Friday, June 28, 2013

Salem, OR

June 24, 2013
We hit the road for the 150 mile journey back to Salem. We stopped in Sisters at a drive in for car fries en route. We arrived at Hee Hee Illahee RV Resort at about 1:30. This is a very nice park with all the amenities we love. After settling in Carley and I went to recycle the aluminum and plastic we had accumulated and get gas for the trip home Wednesday. When we got back to the park the girls went swimming. It was mostly cloudy but they enjoyed themselves. Then dinner and outside for the evening. We couldn't have a fire so we set up some candles and a little space heater. It was our own little alter of happiness.

June 25, 2013
We woke to another morning of rain but a promise of a dryer day later. After breakfast the girls went for a bike ride around the park between rain showers. Caitlin made two head pieces with clover she picked at our campsite.

The weather forecast was for clearing at about 1PM. Sure enough the rain stopped on schedule so it was off to the pool. They swam for over an hour. I am really impressed with their swimming. They are both very strong in the pool. There were a couple of showers during their swim but did not deter them. Afterwards it was back to the trailer for some TV time and their favorite dinner of the trip, grilled chicken wraps with grilled pineapple. After dinner I went outside to a  nice evening so I asked if they would like to swim again. What a silly question.... Off to the pool for another hour of joy for them. We went back to the trailer for an evening sitting around outside. They were exhausted so went in earlier than usual. We leave in the AM for home.

June 26, 2013
We got Caitlin and Carley home at about noon. After unloading their stuff we headed home. It was a real joy having the girls on this trip with us. The only thing that would have made it better would have been more sunny days. One in nine just isn't right for the area we visited. We all made the best of it and had a great time. Thanks Steph for letting us steal your babies for nine days.

Salem, OR

June 24, 2013
We hit the road for the 150 mile journey back to Salem. We stopped in Sisters at a drive in for car fries en route. We arrived at Hee Hee Illahee RV Resort at about 1:30. This is a very nice park with all the amenities we love. After settling in Carley and I went to recycle the aluminum and plastic we had accumulated and get gas for the trip home Wednesday. When we got back to the park the girls went swimming. It was mostly cloudy but they enjoyed themselves. Then dinner and outside for the evening. We couldn't have a fire so we set up some candles and a little space heater. It was our own little alter of happiness.

June 25, 2013
We woke to another morning of rain but a promise of a dryer day later. After breakfast the girls went for a bike ride around the park between rain showers. Caitlin made two head pieces with clover she picked at our campsite.

The weather forecast was for clearing at about 1PM. Sure enough the rain stopped on schedule so it was off to the pool. They swam for over an hour. I am really impressed with their swimming. They are both very strong in the pool. There were a couple of showers during their swim but did not deter them. Afterwards it was back to the trailer for some TV time and their favorite dinner of the trip, grilled chicken wraps with grilled pineapple. After dinner I went outside to a  nice evening so I asked if they would like to swim again. What a silly question.... Off to the pool for another hour of joy for them. We went back to the trailer for an evening sitting around outside. They were exhausted so went in earlier than usual. We leave in the AM for home.

June 26, 2013
We got Caitlin and Carley home at about noon. After unloading their stuff we headed home. It was a real joy having the girls on this trip with us. The only thing that would have made it better would have been more sunny days. One in nine just isn't right for the area we visited. We all made the best of it and had a great time. Thanks Steph for letting us steal your babies for nine days.

Bend, OR

June 18, 2013
We had a nice scenic drive of about 145 miles to Cascade Meadows RV Park about 20 miles South of Bend, OR. We stayed in this park three years ago. It is very well taken care of and the managers and help are very nice. We got set up and had lunch. Carley and Caitlin took a ride around the park and when they got back they told me the pool is open and wanted to go for a swim. It was only 67  degrees out but they said the pool was warm enough to for a swim. I watched them for an hour or so then we went back to our site. Had a nice dinner, time around the fire and off to bed. Here are the girls.....

