerk said they are allowed and will tell security such. We had our fire that night with no repercussions.

Sept 2, 2015
Late in the morning we visited the Tamástslikt Cultural Institute which we did when we were here before. We were told the Indian name is pronounced phonetically like trying to eat a big sucker, "too much to lick." There is usually a travelling exhibit here. This time it was a tribute to the Native American occupation of Alcatraz in November 1969 until June 1971. It was quite a story. The full time exhibit is the story of the Native Americans during the settlement of the northwest. I came away with the feeling we were not gracious settlers to the natives taking away their lands, history and beliefs. My mother's side of the family settled in the Whitman Mission just west of Walla Walla. The family left the mission the day before the natives attacked and killed the remaining people in the mission. Gail and I visited the mission site a few years ago and it gave me a very strange feeling. After lunch we headed into the Wildhorse Casino. We stayed a couple hours and came out winners overall so went into the bar for a drink. Then back to the park for the evening.

Sept 3, 2015
After breakfast we went into Pendleton again for supplies. Then back to the park to chill. Gail and I went for a mile or so walk then sat around reading and relaxing.  Tomorrow we are off to Prosser for four days of wine country.

Terrebonne, OR

Aug 28, 2015
We arrived at River Rim RV Park at about noon. We stayed here a few years ago. The owners of the park, David and Renee are wonderful people. Our site had a great view of the golf course and a large yard area. After getting set up  we sat out and enjoyed the day. The weather was nice and is supposed to be for our three days in the park.

Aug 29, 2015
After breakfast we went for a drive to the Sisters area to do some exploring. We walked around Sisters for a bit then went to the top of MacKenzie Pass to the Dee Wright Observatory. This place is amazing. The altitude is 5325 ft and it was extremely windy, I mean 60-70 MPH. The area is about 50 square miles of lava fields. There is a 1/2 mile path you can walk but it was way too windy.  The observatory was built completely of lava and has holes in it that view the various mountains and craters in the area.
Dee Wright Observatory

Then we went to Camp Sherman for lunch at the store. We each had a great deli sandwich. Then we went to the Wizard Falls Fish Hatchery which was started in 1947. The Metolius River runs through the park like stetting of the hatchery.

We saw brook trout that were 14-16 inches long and an Atlantic Salmon that was over 20 pounds in one of the ponds. Then back to the park for the evening.

Aug 30, 2015
After breakfast we went into Bend for lunch and walk around town. Bend is a fun town with a lot to see and do. We gassed up the truck and headed back to the park. Tomorrow we drive just over 200 miles to Pendleton, OR

Cascade Peaks and Charleston, OR

July 29, 2015
We arrived at our home park near Packwood, WA just after noon. Tracy and family were already there and set up. A couple of hours later Hart Hughes and his family arrived. Then at about dinner time Hart's mom Vicki and his brother Aaron and his daughter Hadley pulled in with their new trailer. It was a busy day of getting set up and showing people around. We all sat around a fire at the kids' site into the evening.

July 30, 2015
After breakfast we went to see what the kids were going to do this day. The little kids wanted to go to the pool for a while and then they all went to the Cowlitz River to try to stay cool. It was about 100 degrees. They stayed down at the river all afternoon. It was too hot for us to go with there so we watched from the shore for a bit then went back to our site where we could sit in the shade. I went to the pool for a quick cool off. We had spaghetti dinner with them at their site and went back to our site after a while by their fire.

July, 31. 2015
I got up early to drive to a couple of fishing spots near Randle. They looked good but weren't productive so I went back to the park. We had a nice breakfast and went into Packwood for groceries and gas.  The others went back to the river for the afternoon. Steph and Caitlin arrived at about 2:30 so I walked them down to where the others were. Hart and Aaron asked if I would drive down river to a spot on Hwy 12 and pick them up if the floated down. I got a truck and met them at the designated spot. Five of them decided to float so I piled them in and took them back to the park. I took Hart and Aaron up river a bit for another float. Later in the evening Hart's sister Ashley came to join us. Her fiance, Kurt will come Saturday.

Aug 1, 2015
This was the third day of over 100 degrees. The park was very crowded as were the pools. It was a day of time at the pool and river for most. We stayed pretty close to our site where there was shade and some wind. After dinner everybody came to our site to play bocci ball after dark. We bought a set with lights in them. Most of us were also wearing glow strips so it was quite a site. Everyone left at about 10 for the night.

Aug 2, 2015
Everybody except us is heading home today. When we were ready to leave we went over to their site and said our good byes. We headed for Salem, OR for a night en route to the Oregon Coast.

Aug 3, 2015
We drove to Oceanside RV park in Charleston, OR. There was some construction and heavy traffic so it took us longer than expected. They have done some renovations to areas of the park that are nice upgrades. We hung around the park for the afternoon and evening. The ocean is a short walk on a path through sand dunes. The weather is supposed to be "beach nice" for our stay.

Aug 4, 2015
After breakfast we drove through the Cape Arago area to an area called Spencer's Reach. This is a gathering place for three types of sea lions gather among the rocks just off shore. This is also the northern most place Sea Elephants come to breed.

We took a round trip hike through the woods along the beach that was about 2.5 miles. Then back to the park for lunch. We then walked to the beach on the low tide and investigated the sea life in the tidal pools.

Aug 5, 2015
Before noon we headed out the the Cape Arago area again to do some more exploring. This was a harder hike than yesterday and was just over 3 miles. Here's a couple of pictures of a blown over root ball. In the white picture Gail is standing in the lower left so you can see how large it is. The darker pic is looking out to the ocean.

After our hike we drove into Coos Bay to shop and get gas. Then we went to lunch and a couple margaritas at the High Tide Cafe. Gail enjoyed her crab cake meal but the fried oysters I had didn't agree with me at all. This is the second time this has happened so I will not be having them anymore. We had a nice evening by our fire.

Aug 6, 2015
After relaxing at our site until late morning we drove to Basterdorf Beach. We had a good walk along the beach on loose and some harder sand. It was not a long walk but pretty difficult. Then back to the park for the afternoon and evening. Tomorrow we head for Woodburn, OR for the night before going home.

Aug 7, 2015
We got to Woodburn at about noon so decided to stay on the road and drive the last 200 miles hoping to get home by 4. NO SUCH LUCK. The traffic an Hwy 205 in Oregon was awful. Then it got bad in Chehalis, Olympia until past JBLM. Six hours to drive 200 miles. It was REALLY good to be home.

