Saturday, June 15, 2013

O'Sullivan Sportsman's Resort

June 11, 2013
Up early for the long drive from Burns, OR to near Moses Lake. About 320 miles of pretty country side but was tiring. We decided 6.5 hours on the road is too long. We will make better plans in the future. It was sunny at O'Sullivan's Resort when we arrived but the wind was blowing real hard. The Potholes Resevoir had whitecaps and almost surf in places. We got settled in and took a walk around the park. We met a nice couple from New York that told us visiting Washington was the culmination of their goal to see all the states in their trailer. It took them three years. Now there's something for a bucket list.We told them about our travel blog. The woman had not heard of doing anything like this but does e-mail about their travels. We gave her our card with the Goleever address on it. She said she would probably like to do something like it. We tried to sit out after dinner but the wind was still blowing at about 15 MPH so at sundown we went in and read for a while. It is supposed to be warmer and less windy tomorrow.
I saw on the news that on Monday afternoon in Winnemucca there was a 27 vehicle pileup on the freeway near where we stayed. We left Monday AM.  It was caused by a major dust storm going through the area. We experienced a similar storm Sunday evening when we were there. Got out of there just in time.

June 12, 2013
we got up to a beautiful day. The wind had lessened to a nice breeze and the sun was shining brightly. We decided there was no reason for us to even go anywhere and just relax the day away. What a great idea. We  had breakfast and settled in to a day of reading and meeting new friends. In the afternoon we walked over to the golf course and had a drink for something to do. Then back to the park for dinner and sit around into the evening. We planned on getting an early start home in the morning so Gail could go to a dentist appointment so retired a little early.

June 13, 2013
Up at about 6:30 and on the road just after 7:30. We got home before 11 after the 165 mile drive. Home now for four days before leaving for Oregon with two of the grand daughters.

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