June 19, 2013
Got up to a cold windy morning. We had some rain during the night. It was just not a very nice, weather wise day today. We started a puzzle during the morning and had lunch. Then we went to Sun River to visit Don's cousin Gloria. She and her husband Joe just bought a piece of land there. It's real nice. Their son Kelly was there with his wife Peg helping them do the electrical and plumbing. They have a nice "garage" that they are putting a bathroom and heat in. They can put three RV's on the property with full hook ups. It is quite a nice arrangement. When we left we walked through Sun River Village and had great ice cream cones. Then back to the park. The girls rode their bikes and played in the playground area for the afternoon. It was still pretty chilly but they had a good time. We had BBQ'd chicken thighs, sweet potatoes and peas for dinner. It was great. Then sat around the fire until it got too cold. It is getting down to the low 30's tonight.

June 20, 2013
We got up and had a great breakfast and went for a sightseeing drive and hike to the Newberry Caldera area. Approximately 7000 years ago this was created during a two phase eruption. Lava spilled out a side vent during the second phase and it cooled into a field of basaltic rock. There is a combination of pumice and obsidian in the fields. We drove to the obsidian floe parking lot and hiked into the lava, pumice and obsidian areas. We hiked along a trail that goes from the parking lot up through the lava, pumice and obsidian about a mile to the top of the trail. We hiked through some snow along the way. There were terrific views along the way. Here are some of the pictures we took.

We went into LaPine, just south of the park, for pizza lunch and had lots of leftovers. We went to a market that had corn on the cob and a couple things we needed. The girls and I had grilled corn on the cob for a snack before dinner. Delicious!!! We're going to get more before we leave Monday

June 21, 2013
We went into Bend after breakfast just to show the girls how quaint the town is. We walked the streets for about an hour. We found an ice cream shop like the one we stopped at the other day in Sun River so it was time for more cones. We stopped for some groceries on the way back to the park. I tried to show the girls tandem somersaults that we did when I was young. They had fun but couldn't quite get the hang of it. Then settled in for the windy night after dinner. We set up a great camp to shelter us from the wind while out enjoying our fire. It is supposed to be sunny and warm tomorrow so there will be some serious pool time happening.

June 22, 2013
We woke top a beautiful sunny day. After breakfast the girls and I went to the pool. The temp of the water was very comfortable.We had it all to ourselves for a couple of hours. The spa wasn't heated enough to enjoy. After the swim we went back to camp for a lunch of hot dogs, baked beans, and jalapeno chips. Carley and Caitlin wanted to try the tandem somersaults again and figured out how to do them. They made a video to send their Mom.

An hour or so later it was back to the pool. The spa was nicely heated so I went in and soaked. Soooo soothing. We had a great dinner, then out to the fireplace for the evening. The girls were pooped so we made up the beds so they could come in when the wanted. We all were in by 10:30 for the night. One more full day tomorrow. The weather isn't very promising.

June 23, 2013
As predicted it was a wet day today. At times it poured down rain but just was wet all day. We stayed around the camp except to go shopping for the last time on this trip. We did hang out by the fire after dinner in spite of the weather. Tomorrow we hit the road going back to Salem. A different park than last week.

Bend, OR

June 18, 2013
We had a nice scenic drive of about 145 miles to Cascade Meadows RV Park about 20 miles South of Bend, OR. We stayed in this park three years ago. It is very well taken care of and the managers and help are very nice. We got set up and had lunch. Carley and Caitlin took a ride around the park and when they got back they told me the pool is open and wanted to go for a swim. It was only 67  degrees out but they said the pool was warm enough to for a swim. I watched them for an hour or so then we went back to our site. Had a nice dinner, time around the fire and off to bed. Here are the girls.....