Welches, OR

Aug 26, 2015
We drove to Mt Hood Village RV Park for a two night stay. This is a real nice wooded park. Our site was away from most people and was very quiet and nice. We got set up and went to lunch at the on site restaurant. After our lunch we went to our site and enjoyed the surroundings. The weather was very nice and there were no fires allowed so we sat out in the evening enjoying the great weather.

Aug 27, 2015
This was another beautiful day. We drove into Welches to check it out. There were some shops that cater to the sportsmen that visit for skiing, boarding and fishing. We went to a place called Wrapatude where we had a nice lunch. Then back to the park where we went for a 2.75 mile hike along the Salmon River. There was a place that you can see the fish underwater through a glass viewing station. We had a nice evening and readied for a drive of about 100 miles to the Crooked River area near Redmond, OR.

Radium Hot Springs, Canada

July 17, 2015
We got an early start for our 179 drive to Radium Hot Springs Vacation Resort. The road to the resort is not a freeway so it took a little longer. We went through several towns along the way as well. We also drove by Lake Columbia which is where the Columbia River starts. It is a massive body of water as can be imagined. The village of Radium Hot Springs is very nice. The shops are quaint, there isn't a run down part of the community and the surroundings are magnificent. The RV park is huge with rental and permanent owned sites as well as owned houses.There are all the amenities that you could want. This is our camp site with the gazebo.

July 18, 2015
We drove into the village to check it out and do a little shopping. At the Chamber of Commerce we learned there are a couple hikes we can take. We drove into Kootenay Provincial Park to check out the hot springs. It was very crowded so we decided we will wait until Monday to check them out. Coming back into the park there was were 9-10 Big Horn Sheep at the park entrance.

It was a beautiful day so we sat out at the park. We met a neighbor from near Medicine Hat, Alberta. They have an 1100 acre farm producing wheat and other products as well as some livestock. We feel that he and his family are very nice country folk that really believe in a strong work ethic and family values. By their accent and some of their dress I believe they are of Dutch descent.

July 19, 2015
After breakfast we went into town to find a place for dinner. We settled on The Springs Golf Course. We then went for about a 2 mile hike along Spencer Creek. When going back into the park we saw some Long Horned Sheep at the entrance of the park. At about 4 we went back to the golf course for dinner. The views from the clubhouse were spectacular.

Then back to the park for the evening. The sun doesn't set here until about 10:30.

July 20, 2015
We woke at about 8 to a pretty good rain shower. This kept up all morning. At about noon we drove to the hot springs. This is a beautiful facility with a hot mineral pool and a cooler one for swimming and diving. After going there we went back into town and had a light lunch before going back tio the park. It was another great day with clearing skies and rainbows.

Tomorrow we head to Kalispell, MT for three nights.

Radium Hot Springs, Canada

July 17, 2015
We got an early start for our 179 drive to Radium Hot Springs Vacation Resort. The road to the resort is not a freeway so it took a little longer. We went through several towns along the way as well. We also drove by Lake Columbia which is where the Columbia River starts. It is a massive body of water as can be imagined. The village of Radium Hot Springs is very nice. The shops are quaint, there isn't a run down part of the community and the surroundings are magnificent. The RV park is huge with rental and permanent owned sites as well as owned houses.There are all the amenities that you could want. This is our camp site with the gazebo.

July 18, 2015
We drove into the village to check it out and do a little shopping. At the Chamber of Commerce we learned there are a couple hikes we can take. We drove into Kootenay Provincial Park to check out the hot springs. It was very crowded so we decided we will wait until Monday to check them out. Coming back into the park there was were 9-10 Big Horn Sheep at the park entrance.

It was a beautiful day so we sat out at the park. We met a neighbor from near Medicine Hat, Alberta. They have an 1100 acre farm producing wheat and other products as well as some livestock. We feel that he and his family are very nice country folk that really believe in a strong work ethic and family values. By their accent and some of their dress I believe they are of Dutch descent.

July 19, 2015
After breakfast we went into town to find a place for dinner. We settled on The Springs Golf Course. We then went for about a 2 mile hike along Spencer Creek. When going back into the park we saw some Long Horned Sheep at the entrance of the park. At about 4 we went back to the golf course for dinner. The views from the clubhouse were spectacular.

Then back to the park for the evening. The sun doesn't set here until about 10:30.

July 20, 2015
We woke at about 8 to a pretty good rain shower. This kept up all morning. At about noon we drove to the hot springs. This is a beautiful facility with a hot mineral pool and a cooler one for swimming and diving. After going there we went back into town and had a light lunch before going back tio the park. It was another great day with clearing skies and rainbows.

Tomorrow we head to Kalispell, MT for three nights.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Bonners Ferry, ID

July 15, 2015
I received a text from Tracy at about 9AM with a picture of the trout I gave them last night, Ten year old Emerson was up early and had it in the pan when the rest got up. Our drive to Bonners Ferry was interrupted with stops at three Les Schwab stores. Two of the original tires were worn on the inside tread as a result of misaligned axles. The Twisp store didn't have the tires so we drove to Grand Coulee to get them. This was about an hour delay. Then on to Davenport to stop to have the wheels torqued per instructions. We arrived at Blue Lake RV Resort near Bonners Ferry after our 7 hour drive. This is a nice park with a 3 acre lake on site.
Blue Lake from our site
The owners are great and the park is very clean with lots to do. After dinner I went to the office/deck area for their wine bar evening. I talked to several of the guests who were from places like Las Vegas, Nova Scotia and Alberta, Canada. Then back to our site for the evening.

July 16, 2015
After breakfast we drove 6 miles into Bonners Ferry. A few years ago we were here and found a cute 2nd hand store that had some great deals so we wanted to revisit it. It is now an antique and junque store like many are. There was way too much stuff and most was not that great. We went to the Kootenay Casino at the Best Western for lunch. We had a very nice sandwich and a beer. Then back to the park for the rest of the day. Tomorrow we are off to Radium Hot Springs in Canada.

