Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Cascade Peaks and Charleston, OR

July 29, 2015
We arrived at our home park near Packwood, WA just after noon. Tracy and family were already there and set up. A couple of hours later Hart Hughes and his family arrived. Then at about dinner time Hart's mom Vicki and his brother Aaron and his daughter Hadley pulled in with their new trailer. It was a busy day of getting set up and showing people around. We all sat around a fire at the kids' site into the evening.

July 30, 2015
After breakfast we went to see what the kids were going to do this day. The little kids wanted to go to the pool for a while and then they all went to the Cowlitz River to try to stay cool. It was about 100 degrees. They stayed down at the river all afternoon. It was too hot for us to go with there so we watched from the shore for a bit then went back to our site where we could sit in the shade. I went to the pool for a quick cool off. We had spaghetti dinner with them at their site and went back to our site after a while by their fire.

July, 31. 2015
I got up early to drive to a couple of fishing spots near Randle. They looked good but weren't productive so I went back to the park. We had a nice breakfast and went into Packwood for groceries and gas.  The others went back to the river for the afternoon. Steph and Caitlin arrived at about 2:30 so I walked them down to where the others were. Hart and Aaron asked if I would drive down river to a spot on Hwy 12 and pick them up if the floated down. I got a truck and met them at the designated spot. Five of them decided to float so I piled them in and took them back to the park. I took Hart and Aaron up river a bit for another float. Later in the evening Hart's sister Ashley came to join us. Her fiance, Kurt will come Saturday.

Aug 1, 2015
This was the third day of over 100 degrees. The park was very crowded as were the pools. It was a day of time at the pool and river for most. We stayed pretty close to our site where there was shade and some wind. After dinner everybody came to our site to play bocci ball after dark. We bought a set with lights in them. Most of us were also wearing glow strips so it was quite a site. Everyone left at about 10 for the night.

Aug 2, 2015
Everybody except us is heading home today. When we were ready to leave we went over to their site and said our good byes. We headed for Salem, OR for a night en route to the Oregon Coast.

Aug 3, 2015
We drove to Oceanside RV park in Charleston, OR. There was some construction and heavy traffic so it took us longer than expected. They have done some renovations to areas of the park that are nice upgrades. We hung around the park for the afternoon and evening. The ocean is a short walk on a path through sand dunes. The weather is supposed to be "beach nice" for our stay.

Aug 4, 2015
After breakfast we drove through the Cape Arago area to an area called Spencer's Reach. This is a gathering place for three types of sea lions gather among the rocks just off shore. This is also the northern most place Sea Elephants come to breed.

We took a round trip hike through the woods along the beach that was about 2.5 miles. Then back to the park for lunch. We then walked to the beach on the low tide and investigated the sea life in the tidal pools.

Aug 5, 2015
Before noon we headed out the the Cape Arago area again to do some more exploring. This was a harder hike than yesterday and was just over 3 miles. Here's a couple of pictures of a blown over root ball. In the white picture Gail is standing in the lower left so you can see how large it is. The darker pic is looking out to the ocean.

After our hike we drove into Coos Bay to shop and get gas. Then we went to lunch and a couple margaritas at the High Tide Cafe. Gail enjoyed her crab cake meal but the fried oysters I had didn't agree with me at all. This is the second time this has happened so I will not be having them anymore. We had a nice evening by our fire.

Aug 6, 2015
After relaxing at our site until late morning we drove to Basterdorf Beach. We had a good walk along the beach on loose and some harder sand. It was not a long walk but pretty difficult. Then back to the park for the afternoon and evening. Tomorrow we head for Woodburn, OR for the night before going home.

Aug 7, 2015
We got to Woodburn at about noon so decided to stay on the road and drive the last 200 miles hoping to get home by 4. NO SUCH LUCK. The traffic an Hwy 205 in Oregon was awful. Then it got bad in Chehalis, Olympia until past JBLM. Six hours to drive 200 miles. It was REALLY good to be home.

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