June 19, 2013
Got up to a cold windy morning. We had some rain during the night. It was just not a very nice, weather wise day today. We started a puzzle during the morning and had lunch. Then we went to Sun River to visit Don's cousin Gloria. She and her husband Joe just bought a piece of land there. It's real nice. Their son Kelly was there with his wife Peg helping them do the electrical and plumbing. They have a nice "garage" that they are putting a bathroom and heat in. They can put three RV's on the property with full hook ups. It is quite a nice arrangement. When we left we walked through Sun River Village and had great ice cream cones. Then back to the park. The girls rode their bikes and played in the playground area for the afternoon. It was still pretty chilly but they had a good time. We had BBQ'd chicken thighs, sweet potatoes and peas for dinner. It was great. Then sat around the fire until it got too cold. It is getting down to the low 30's tonight.

June 20, 2013
We got up and had a great breakfast and went for a sightseeing drive and hike to the Newberry Caldera area. Approximately 7000 years ago this was created during a two phase eruption. Lava spilled out a side vent during the second phase and it cooled into a field of basaltic rock. There is a combination of pumice and obsidian in the fields. We drove to the obsidian floe parking lot and hiked into the lava, pumice and obsidian areas. We hiked along a trail that goes from the parking lot up through the lava, pumice and obsidian about a mile to the top of the trail. We hiked through some snow along the way. There were terrific views along the way. Here are some of the pictures we took.

We went into LaPine, just south of the park, for pizza lunch and had lots of leftovers. We went to a market that had corn on the cob and a couple things we needed. The girls and I had grilled corn on the cob for a snack before dinner. Delicious!!! We're going to get more before we leave Monday

June 21, 2013
We went into Bend after breakfast just to show the girls how quaint the town is. We walked the streets for about an hour. We found an ice cream shop like the one we stopped at the other day in Sun River so it was time for more cones. We stopped for some groceries on the way back to the park. I tried to show the girls tandem somersaults that we did when I was young. They had fun but couldn't quite get the hang of it. Then settled in for the windy night after dinner. We set up a great camp to shelter us from the wind while out enjoying our fire. It is supposed to be sunny and warm tomorrow so there will be some serious pool time happening.

June 22, 2013
We woke top a beautiful sunny day. After breakfast the girls and I went to the pool. The temp of the water was very comfortable.We had it all to ourselves for a couple of hours. The spa wasn't heated enough to enjoy. After the swim we went back to camp for a lunch of hot dogs, baked beans, and jalapeno chips. Carley and Caitlin wanted to try the tandem somersaults again and figured out how to do them. They made a video to send their Mom.

An hour or so later it was back to the pool. The spa was nicely heated so I went in and soaked. Soooo soothing. We had a great dinner, then out to the fireplace for the evening. The girls were pooped so we made up the beds so they could come in when the wanted. We all were in by 10:30 for the night. One more full day tomorrow. The weather isn't very promising.

June 23, 2013
As predicted it was a wet day today. At times it poured down rain but just was wet all day. We stayed around the camp except to go shopping for the last time on this trip. We did hang out by the fire after dinner in spite of the weather. Tomorrow we hit the road going back to Salem. A different park than last week.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Salem, OR

June 17, 2013
We picked up Carley and Caitlin, our 12 year old grand daughters in Olympia, at about 10:30 and headed out on a trip to Oregon. They had expressed an interest in going on a trip of more than a day or two with us so HERE WE GO. We drove about 210 miles to Salem to stay a night in the Salem Campground and RV Park. Here's a tip. DON'T STAY THERE! The inhabitants are mostly permanent residents and are not motivated to keep their surroundings presentable. We got settled in, went for a walk, had dinner and sat out by the fire until about 9:30. We got up early, 7ish, and hit the road for Bend to stay for 6 nights.

