Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Pendleton, OR

Aug 31. 2015
We had about a 225 mile drive to Wildhorse RV Park just East of Pendleton, OR. We stayed here a couple of years ago when we came for the Round Up. What a difference in the occupancy of the park. It was jam packed for four days when we were her last. Now it gets to maybe 50% full for a night and then the over nighters leave with maybe 25% of the sites occupied. My sister Terry joined us later in the afternoon  in her rig for our four night stay. We hung around the park for the day relaxing in the warm weather. We got our little fire place going in the evening until the security people told us we couldn't have a fire. I asked when we checked in and they said it was okay. I'll clear it up in the morning.

Sept 1, 2015
After breakfast the three of us went into town to check out their underground tour. I tried to check it at the headquarters in the Working Girl's Hotel. It and the office for the tour were closed so we moved on touring downtown. There are some pretty cool shops including a western wear store that has been in business since the 1880's. There was also a great antique shop we visited where Gail found an old iron to add to her collection. We had lunch, did some grocery shopping and went back to the park. I walked to the pool for a refreshing swim and a little nap in the sun. Somebody's snoring woke me. Oh, I guess I was the only one there.. I went to the office and asked about the use of propane fires. The clerk said they are allowed and will tell security such. We had our fire that night with no repercussions.

Sept 2, 2015
Late in the morning we visited the Tamástslikt Cultural Institute which we did when we were here before. We were told the Indian name is pronounced phonetically like trying to eat a big sucker, "too much to lick." There is usually a travelling exhibit here. This time it was a tribute to the Native American occupation of Alcatraz in November 1969 until June 1971. It was quite a story. The full time exhibit is the story of the Native Americans during the settlement of the northwest. I came away with the feeling we were not gracious settlers to the natives taking away their lands, history and beliefs. My mother's side of the family settled in the Whitman Mission just west of Walla Walla. The family left the mission the day before the natives attacked and killed the remaining people in the mission. Gail and I visited the mission site a few years ago and it gave me a very strange feeling. After lunch we headed into the Wildhorse Casino. We stayed a couple hours and came out winners overall so went into the bar for a drink. Then back to the park for the evening.

Sept 3, 2015
After breakfast we went into Pendleton again for supplies. Then back to the park to chill. Gail and I went for a mile or so walk then sat around reading and relaxing.  Tomorrow we are off to Prosser for four days of wine country.

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