Bonners Ferry, ID

July 15, 2015
I received a text from Tracy at about 9AM with a picture of the trout I gave them last night, Ten year old Emerson was up early and had it in the pan when the rest got up. Our drive to Bonners Ferry was interrupted with stops at three Les Schwab stores. Two of the original tires were worn on the inside tread as a result of misaligned axles. The Twisp store didn't have the tires so we drove to Grand Coulee to get them. This was about an hour delay. Then on to Davenport to stop to have the wheels torqued per instructions. We arrived at Blue Lake RV Resort near Bonners Ferry after our 7 hour drive. This is a nice park with a 3 acre lake on site.
Blue Lake from our site
The owners are great and the park is very clean with lots to do. After dinner I went to the office/deck area for their wine bar evening. I talked to several of the guests who were from places like Las Vegas, Nova Scotia and Alberta, Canada. Then back to our site for the evening.

July 16, 2015
After breakfast we drove 6 miles into Bonners Ferry. A few years ago we were here and found a cute 2nd hand store that had some great deals so we wanted to revisit it. It is now an antique and junque store like many are. There was way too much stuff and most was not that great. We went to the Kootenay Casino at the Best Western for lunch. We had a very nice sandwich and a beer. Then back to the park for the rest of the day. Tomorrow we are off to Radium Hot Springs in Canada.

Winthrop, WA

July 10, 2015
We hit the road early taking the North Cascade Highway to Winthrop. This is a beautiful drive. We hadn't taken it in over 35 years and were very impressed. The water in Diablo Lake is an amazing color. The color is caused by erosion of the rocks that is called rock flower. We thought it was caused by glacier melt.

If you make this drive plan on making it a leisurely trip. The road is winding with a lot of elevation change.
We arrived at Silverline Resort in Winthrop to a nice warm day in the 90's. We were here last year at about the same time of year. Daughter Tracy and family arrived later in the day to stay at Pearrygin State Park just across the lake from us. We went to visit them in the evening. I went fishing from one of the docks at our park. I caught a few small trout keeping one on my stringer. The biggest thing I caught was a crawdad. When I pulled my stringer up I found that a turtle or crawdad had taken the trout.

July 11, 2015
Early this morning I went over to the kid's park to go fishing with them in their new/used boat. Four of us tried various places on the lake getting several bites but no catches. Daughter Stephanie arrived with her girls this morning so we are all present. Gail and I went into town to walk around visiting the shops and restaurants. Back at the park we tried to stay cool as the temp was in the 90's again. I fished again catching three trout. They were pretty small so I gave them to a couple of girls that were fishing/playing on the dock.

July 12, 2015
I fished again this morning. I really like fishing. It's so peaceful and relaxing. The rest of the family is floating the Methow River today so we will meet up with them later in the day. We went into town for lunch. Today was another beautiful warm day.

July 13, 2015
After fishing we had breakfast and sat out at our site for a while. The "kids" were going to float another part of the river and asked me if I would like to go. It was about a 2 hour float covering 1.6 miles. There was 9 of us and we had a great time. Then we went back to the parks. Stephanie was leaving today so we said our good byes. I went to the lake and caught a pretty nice trout so I cooked it for Sydney and Emerson, Tracy's girls.

July 14, 2015
Again, I went fishing on a beautiful morning. Then we had breakfast and went to see what Tracy was up to for the day. Friends of theirs who live in Twisp were coming over bringing dinner so we visited with them before dinner. They brought a wonderful smoked brisket that we sampled before going to our site. I went fishing after dinner as usual. I had a very nice trout on that broke my 4 lb test line. Then I caught another one that was about 14 inches. I cleaned it and took it over to the kids for their breakfast. Tomorrow we drive to Bonners Ferry, ID.

Winthrop, WA

July 10, 2015
We hit the road early taking the North Cascade Highway to Winthrop. This is a beautiful drive. We hadn't taken it in over 35 years and were very impressed. The water in Diablo Lake is an amazing color. The color is caused by erosion of the rocks that is called rock flower. We thought it was caused by glacier melt.

If you make this drive plan on making it a leisurely trip. The road is winding with a lot of elevation change.
We arrived at Silverline Resort in Winthrop to a nice warm day in the 90's. We were here last year at about the same time of year. Daughter Tracy and family arrived later in the day to stay at Pearrygin State Park just across the lake from us. We went to visit them in the evening. I went fishing from one of the docks at our park. I caught a few small trout keeping one on my stringer. The biggest thing I caught was a crawdad. When I pulled my stringer up I found that a turtle or crawdad had taken the trout.

July 11, 2015
Early this morning I went over to the kid's park to go fishing with them in their new/used boat. Four of us tried various places on the lake getting several bites but no catches. Daughter Stephanie arrived with her girls this morning so we are all present. Gail and I went into town to walk around visiting the shops and restaurants. Back at the park we tried to stay cool as the temp was in the 90's again. I fished again catching three trout. They were pretty small so I gave them to a couple of girls that were fishing/playing on the dock.

July 12, 2015
I fished again this morning. I really like fishing. It's so peaceful and relaxing. The rest of the family is floating the Methow River today so we will meet up with them later in the day. We went into town for lunch. Today was another beautiful warm day.

July 13, 2015
After fishing we had breakfast and sat out at our site for a while. The "kids" were going to float another part of the river and asked me if I would like to go. It was about a 2 hour float covering 1.6 miles. There was 9 of us and we had a great time. Then we went back to the parks. Stephanie was leaving today so we said our good byes. I went to the lake and caught a pretty nice trout so I cooked it for Sydney and Emerson, Tracy's girls.

July 14, 2015
Again, I went fishing on a beautiful morning. Then we had breakfast and went to see what Tracy was up to for the day. Friends of theirs who live in Twisp were coming over bringing dinner so we visited with them before dinner. They brought a wonderful smoked brisket that we sampled before going to our site. I went fishing after dinner as usual. I had a very nice trout on that broke my 4 lb test line. Then I caught another one that was about 14 inches. I cleaned it and took it over to the kids for their breakfast. Tomorrow we drive to Bonners Ferry, ID.

Kalispell, MT

July 21, 2015
We arrived at Glacier Pines RV park in the early afternoon. The park is old and crowded. We couldn't put out our awning because it would block other rigs coming into their sites. There was also no room for us to sit by our RV so we had to sit behind it. There are a lot of permanent and long term rigs as well that are not in very good condition. A lot of the guests had similar comments about the park. We are going to e-mail the owner to express our feelings. On the brighter side the pool is great, the bathrooms are very clean and well maintained and the personnel are nice. We had a nice dinner and met some of our neighbors.