Salem, OR

June 17, 2013
We picked up Carley and Caitlin, our 12 year old grand daughters in Olympia, at about 10:30 and headed out on a trip to Oregon. They had expressed an interest in going on a trip of more than a day or two with us so HERE WE GO. We drove about 210 miles to Salem to stay a night in the Salem Campground and RV Park. Here's a tip. DON'T STAY THERE! The inhabitants are mostly permanent residents and are not motivated to keep their surroundings presentable. We got settled in, went for a walk, had dinner and sat out by the fire until about 9:30. We got up early, 7ish, and hit the road for Bend to stay for 6 nights.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

O'Sullivan Sportsman's Resort

June 11, 2013
Up early for the long drive from Burns, OR to near Moses Lake. About 320 miles of pretty country side but was tiring. We decided 6.5 hours on the road is too long. We will make better plans in the future. It was sunny at O'Sullivan's Resort when we arrived but the wind was blowing real hard. The Potholes Resevoir had whitecaps and almost surf in places. We got settled in and took a walk around the park. We met a nice couple from New York that told us visiting Washington was the culmination of their goal to see all the states in their trailer. It took them three years. Now there's something for a bucket list.We told them about our travel blog. The woman had not heard of doing anything like this but does e-mail about their travels. We gave her our card with the Goleever address on it. She said she would probably like to do something like it. We tried to sit out after dinner but the wind was still blowing at about 15 MPH so at sundown we went in and read for a while. It is supposed to be warmer and less windy tomorrow.
I saw on the news that on Monday afternoon in Winnemucca there was a 27 vehicle pileup on the freeway near where we stayed. We left Monday AM.  It was caused by a major dust storm going through the area. We experienced a similar storm Sunday evening when we were there. Got out of there just in time.

June 12, 2013
we got up to a beautiful day. The wind had lessened to a nice breeze and the sun was shining brightly. We decided there was no reason for us to even go anywhere and just relax the day away. What a great idea. We  had breakfast and settled in to a day of reading and meeting new friends. In the afternoon we walked over to the golf course and had a drink for something to do. Then back to the park for dinner and sit around into the evening. We planned on getting an early start home in the morning so Gail could go to a dentist appointment so retired a little early.

June 13, 2013
Up at about 6:30 and on the road just after 7:30. We got home before 11 after the 165 mile drive. Home now for four days before leaving for Oregon with two of the grand daughters.

O'Sullivan Sportsman's Resort

June 11, 2013
Up early for the long drive from Burns, OR to near Moses Lake. About 320 miles of pretty country side but was tiring. We decided 6.5 hours on the road is too long. We will make better plans in the future. It was sunny at O'Sullivan's Resort when we arrived but the wind was blowing real hard. The Potholes Resevoir had whitecaps and almost surf in places. We got settled in and took a walk around the park. We met a nice couple from New York that told us visiting Washington was the culmination of their goal to see all the states in their trailer. It took them three years. Now there's something for a bucket list.We told them about our travel blog. The woman had not heard of doing anything like this but does e-mail about their travels. We gave her our card with the Goleever address on it. She said she would probably like to do something like it. We tried to sit out after dinner but the wind was still blowing at about 15 MPH so at sundown we went in and read for a while. It is supposed to be warmer and less windy tomorrow.
I saw on the news that on Monday afternoon in Winnemucca there was a 27 vehicle pileup on the freeway near where we stayed. We left Monday AM.  It was caused by a major dust storm going through the area. We experienced a similar storm Sunday evening when we were there. Got out of there just in time.

June 12, 2013
we got up to a beautiful day. The wind had lessened to a nice breeze and the sun was shining brightly. We decided there was no reason for us to even go anywhere and just relax the day away. What a great idea. We  had breakfast and settled in to a day of reading and meeting new friends. In the afternoon we walked over to the golf course and had a drink for something to do. Then back to the park for dinner and sit around into the evening. We planned on getting an early start home in the morning so Gail could go to a dentist appointment so retired a little early.

