Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Winthrop, WA

July 10, 2015
We hit the road early taking the North Cascade Highway to Winthrop. This is a beautiful drive. We hadn't taken it in over 35 years and were very impressed. The water in Diablo Lake is an amazing color. The color is caused by erosion of the rocks that is called rock flower. We thought it was caused by glacier melt.

If you make this drive plan on making it a leisurely trip. The road is winding with a lot of elevation change.
We arrived at Silverline Resort in Winthrop to a nice warm day in the 90's. We were here last year at about the same time of year. Daughter Tracy and family arrived later in the day to stay at Pearrygin State Park just across the lake from us. We went to visit them in the evening. I went fishing from one of the docks at our park. I caught a few small trout keeping one on my stringer. The biggest thing I caught was a crawdad. When I pulled my stringer up I found that a turtle or crawdad had taken the trout.

July 11, 2015
Early this morning I went over to the kid's park to go fishing with them in their new/used boat. Four of us tried various places on the lake getting several bites but no catches. Daughter Stephanie arrived with her girls this morning so we are all present. Gail and I went into town to walk around visiting the shops and restaurants. Back at the park we tried to stay cool as the temp was in the 90's again. I fished again catching three trout. They were pretty small so I gave them to a couple of girls that were fishing/playing on the dock.

July 12, 2015
I fished again this morning. I really like fishing. It's so peaceful and relaxing. The rest of the family is floating the Methow River today so we will meet up with them later in the day. We went into town for lunch. Today was another beautiful warm day.

July 13, 2015
After fishing we had breakfast and sat out at our site for a while. The "kids" were going to float another part of the river and asked me if I would like to go. It was about a 2 hour float covering 1.6 miles. There was 9 of us and we had a great time. Then we went back to the parks. Stephanie was leaving today so we said our good byes. I went to the lake and caught a pretty nice trout so I cooked it for Sydney and Emerson, Tracy's girls.

July 14, 2015
Again, I went fishing on a beautiful morning. Then we had breakfast and went to see what Tracy was up to for the day. Friends of theirs who live in Twisp were coming over bringing dinner so we visited with them before dinner. They brought a wonderful smoked brisket that we sampled before going to our site. I went fishing after dinner as usual. I had a very nice trout on that broke my 4 lb test line. Then I caught another one that was about 14 inches. I cleaned it and took it over to the kids for their breakfast. Tomorrow we drive to Bonners Ferry, ID.

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