July 22, 2015
We had planned on going to Glacier NP but there was a fire on the East side of the park that had the Going-To-The Sun Road at Big Bend. We went to Glacier in 2006 when there was also a fire that had the road blocked at the same place so we decided not to go. Instead, we drove into Whitefish. This is a very nice community with lots of cool shops, restaurants and other attractions. We visited an art gallery that was amazing. The featured artists' works were incredible. We walked most of the town and headed back toward the park to get lunch. Then we sat at our site watching the rigs come in and try to fit into their sites. There were quite a few not so happy campers.

July 23, 2015
After breakfast we drove into downtown Kalispell. There are some interesting shops and businesses here. We cruised through many of them and went to lunch at a nice bistro for some pretty good split pea soup with pulled pork in it. Then back to the park where I went for an afternoon swim. Then another evening sitting in our site watching other campers.

July 24, 2015
We headed for Post Falls, ID this morning to spend one night before heading home. En route I missed a turn, not a rarity, that took us through Thompson Falls, MT, then over a narrow pass that took us into Wallace, ID. After we got set up in our park we went to Greg and Donna Wozny's home for a great BBQ dinner.

July 25, 2015
We were on the road before 8:30 to go home until July 29. We have an issue with the broken trailer step we need to get taken care of.

Kalispell, MT

July 21, 2015
We arrived at Glacier Pines RV park in the early afternoon. The park is old and crowded. We couldn't put out our awning because it would block other rigs coming into their sites. There was also no room for us to sit by our RV so we had to sit behind it. There are a lot of permanent and long term rigs as well that are not in very good condition. A lot of the guests had similar comments about the park. We are going to e-mail the owner to express our feelings. On the brighter side the pool is great, the bathrooms are very clean and well maintained and the personnel are nice. We had a nice dinner and met some of our neighbors.

July 22, 2015
We had planned on going to Glacier NP but there was a fire on the East side of the park that had the Going-To-The Sun Road at Big Bend. We went to Glacier in 2006 when there was also a fire that had the road blocked at the same place so we decided not to go. Instead, we drove into Whitefish. This is a very nice community with lots of cool shops, restaurants and other attractions. We visited an art gallery that was amazing. The featured artists' works were incredible. We walked most of the town and headed back toward the park to get lunch. Then we sat at our site watching the rigs come in and try to fit into their sites. There were quite a few not so happy campers.

July 23, 2015
After breakfast we drove into downtown Kalispell. There are some interesting shops and businesses here. We cruised through many of them and went to lunch at a nice bistro for some pretty good split pea soup with pulled pork in it. Then back to the park where I went for an afternoon swim. Then another evening sitting in our site watching other campers.

July 24, 2015
We headed for Post Falls, ID this morning to spend one night before heading home. En route I missed a turn, not a rarity, that took us through Thompson Falls, MT, then over a narrow pass that took us into Wallace, ID. After we got set up in our park we went to Greg and Donna Wozny's home for a great BBQ dinner.

July 25, 2015
We were on the road before 8:30 to go home until July 29. We have an issue with the broken trailer step we need to get taken care of.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Lake Goodwin

July 8, 2015
We drove about 60 miles to Lake Goodwin RV Park north of Everett. This place looked good on line and in a conversation I had with the owner. Both were very incorrect. There were a lot of long term campers staying in older beat up rigs. Most of the campers were there for longer vacations and had a lot of gear around their site. It was a mess. No need to return to this place. We spent the day catching up on our blog and enjoying the warm day.

July 9, 2015
After breakfast we drove to Deception Pass State Park and the Cranberry Lake area near Anacortes. Gail had gone there many times growing up and I had been there a few times so we wanted to revisit the area. It is a very nice park and the sites have limited amenities, no sewer hook ups. Then we went into Anacortes for lunch at the Brown Lantern Pub. We each ordered sandwiches of which we each ate half so we could trade and have for dinner. That's a creative way to have enough to eat and cut food costs and have a diverse menu. We seniors don't need a huge pub sandwich for one meal anyway,
Tomorrow it's on to Winthrop.

Lake Goodwin

July 8, 2015
We drove about 60 miles to Lake Goodwin RV Park north of Everett. This place looked good on line and in a conversation I had with the owner. Both were very incorrect. There were a lot of long term campers staying in older beat up rigs. Most of the campers were there for longer vacations and had a lot of gear around their site. It was a mess. No need to return to this place. We spent the day catching up on our blog and enjoying the warm day.

July 9, 2015
After breakfast we drove to Deception Pass State Park and the Cranberry Lake area near Anacortes. Gail had gone there many times growing up and I had been there a few times so we wanted to revisit the area. It is a very nice park and the sites have limited amenities, no sewer hook ups. Then we went into Anacortes for lunch at the Brown Lantern Pub. We each ordered sandwiches of which we each ate half so we could trade and have for dinner. That's a creative way to have enough to eat and cut food costs and have a diverse menu. We seniors don't need a huge pub sandwich for one meal anyway,
Tomorrow it's on to Winthrop.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Maryhill State Park

June 22, 2015
We left in the AM heading for Maryhill State Park for four nights. It was about 90 when we arrived and was going to be hotter during the week. We knew this but with the Columbia River right next to our site and the wind we would be okay.

June 23, 2015
After breakfast we went to Maryhill Winery which is one of our favorites. After some tasting and purchasing we went to Hood River to have lunch at Horse Feathers, a favorite of ours. It was closed for remodeling so we went to Full Sail Brewery for lunch, but not before stopping at Naked Winery to taste and see if it is a gimmick winery. Nope, they have nice wines so we bought a bottle.Then it was back to the park to sit by the river because it was very hot, mid 90's. We collected some rocks, even an agate, to take home. Virtually all the rocks are round and flat in that area. After dinner we sat out trying to enjoy the cooling night weather.

June 24, 2015
There was a skate boarding event called the Maryhill Festival of Speed gearing up while we were there. It is on a road that is down hill for 2 miles with 22 curves. After lunch we went to the course to watch some of the practicing. Those people are insane. Their protective gear was worn, torn, and beat up. The event was over the weekend which was forecasted to be over 105 degrees. We went back to the park after watching a bit and decided to cut this visit a day short and go home a day early.

June 25, 2015
We were up and on the road bright and early to beat the heat. We got home before 1 to more reasonable heat and our home.

Maryhill State Park

June 22, 2015
We left in the AM heading for Maryhill State Park for four nights. It was about 90 when we arrived and was going to be hotter during the week. We knew this but with the Columbia River right next to our site and the wind we would be okay.