June 13, 2013
Up at about 6:30 and on the road just after 7:30. We got home before 11 after the 165 mile drive. Home now for four days before leaving for Oregon with two of the grand daughters.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Burns, OR

June 10, 2013
We had about 200 miles of really desolate driving today. I swear I didn't make an appreciable turn for over 100 miles. Straight road as far as we could see in front and behind us. When we arrived in Burns, OR we found a nice community and a real nice RV park named after the town. We went into town for pizza and found Glory Days Pizza. It was real good and pretty inexpensive. We had leftovers, of course, so will be snaking on it for a few days. Then to Safeway for some groceries and aluminum recycling. We found a car wash so I could get the yuck off the truck from the "mud rain" and dust storm in Winnemucca. Back to the park for a great dinner of flat iron steak, grilled red potatoes and salad. We sat out enjoying our fireplace and the evening. I though it was raining on me but nooooo. It seems that bats spit, or something, and I am usually their target. Then to bed cause we have a long drive tomorrow and want to get an early start.

Burns, OR

June 10, 2013
We had about 200 miles of really desolate driving today. I swear I didn't make an appreciable turn for over 100 miles. Straight road as far as we could see in front and behind us. When we arrived in Burns, OR we found a nice community and a real nice RV park named after the town. We went into town for pizza and found Glory Days Pizza. It was real good and pretty inexpensive. We had leftovers, of course, so will be snaking on it for a few days. Then to Safeway for some groceries and aluminum recycling. We found a car wash so I could get the yuck off the truck from the "mud rain" and dust storm in Winnemucca. Back to the park for a great dinner of flat iron steak, grilled red potatoes and salad. We sat out enjoying our fireplace and the evening. I though it was raining on me but nooooo. It seems that bats spit, or something, and I am usually their target. Then to bed cause we have a long drive tomorrow and want to get an early start.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Winnemucca, NV

June 9, 2013
We drove 165 miles to Winnemucca, NV staying at an RV park with the same name. It is HOT. Like 100 today. We stayed cool by going into town and relaxing in a couple of casinos. No big money lost. Then to Ben's Discount Liquor to stock up for the rest of the summer. It was too hot to sit out so we stayed in the trailer with AC. It's about 8:30 and a huge dust storm blew in over the hills. Everybody is scrambling to get everything that is not anchored down taken care of. The trailer is really getting buffeted by the wind. On a much smaller scale this might be what it's like being in Oklahoma......

Winnemucca, NV

June 9, 2013
We drove 165 miles to Winnemucca, NV staying at an RV park with the same name. It is HOT. Like 100 today. We stayed cool by going into town and relaxing in a couple of casinos. No big money lost. Then to Ben's Discount Liquor to stock up for the rest of the summer. It was too hot to sit out so we stayed in the trailer with AC. It's about 8:30 and a huge dust storm blew in over the hills. Everybody is scrambling to get everything that is not anchored down taken care of. The trailer is really getting buffeted by the wind. On a much smaller scale this might be what it's like being in Oklahoma......

Wells, NV

June 8, 2013
Today it was about 200 miles to Wells Nevada. The town is almost a ghost town. Nothing to see in town so the lady at our park, Mountain Shadow RV Park, suggested we take a drive to Angel Lake. It's about 12 miles up a very windy road. We are at about 5600 feet elevation at the park and we gained another 3000. It is in the Humboldt-Toiyaba Mountains and forest. Near the top there was snow beside the road and it was 71 degrees. When we got to the lake it was amazing. There were waterfalls coming through the snow feeding the lake. I found out it was free, meaning no license, fishing weekend so I got my gear and we gave it a try but no luck. Others were catching small trout and kids were having a blast. Here are a few shots of the lake area.

Then back to camp for a relaxing afternoon and evening.

