Friday, June 28, 2013

Bend, OR

June 18, 2013
We had a nice scenic drive of about 145 miles to Cascade Meadows RV Park about 20 miles South of Bend, OR. We stayed in this park three years ago. It is very well taken care of and the managers and help are very nice. We got set up and had lunch. Carley and Caitlin took a ride around the park and when they got back they told me the pool is open and wanted to go for a swim. It was only 67  degrees out but they said the pool was warm enough to for a swim. I watched them for an hour or so then we went back to our site. Had a nice dinner, time around the fire and off to bed. Here are the girls.....

June 19, 2013
Got up to a cold windy morning. We had some rain during the night. It was just not a very nice, weather wise day today. We started a puzzle during the morning and had lunch. Then we went to Sun River to visit Don's cousin Gloria. She and her husband Joe just bought a piece of land there. It's real nice. Their son Kelly was there with his wife Peg helping them do the electrical and plumbing. They have a nice "garage" that they are putting a bathroom and heat in. They can put three RV's on the property with full hook ups. It is quite a nice arrangement. When we left we walked through Sun River Village and had great ice cream cones. Then back to the park. The girls rode their bikes and played in the playground area for the afternoon. It was still pretty chilly but they had a good time. We had BBQ'd chicken thighs, sweet potatoes and peas for dinner. It was great. Then sat around the fire until it got too cold. It is getting down to the low 30's tonight.

June 20, 2013
We got up and had a great breakfast and went for a sightseeing drive and hike to the Newberry Caldera area. Approximately 7000 years ago this was created during a two phase eruption. Lava spilled out a side vent during the second phase and it cooled into a field of basaltic rock. There is a combination of pumice and obsidian in the fields. We drove to the obsidian floe parking lot and hiked into the lava, pumice and obsidian areas. We hiked along a trail that goes from the parking lot up through the lava, pumice and obsidian about a mile to the top of the trail. We hiked through some snow along the way. There were terrific views along the way. Here are some of the pictures we took.

We went into LaPine, just south of the park, for pizza lunch and had lots of leftovers. We went to a market that had corn on the cob and a couple things we needed. The girls and I had grilled corn on the cob for a snack before dinner. Delicious!!! We're going to get more before we leave Monday

June 21, 2013
We went into Bend after breakfast just to show the girls how quaint the town is. We walked the streets for about an hour. We found an ice cream shop like the one we stopped at the other day in Sun River so it was time for more cones. We stopped for some groceries on the way back to the park. I tried to show the girls tandem somersaults that we did when I was young. They had fun but couldn't quite get the hang of it. Then settled in for the windy night after dinner. We set up a great camp to shelter us from the wind while out enjoying our fire. It is supposed to be sunny and warm tomorrow so there will be some serious pool time happening.

June 22, 2013
We woke top a beautiful sunny day. After breakfast the girls and I went to the pool. The temp of the water was very comfortable.We had it all to ourselves for a couple of hours. The spa wasn't heated enough to enjoy. After the swim we went back to camp for a lunch of hot dogs, baked beans, and jalapeno chips. Carley and Caitlin wanted to try the tandem somersaults again and figured out how to do them. They made a video to send their Mom.

An hour or so later it was back to the pool. The spa was nicely heated so I went in and soaked. Soooo soothing. We had a great dinner, then out to the fireplace for the evening. The girls were pooped so we made up the beds so they could come in when the wanted. We all were in by 10:30 for the night. One more full day tomorrow. The weather isn't very promising.

June 23, 2013
As predicted it was a wet day today. At times it poured down rain but just was wet all day. We stayed around the camp except to go shopping for the last time on this trip. We did hang out by the fire after dinner in spite of the weather. Tomorrow we hit the road going back to Salem. A different park than last week.

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