June 23, 2015
After breakfast we went to Maryhill Winery which is one of our favorites. After some tasting and purchasing we went to Hood River to have lunch at Horse Feathers, a favorite of ours. It was closed for remodeling so we went to Full Sail Brewery for lunch, but not before stopping at Naked Winery to taste and see if it is a gimmick winery. Nope, they have nice wines so we bought a bottle.Then it was back to the park to sit by the river because it was very hot, mid 90's. We collected some rocks, even an agate, to take home. Virtually all the rocks are round and flat in that area. After dinner we sat out trying to enjoy the cooling night weather.

June 24, 2015
There was a skate boarding event called the Maryhill Festival of Speed gearing up while we were there. It is on a road that is down hill for 2 miles with 22 curves. After lunch we went to the course to watch some of the practicing. Those people are insane. Their protective gear was worn, torn, and beat up. The event was over the weekend which was forecasted to be over 105 degrees. We went back to the park after watching a bit and decided to cut this visit a day short and go home a day early.

June 25, 2015
We were up and on the road bright and early to beat the heat. We got home before 1 to more reasonable heat and our home.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Missoula and Post Falls

June 14, 2015
We drove about 300 miles to Missoula for the for the night. We stayed in the same park as we did on the way to Mt Rushmore.

June 15, 2015
It was about 175 miles to Post Falls, ID for the last night of our trip We went out to dinner at Capones Bar and Grill, one of the places we like to go when in the area. It was a nice warm evening so we sat out after dinner enjoying the stay.

June 16, 2015
We got home in the early afternoon to unpack and get get settled in until Monday when we head out again.

Missoula and Post Falls

June 14, 2015
We drove about 300 miles to Missoula for the for the night. We stayed in the same park as we did on the way to Mt Rushmore.

June 15, 2015
It was about 175 miles to Post Falls, ID for the last night of our trip We went out to dinner at Capones Bar and Grill, one of the places we like to go when in the area. It was a nice warm evening so we sat out after dinner enjoying the stay.

June 16, 2015
We got home in the early afternoon to unpack and get get settled in until Monday when we head out again.

Gardiner, MT/ Yellowstone

June 9, 2015
On our way to Worland, WY we drove through the Big Horn Mountains over Powder River Pass which is almost 10,000 ft high. The views were amazing. It was one of the most beautiful passes we have traveled. The peaks along the pass are as high as 13,000 ft. The RV park in Worland was nice and clean and the owners were great. We sat out watching distant thunder storms until about 10:30.
Thunder heads

June 10, 2015
Up and on the road before 9. We drove through Cody, WY to get to the east gate of Yellowstone and through the park to Gardiner, MT and our RV park. There was about 6 miles of road construction on the west side of the park that was awful. It was rough, dirty, muddy and narrow with multiple places where it was one lane. The truck and trailer were a mess. We did see some elk and bison on the route. After getting set up I cleaned the vehicles up a little and we sat around and had dinner and sat out until about 10:30.

June 11, 2015
 After breakfast we hit the road into Yellowstone and ventured into the north and eastern sections of the park. On the way traffic was stopped dead in both directions for some reason. We went into the oncoming direction to get through it and found that people in buses, cars, and RVs were interested in seeing a mama black bear and her two cubs. We got a glimpse of them as we were going through.
Mama bear
There are a lot of spectacular water falls in the park. Here is one and after we walked a bit farther we saw some mountain goats across the gorge from us.

We stopped at Tower Falls and hiked to the viewpoint. Then we continued south and west to the canyon center and headed for Old Faithful. It was a very long drive with people stopping to take pictures of bison and elk by the road.  

Old Faithful erupted about 30 minutes after we arrived and it was spectacular.

Then it was back to the RV park via the same crappy road I mentioned earlier. It wasn't quite as bad because we weren't towing the trailer but still over a 50 mile drive. We had a nice dinner and sat out again enjoying the nice weather.

June 12, 2015
In mid morning we headed back into Yellowstone and drove to Wraith Falls trail head. It was a nice 1 mile hike to the falls and back. The falls are not real high but are wide and shallow giving the water going over a rippling look as it goes over the rocks and downed trees. Then we went to Mammoth Springs and walked the boardwalk looking at the various springs and colors they have due to all the minerals in the water. The surrounding area has so much calcite in it it looks like a snow field. Overall pretty impressive. The day was nice and sunny until later in the afternoon some clouds came and we had an impressive thunder storm with hard rain following it. No fireplace this night.

June 14, 2015
We slept in this morning and had a good breakfast. We decided to not fight the weekend crowds in the park today. I looked it up and there is an average of almost 18,000 per day in Yellowstone in June. We could see the north gate from our site and there was a lineup of buses, cars and RV's all day. We went into the town of Gardiner, MT to check out the shops and other businesses. There was the usual shops with souvenirs, t-shirts and the like, an art gallery. a leather goods store and some restaurants. We stopped at the Iron Horse Bar and Grill on the Yellowstone River for a beer and a snack.There was a group of 20 or more bikers there from Strassbourgh, France. We spoke to one of them and learned that they flew into Denver and rented Harleys for a tour of several national parks on their 3600 mile, 14 day trip. It was interesting talking to them. We then went to K Pizza to have a late lunch and take leftovers back to the trailer. It was a sunny and fun day. We sat out by the fire after dinner until about 10 and then in to bed to rest up for our 290 drive to Missoula in the morning.

Gardiner, MT/ Yellowstone

June 9, 2015
On our way to Worland, WY we drove through the Big Horn Mountains over Powder River Pass which is almost 10,000 ft high. The views were amazing. It was one of the most beautiful passes we have traveled. The peaks along the pass are as high as 13,000 ft. The RV park in Worland was nice and clean and the owners were great. We sat out watching distant thunder storms until about 10:30.
Thunder heads

June 10, 2015
Up and on the road before 9. We drove through Cody, WY to get to the east gate of Yellowstone and through the park to Gardiner, MT and our RV park. There was about 6 miles of road construction on the west side of the park that was awful. It was rough, dirty, muddy and narrow with multiple places where it was one lane. The truck and trailer were a mess. We did see some elk and bison on the route. After getting set up I cleaned the vehicles up a little and we sat around and had dinner and sat out until about 10:30.