Wells, NV

June 8, 2013
Today it was about 200 miles to Wells Nevada. The town is almost a ghost town. Nothing to see in town so the lady at our park, Mountain Shadow RV Park, suggested we take a drive to Angel Lake. It's about 12 miles up a very windy road. We are at about 5600 feet elevation at the park and we gained another 3000. It is in the Humboldt-Toiyaba Mountains and forest. Near the top there was snow beside the road and it was 71 degrees. When we got to the lake it was amazing. There were waterfalls coming through the snow feeding the lake. I found out it was free, meaning no license, fishing weekend so I got my gear and we gave it a try but no luck. Others were catching small trout and kids were having a blast. Here are a few shots of the lake area.

Then back to camp for a relaxing afternoon and evening.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Garland, UT

June 7, 2013
We drove about 275 miles to Hot Springs RV in Northern Utah today. At first glance we weren't too impressed with the park but it turned out to be quite a nice stay. When we were setting up it was real windy. No awnings and the sun was quite hot so we moved around the perimeter of the trailer chasing the shade. They have an Olympic sized mineral spring pool that was very soothing on the old bones. They also had a couple of jacuzzi  tubs as well as a thermal heated pond for scuba diving. There is also a nine hole golf course as well as trails for horseback riding and ATV's. The Wausach Mountain Range is just East of the park. It's pretty impressive. We can also see part of the Rockies. The first pic is of one of the Wausach peaks, the second is the trails at the park and the Rockies with snow in the background.

The wind decreased in the evening so we were able to enjoy the beautiful sunset, stars and planets. It was tough picking out the best pictures but here are a few.

Garland, UT

June 7, 2013
We drove about 275 miles to Hot Springs RV in Northern Utah today. At first glance we weren't too impressed with the park but it turned out to be quite a nice stay. When we were setting up it was real windy. No awnings and the sun was quite hot so we moved around the perimeter of the trailer chasing the shade. They have an Olympic sized mineral spring pool that was very soothing on the old bones. They also had a couple of jacuzzi  tubs as well as a thermal heated pond for scuba diving. There is also a nine hole golf course as well as trails for horseback riding and ATV's. The Wausach Mountain Range is just East of the park. It's pretty impressive. We can also see part of the Rockies. The first pic is of one of the Wausach peaks, the second is the trails at the park and the Rockies with snow in the background.

The wind decreased in the evening so we were able to enjoy the beautiful sunset, stars and planets. It was tough picking out the best pictures but here are a few.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Boise, ID

June 1, 2013
We drove 225 miles to Boise along the Payette Scenic Byway. The first part of the journey was winding roads from Kamih through the Hells Canyon Receation area. What an awesome drive. It was magnificent. On the Payette River Scenic Byway the town of Riggins was having Big River Days so the place was jammed with rafters and fishermen.  McCall is a very pretty town of about 3000 people. McCall was settled in circa 1889-1891 and was a logging town. The last logging mill was closed in 1977. Now it is a year round destination resort, especially in the winter. They have the highest snowfall in the state with an average of 300 inches.The elevation is 5013 feet with  Brundage and Tamarack ski areas surrounding the town at over 7800 feet each. The drive through town and the rest of the way to Boise was very picturesque. We had forgotten the there was a time change so we arrived in Boise at about 2. Then lunch and get set up for 6 days in town. There was a concert going on at the Boise Hawks baseball field all day long and horse racing at Les Bois Stadium in the fairgrounds, both of which are adjacent to Riverside RV Park where we are staying. After getting settled we took a walk along the Boise River. The park is real busy with horsemen and other tourists. Gail called her friend, Sheryl Sherry, who moved here from Kent. We're going to see her and her husband tomorrow.

