Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Burns, OR

June 10, 2013
We had about 200 miles of really desolate driving today. I swear I didn't make an appreciable turn for over 100 miles. Straight road as far as we could see in front and behind us. When we arrived in Burns, OR we found a nice community and a real nice RV park named after the town. We went into town for pizza and found Glory Days Pizza. It was real good and pretty inexpensive. We had leftovers, of course, so will be snaking on it for a few days. Then to Safeway for some groceries and aluminum recycling. We found a car wash so I could get the yuck off the truck from the "mud rain" and dust storm in Winnemucca. Back to the park for a great dinner of flat iron steak, grilled red potatoes and salad. We sat out enjoying our fireplace and the evening. I though it was raining on me but nooooo. It seems that bats spit, or something, and I am usually their target. Then to bed cause we have a long drive tomorrow and want to get an early start.

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