June 11, 2015
 After breakfast we hit the road into Yellowstone and ventured into the north and eastern sections of the park. On the way traffic was stopped dead in both directions for some reason. We went into the oncoming direction to get through it and found that people in buses, cars, and RVs were interested in seeing a mama black bear and her two cubs. We got a glimpse of them as we were going through.
Mama bear
There are a lot of spectacular water falls in the park. Here is one and after we walked a bit farther we saw some mountain goats across the gorge from us.

We stopped at Tower Falls and hiked to the viewpoint. Then we continued south and west to the canyon center and headed for Old Faithful. It was a very long drive with people stopping to take pictures of bison and elk by the road.  

Old Faithful erupted about 30 minutes after we arrived and it was spectacular.

Then it was back to the RV park via the same crappy road I mentioned earlier. It wasn't quite as bad because we weren't towing the trailer but still over a 50 mile drive. We had a nice dinner and sat out again enjoying the nice weather.

June 12, 2015
In mid morning we headed back into Yellowstone and drove to Wraith Falls trail head. It was a nice 1 mile hike to the falls and back. The falls are not real high but are wide and shallow giving the water going over a rippling look as it goes over the rocks and downed trees. Then we went to Mammoth Springs and walked the boardwalk looking at the various springs and colors they have due to all the minerals in the water. The surrounding area has so much calcite in it it looks like a snow field. Overall pretty impressive. The day was nice and sunny until later in the afternoon some clouds came and we had an impressive thunder storm with hard rain following it. No fireplace this night.

June 14, 2015
We slept in this morning and had a good breakfast. We decided to not fight the weekend crowds in the park today. I looked it up and there is an average of almost 18,000 per day in Yellowstone in June. We could see the north gate from our site and there was a lineup of buses, cars and RV's all day. We went into the town of Gardiner, MT to check out the shops and other businesses. There was the usual shops with souvenirs, t-shirts and the like, an art gallery. a leather goods store and some restaurants. We stopped at the Iron Horse Bar and Grill on the Yellowstone River for a beer and a snack.There was a group of 20 or more bikers there from Strassbourgh, France. We spoke to one of them and learned that they flew into Denver and rented Harleys for a tour of several national parks on their 3600 mile, 14 day trip. It was interesting talking to them. We then went to K Pizza to have a late lunch and take leftovers back to the trailer. It was a sunny and fun day. We sat out by the fire after dinner until about 10 and then in to bed to rest up for our 290 drive to Missoula in the morning.

Rapid City , SD

June 3, 2015
We left Kent just after noon, destination Rapid City SD, eventually We spent the night in Moses Lake. We spent the night of the fourth in Missoula, MT. We spent the of the fifth in Billings, MT. We arrived in Rapid City, SD on the sixth. A drive of almost 1300 miles in total. We are sure there is a more direct route than we took but that would be too easy. A little sarcasm there. We stayed 3 nights at Hart Ranch just south of Rapid City. It's a large beautiful park that has everything needed, except the first day, nicer weather. It was cloudy and windy with some thunder in the distance.  The forecast is good for our three nights here.  We had a nice dinner and sat out by the fire until about 11. Tomorrow out to Mt Rushmore, Crazy Horse Monument and the city of Custer.

June 7, 2015
After a good breakfast we drove about 20 miles in the sun to Mt Rushmore. This is our first time here and we were impressed. We hiked about 250 steps to the closest point you can go to view the faces.

We were going to go see the Crazy Horse Monument but they charge $11 each to visit the site and charge for virtually everything once you get in. We could see all we wanted to from the road.
Then it was on to the town of Custer. It was a beautiful day so there were lots of motorcycles on the road and in town. Gail commented that as noisy as it was here it must be a constant roar at Sturgis in August with hundreds more bikes going through town.

June 8, 2015
We left the park mid morning to see Deadwood, SD. We walked the town which is full of historical facts about the town and it's residents. There were many stores selling t-shirts and other memorabilia. quite a few of the businesses were closed for renovation prior to the tourist season. We didn't hang around for the traditional street gun fights because they are later in the afternoon. Some of the old hotels and casinos were pretty nice. Then it was off to Sturgis. Not much going on at this time year. We went to the Knuckle Saloon for lunch. It's hard to imagine how crazy this place could be during the motorcycle rally. Especially this year since it will be the 75th year.

Then back to the park to do some laundry and chill. I went to the pool for a quick refreshing dip. We had a simple dinner and sat out by the fireplace. Tomorrow is a travel day to Worland, WY for one night.

Rapid City , SD

June 3, 2015
We left Kent just after noon, destination Rapid City SD, eventually We spent the night in Moses Lake. We spent the night of the fourth in Missoula, MT. We spent the of the fifth in Billings, MT. We arrived in Rapid City, SD on the sixth. A drive of almost 1300 miles in total. We are sure there is a more direct route than we took but that would be too easy. A little sarcasm there. We stayed 3 nights at Hart Ranch just south of Rapid City. It's a large beautiful park that has everything needed, except the first day, nicer weather. It was cloudy and windy with some thunder in the distance.  The forecast is good for our three nights here.  We had a nice dinner and sat out by the fire until about 11. Tomorrow out to Mt Rushmore, Crazy Horse Monument and the city of Custer.

June 7, 2015
After a good breakfast we drove about 20 miles in the sun to Mt Rushmore. This is our first time here and we were impressed. We hiked about 250 steps to the closest point you can go to view the faces.

We were going to go see the Crazy Horse Monument but they charge $11 each to visit the site and charge for virtually everything once you get in. We could see all we wanted to from the road.
Then it was on to the town of Custer. It was a beautiful day so there were lots of motorcycles on the road and in town. Gail commented that as noisy as it was here it must be a constant roar at Sturgis in August with hundreds more bikes going through town.

June 8, 2015
We left the park mid morning to see Deadwood, SD. We walked the town which is full of historical facts about the town and it's residents. There were many stores selling t-shirts and other memorabilia. quite a few of the businesses were closed for renovation prior to the tourist season. We didn't hang around for the traditional street gun fights because they are later in the afternoon. Some of the old hotels and casinos were pretty nice. Then it was off to Sturgis. Not much going on at this time year. We went to the Knuckle Saloon for lunch. It's hard to imagine how crazy this place could be during the motorcycle rally. Especially this year since it will be the 75th year.

Then back to the park to do some laundry and chill. I went to the pool for a quick refreshing dip. We had a simple dinner and sat out by the fireplace. Tomorrow is a travel day to Worland, WY for one night.