June 2, 2013
We slept in this morning til 8:40. I thought it was 6:20 when I checked the time but what a surprise. We drove into downtown Boise to walk around old town. What a quaint part of town. Lots of people enjoying the weather wandering around and enjoying the restaurants. We stopped at Moon's Cafe and had a milkshake as a snack. They were delicious and for mediums they were plenty large. Then we went to Gail's friend, Sheryl's house in Nampa about 20 miles away. She and her husband Tony live in a beautiful large home with their daughter and son in law. Tony came down with ALS about a year ago and is bedridden. He was hit the symptoms in reverse of usual. It affected his speech, ability to swallow and breathe on his own. He has spent time in the hospital but the family prefers having him at home where they can care for him. For all that he is afflicted with Tony has a great sense of humor and can use his hands and arms well. We stayed and visited with them for a couple hours. We left and stopped for a light dinner at Jakers, a new restaurant and bar in Meridian. Then back to the RV park for the evening. The wind was blowing all day and into the night so we weren't able to stay out late.

June 3, 2013
We got up, had breakfast and went for a walk along the Boise River which runs right by the RV park. It is paved and maintained by the city and county. We saw a lot of birds and nests.There was also a set of waterfalls on the river. We walked about 7 miles. It was pretty warm so when we got back Gail soaked her feet in a tub and I went to the river and soaked my feet in the COLD water. We had lunch and relaxed on the patio at our site, read our books, had cocktails, dinner and called it a day. It wasn't nearly as windy today. The sky was the bluest, clearest today Gail and I have ever seen. This picture doesn't do it justice.

June 4, 2013
Up and moving around 8ish. We then took a drive east and north to Idaho City. Idaho City was founded in 1862 as Brannuck amidst the Boise Basin gold rush during the Civil War. It was the largest rush since the California gold rush. The name was changed to Idaho City in 1864. At its peak in 1860 there were 200 businesses, 36 saloons and 24 law offices. The population was 7000 in 1864 making it the biggest town in the Northwest. Wood was the primary source for building and heat. The city burned in 1865, 1867, 1868 and 1871. They then built the main city offices and churches of stone and brick. Now the population of Idaho City is 485 and most of the old buildings are closed and run down. There are still a couple bars, city offices, a church and museum and other small businesses. It looks like a ghost town including the board sidewalks and hitching rails. We went into the Harley Saloon and had a nice cold beer. The owner is a lady from California that bought the bar in 1998 after seeing it on a motorcycle ride. We and one other person were the only customers but she said it rocks pretty good on weekends with regulars and some tourists.

June 5, 2013
Today we slept in and after breakfast went shopping at WalMart. Keystone Light $15.90/30 pack! When we got back to the park we took a 4+ mile walk along the Boise River. There are some mighty nice homes along the route.

Back to the site for lunch and reading in the beautiful sunny day. At 5 we went to Les Bois Park for horse races. It was lady's day so Gail got in free and they had $2.00 hot dogs so what else could we ask for. A couple of good winners would have been nice but Gail did win a couple bets. One of our neighbors had given us a tip on a race but it didn't pan out. The crowd watching was fun with the young ladies and men out in their finery. Some of them actually were watching the races. Back to camp to enjoy the evening.

June 6, 2013
Another beautiful day in Boise. It got up to 94 this afternoon. We took it easy around the park most of the day. We did some laundry and I walked around the park talking to other travelers. One of our neighbors, Dave Shaw, is on a two year trek around the country doing marathons, triathlons and iron man competitions. Just he and his big white labrador in a 22 foot trailer. This weekend there is a triathlon in Boise Dave is participating in. Later in the afternoon we went to Gail's friend Sheryl's house for dinner. We had a wonderful time into the evening, then back to the park to get ready to hit the road in the morning.

