Friday, June 28, 2013

Salem, OR

June 24, 2013
We hit the road for the 150 mile journey back to Salem. We stopped in Sisters at a drive in for car fries en route. We arrived at Hee Hee Illahee RV Resort at about 1:30. This is a very nice park with all the amenities we love. After settling in Carley and I went to recycle the aluminum and plastic we had accumulated and get gas for the trip home Wednesday. When we got back to the park the girls went swimming. It was mostly cloudy but they enjoyed themselves. Then dinner and outside for the evening. We couldn't have a fire so we set up some candles and a little space heater. It was our own little alter of happiness.

June 25, 2013
We woke to another morning of rain but a promise of a dryer day later. After breakfast the girls went for a bike ride around the park between rain showers. Caitlin made two head pieces with clover she picked at our campsite.

The weather forecast was for clearing at about 1PM. Sure enough the rain stopped on schedule so it was off to the pool. They swam for over an hour. I am really impressed with their swimming. They are both very strong in the pool. There were a couple of showers during their swim but did not deter them. Afterwards it was back to the trailer for some TV time and their favorite dinner of the trip, grilled chicken wraps with grilled pineapple. After dinner I went outside to a  nice evening so I asked if they would like to swim again. What a silly question.... Off to the pool for another hour of joy for them. We went back to the trailer for an evening sitting around outside. They were exhausted so went in earlier than usual. We leave in the AM for home.

June 26, 2013
We got Caitlin and Carley home at about noon. After unloading their stuff we headed home. It was a real joy having the girls on this trip with us. The only thing that would have made it better would have been more sunny days. One in nine just isn't right for the area we visited. We all made the best of it and had a great time. Thanks Steph for letting us steal your babies for nine days.

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