Lake Chelan

May 25, 2015
We arrived at Lakeshore RV Park in Chelan at about 1:30, checked in and got set up. It was a nice, warm, mostly sunny day. The forecast was for clouds and thunder storms for the next couple of days. My sister Terry arrived a little later so we sat out enjoying the day and evening.

May 26, 2015

After a light breakfast we all took a walk into town to see if anything had changed since our visit in September. The visitor’s center and chamber of commerce has moved into new very nice facility so we stopped in to pick up brochures about the wineries and tasting rooms. There is also a new restaurant called Outlaw BBQ and Steak House that we might check out later in the week. Then to the hardware store to browse the goods and Safeway to pick up a couple things. We then went back to the park and got in the truck to go wine tasting and have lunch. We had a real good lunch again at the Lake Chelan Brewing Co. We tried to find a new winery called Chelangre La Winery in Manson that I saw online but were unsuccessful so moved on to Lake Chelan and Benson Wineries. It turns out the Chelangre La place doesn't exist, yet? We got back to the park at about 4:30, had dinner and sat out by the fire with a brief interruption for a thunder and rain storm lasting only about half an hour. We didn’t let it drive us indoors.

May 27, 2015
After we had breakfast Gail and I went for a drive to Chelan Falls and McNeil Canyon. We thought Chelan Falls was a waterfall that takes the Chelan River to the Columbia. Nope, it's just a small town with a few nice day use parks. The McNeil Canyon drive is very picturesque. From the drive you can see the Columbia River and Lake Chelan. The drive is quite a bicycle ride that is virtually all uphill with an average 12% grade. It was good to DRIVE it. Then we went back to the park, I had a light lunch and went to play golf at the municipal course. While I was golfing Gail and Terry walked into town. I got back to the park at about 6 so we had dinner and again sat out enjoying the evening.

May 28, 2015
We had breakfast and hit the road to check out some tasting rooms we hadn't visited before. On the way I took a wrong turn, which I am know to do frequently ending up checking out Bear Mountain Ranch which is a very nice golf course. I'll go play it in September when we return. Then back on track to Chelan Estate Winery. Our information indicated it was not open it was and we had a nice time with our hostess. After that we went to Karma Wines. We tasted wine, had some bread and went on our way with a nice bottle of Grenache. Then we returned to the park for the afternoon and evening. Tomorrow we head home until next Wednesday when we head East to Mt Rushmore, Deadwood, Cazy Horse Monument, Devil's Tower and Yellowstone.

Lake Chelan

May 25, 2015
We arrived at Lakeshore RV Park in Chelan at about 1:30, checked in and got set up. It was a nice, warm, mostly sunny day. The forecast was for clouds and thunder storms for the next couple of days. My sister Terry arrived a little later so we sat out enjoying the day and evening.

May 26, 2015

After a light breakfast we all took a walk into town to see if anything had changed since our visit in September. The visitor’s center and chamber of commerce has moved into new very nice facility so we stopped in to pick up brochures about the wineries and tasting rooms. There is also a new restaurant called Outlaw BBQ and Steak House that we might check out later in the week. Then to the hardware store to browse the goods and Safeway to pick up a couple things. We then went back to the park and got in the truck to go wine tasting and have lunch. We had a real good lunch again at the Lake Chelan Brewing Co. We tried to find a new winery called Chelangre La Winery in Manson that I saw online but were unsuccessful so moved on to Lake Chelan and Benson Wineries. It turns out the Chelangre La place doesn't exist, yet? We got back to the park at about 4:30, had dinner and sat out by the fire with a brief interruption for a thunder and rain storm lasting only about half an hour. We didn’t let it drive us indoors.

May 27, 2015
After we had breakfast Gail and I went for a drive to Chelan Falls and McNeil Canyon. We thought Chelan Falls was a waterfall that takes the Chelan River to the Columbia. Nope, it's just a small town with a few nice day use parks. The McNeil Canyon drive is very picturesque. From the drive you can see the Columbia River and Lake Chelan. The drive is quite a bicycle ride that is virtually all uphill with an average 12% grade. It was good to DRIVE it. Then we went back to the park, I had a light lunch and went to play golf at the municipal course. While I was golfing Gail and Terry walked into town. I got back to the park at about 6 so we had dinner and again sat out enjoying the evening.

May 28, 2015
We had breakfast and hit the road to check out some tasting rooms we hadn't visited before. On the way I took a wrong turn, which I am know to do frequently ending up checking out Bear Mountain Ranch which is a very nice golf course. I'll go play it in September when we return. Then back on track to Chelan Estate Winery. Our information indicated it was not open it was and we had a nice time with our hostess. After that we went to Karma Wines. We tasted wine, had some bread and went on our way with a nice bottle of Grenache. Then we returned to the park for the afternoon and evening. Tomorrow we head home until next Wednesday when we head East to Mt Rushmore, Deadwood, Cazy Horse Monument, Devil's Tower and Yellowstone.

Wine Country- Prosser

May 22, 2015
We arrived at Wine Country RV Park in Prosser to more nice weather. The park is going to be full this weekend with the Memorial weekend. After setting up we went to a couple of wine tasting rooms near the park. Then on to a late lunch/early dinner at Jeremy's Pub where we try to go when we are in the area. They have good pizza and very cold beer. Back at the park all  the sites were full so I met some of our neighbors and we went to the wine tasting in the park that is a Friday and Saturday night event. There were some lightning strikes about 20 miles East of us that were

May 23, 2015
After breakfast we went into town to the Farmer's Market where we bought some fresh cut asparagus and talked to two wine makers. Then it was off to several more tasting rooms and gift shops. We also visited the 7 Gables  B & B and Mercantile which is like a flea market with lots of stuff we didn't know we couldn't live without. Gail bought two nice necklaces. We met the winemaker from DavenLore Wine at the farmer's market so we went to his location for more tasting. He makes some very nice wines which we sampled and purchased one. Then we went back to the park for dinner and the evening. The park was pretty festive with all the people in the park. There were lots of kids on bikes, scooters and skate boards as well as a guy riding a motorized cooler through the park.

May 24, 2015
We had a pretty relaxing Sunday. We visited a couple more of our favorite tasting rooms and Bonnie's Vines and Gifts in town. Gail bought a very cute hat. Most of the folks in the park were still having a good time in the pool and miniature golf course.
Tomorrow we head for Lake Chelan for the week.

Wine Country- Prosser

May 22, 2015
We arrived at Wine Country RV Park in Prosser to more nice weather. The park is going to be full this weekend with the Memorial weekend. After setting up we went to a couple of wine tasting rooms near the park. Then on to a late lunch/early dinner at Jeremy's Pub where we try to go when we are in the area. They have good pizza and very cold beer. Back at the park all  the sites were full so I met some of our neighbors and we went to the wine tasting in the park that is a Friday and Saturday night event. There were some lightning strikes about 20 miles East of us that were

May 23, 2015
After breakfast we went into town to the Farmer's Market where we bought some fresh cut asparagus and talked to two wine makers. Then it was off to several more tasting rooms and gift shops. We also visited the 7 Gables  B & B and Mercantile which is like a flea market with lots of stuff we didn't know we couldn't live without. Gail bought two nice necklaces. We met the winemaker from DavenLore Wine at the farmer's market so we went to his location for more tasting. He makes some very nice wines which we sampled and purchased one. Then we went back to the park for dinner and the evening. The park was pretty festive with all the people in the park. There were lots of kids on bikes, scooters and skate boards as well as a guy riding a motorized cooler through the park.

May 24, 2015
We had a pretty relaxing Sunday. We visited a couple more of our favorite tasting rooms and Bonnie's Vines and Gifts in town. Gail bought a very cute hat. Most of the folks in the park were still having a good time in the pool and miniature golf course.
Tomorrow we head for Lake Chelan for the week.

Steamboat Rock State Park

May 19, 2015
We left home this morning in clouds and the temperature in the low 50’s heading for Steamboat Rock State Park on Banks Lake. When we reached Snoqualmie Summit the sun was out and the remainder of our drive was in beautiful sunshine reaching about 80 degrees by the time we reached the park. We took a short walk after getting set up during which we saw the first wild turkey we have seen in any of our two visits here. After dinner we sat out enjoying the evening. We’re really roughing it here without TV and sketchy radio reception.

May 20, 2015
After breakfast I went fishing on the East side of Banks Lake looking to catch trout. On my way through the park I saw a group of wild turkeys.
The turkeys are the dark spots by the tree

After an hour fishing I gave up the attempt having not gotten any bites and went back to the park. We had lunch and went for another walk around the park. Quite a few of the campers were leaving because with the coming Memorial Day weekend others have reservations will be moving in. There is a pond fed by the lake near our site so I geared up my fishing pole for bass fishing. I caught four nice ones keeping two of them to share with a neighbor and eat one myself. All of the fish were over 2 pounds with the largest about 4 pounds. It was really fun catching them. After dinner we sat out again and saw a raccoon going up a tree and settle in for the night. This was another first for us at the park.

May 21, 2015
We awoke to another beautiful day. After breakfast we took another walk where we found geological markers with information on how the lake and the monoliths around it were formed by massive floods and ice floes. We took a drive into Electric City, about 7 miles, to pick up some fishing gear for my new found desire to fish for more bass. I caught another big one, about 18 inches and over 2 pounds, as well as quite a few smaller ones all of which I released.
The Lunker
Today being the Thursday before Memorial Day the park was really filling up with campers for the long weekend. Tomorrow we are off to Prosser and Wine Country RV Park.

Steamboat Rock State Park

May 19, 2015
We left home this morning in clouds and the temperature in the low 50’s heading for Steamboat Rock State Park on Banks Lake. When we reached Snoqualmie Summit the sun was out and the remainder of our drive was in beautiful sunshine reaching about 80 degrees by the time we reached the park. We took a short walk after getting set up during which we saw the first wild turkey we have seen in any of our two visits here. After dinner we sat out enjoying the evening. We’re really roughing it here without TV and sketchy radio reception.

May 20, 2015
After breakfast I went fishing on the East side of Banks Lake looking to catch trout. On my way through the park I saw a group of wild turkeys.
The turkeys are the dark spots by the tree

After an hour fishing I gave up the attempt having not gotten any bites and went back to the park. We had lunch and went for another walk around the park. Quite a few of the campers were leaving because with the coming Memorial Day weekend others have reservations will be moving in. There is a pond fed by the lake near our site so I geared up my fishing pole for bass fishing. I caught four nice ones keeping two of them to share with a neighbor and eat one myself. All of the fish were over 2 pounds with the largest about 4 pounds. It was really fun catching them. After dinner we sat out again and saw a raccoon going up a tree and settle in for the night. This was another first for us at the park.

May 21, 2015
We awoke to another beautiful day. After breakfast we took another walk where we found geological markers with information on how the lake and the monoliths around it were formed by massive floods and ice floes. We took a drive into Electric City, about 7 miles, to pick up some fishing gear for my new found desire to fish for more bass. I caught another big one, about 18 inches and over 2 pounds, as well as quite a few smaller ones all of which I released.
The Lunker
Today being the Thursday before Memorial Day the park was really filling up with campers for the long weekend. Tomorrow we are off to Prosser and Wine Country RV Park.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Long Beach, WA

April 20, 20
We took the drive to Long Beach in hopes that the weather wouldn't be bad. The drive was uneventful and cloudy most of the way. I got my fishing and razor clam licenses for the trip. There was too much wind to sit out and there was a threat of wind. After getting set up we drove into town to see what changes there were since we were there last. More business are for sale and the tourists were minimal. The past weekend they had the annual Seafood Fest which we heard that it was quite busy. Then back to camp for the evening.

April 21, 2015
I got up at about 7 and went clamming. It took less than an hour to get my limit of 15 clams. Then back to the trailer for breakfast. We hung around the park for the day. Another typical early spring day. Windy!

April 22, 2015
I was up and clamming first thing in the morning. Another limit. Then we drove to Oregon, Fort Stevens to visit the stockade which we missed on a previous trip. It was closed so we just went to Costco to fuel up the truck. Then back the the beach for lunch. We ate at Castaways having chowder and fish and chips. It was really good. Then we drove on the beach all the way to the Oysterville access road. North of there we saw a building that looks like a lighthouse but we're not sure if it is a private home or what. Here is a picture of it.

Back at the park we sat out enjoying a rare sunny day. We sat behind our trailer to stay out of the wind. It really felt good.

April 23, 2015
When I got up to go lamming Gail asked if we could leave today instead of the tomorrow because of the weather. It was raining and blowing hard. I agreed that it sounded like a good idea. I went out and got another limit of clams, cleaned them and packed up for the drive home. My last limit.

We got home in the afternoon to some more wet weather.