Boise, ID

June 1, 2013
We drove 225 miles to Boise along the Payette Scenic Byway. The first part of the journey was winding roads from Kamih through the Hells Canyon Receation area. What an awesome drive. It was magnificent. On the Payette River Scenic Byway the town of Riggins was having Big River Days so the place was jammed with rafters and fishermen.  McCall is a very pretty town of about 3000 people. McCall was settled in circa 1889-1891 and was a logging town. The last logging mill was closed in 1977. Now it is a year round destination resort, especially in the winter. They have the highest snowfall in the state with an average of 300 inches.The elevation is 5013 feet with  Brundage and Tamarack ski areas surrounding the town at over 7800 feet each. The drive through town and the rest of the way to Boise was very picturesque. We had forgotten the there was a time change so we arrived in Boise at about 2. Then lunch and get set up for 6 days in town. There was a concert going on at the Boise Hawks baseball field all day long and horse racing at Les Bois Stadium in the fairgrounds, both of which are adjacent to Riverside RV Park where we are staying. After getting settled we took a walk along the Boise River. The park is real busy with horsemen and other tourists. Gail called her friend, Sheryl Sherry, who moved here from Kent. We're going to see her and her husband tomorrow.

June 2, 2013
We slept in this morning til 8:40. I thought it was 6:20 when I checked the time but what a surprise. We drove into downtown Boise to walk around old town. What a quaint part of town. Lots of people enjoying the weather wandering around and enjoying the restaurants. We stopped at Moon's Cafe and had a milkshake as a snack. They were delicious and for mediums they were plenty large. Then we went to Gail's friend, Sheryl's house in Nampa about 20 miles away. She and her husband Tony live in a beautiful large home with their daughter and son in law. Tony came down with ALS about a year ago and is bedridden. He was hit the symptoms in reverse of usual. It affected his speech, ability to swallow and breathe on his own. He has spent time in the hospital but the family prefers having him at home where they can care for him. For all that he is afflicted with Tony has a great sense of humor and can use his hands and arms well. We stayed and visited with them for a couple hours. We left and stopped for a light dinner at Jakers, a new restaurant and bar in Meridian. Then back to the RV park for the evening. The wind was blowing all day and into the night so we weren't able to stay out late.

June 3, 2013
We got up, had breakfast and went for a walk along the Boise River which runs right by the RV park. It is paved and maintained by the city and county. We saw a lot of birds and nests.There was also a set of waterfalls on the river. We walked about 7 miles. It was pretty warm so when we got back Gail soaked her feet in a tub and I went to the river and soaked my feet in the COLD water. We had lunch and relaxed on the patio at our site, read our books, had cocktails, dinner and called it a day. It wasn't nearly as windy today. The sky was the bluest, clearest today Gail and I have ever seen. This picture doesn't do it justice.

June 4, 2013
Up and moving around 8ish. We then took a drive east and north to Idaho City. Idaho City was founded in 1862 as Brannuck amidst the Boise Basin gold rush during the Civil War. It was the largest rush since the California gold rush. The name was changed to Idaho City in 1864. At its peak in 1860 there were 200 businesses, 36 saloons and 24 law offices. The population was 7000 in 1864 making it the biggest town in the Northwest. Wood was the primary source for building and heat. The city burned in 1865, 1867, 1868 and 1871. They then built the main city offices and churches of stone and brick. Now the population of Idaho City is 485 and most of the old buildings are closed and run down. There are still a couple bars, city offices, a church and museum and other small businesses. It looks like a ghost town including the board sidewalks and hitching rails. We went into the Harley Saloon and had a nice cold beer. The owner is a lady from California that bought the bar in 1998 after seeing it on a motorcycle ride. We and one other person were the only customers but she said it rocks pretty good on weekends with regulars and some tourists.

June 5, 2013
Today we slept in and after breakfast went shopping at WalMart. Keystone Light $15.90/30 pack! When we got back to the park we took a 4+ mile walk along the Boise River. There are some mighty nice homes along the route.

Back to the site for lunch and reading in the beautiful sunny day. At 5 we went to Les Bois Park for horse races. It was lady's day so Gail got in free and they had $2.00 hot dogs so what else could we ask for. A couple of good winners would have been nice but Gail did win a couple bets. One of our neighbors had given us a tip on a race but it didn't pan out. The crowd watching was fun with the young ladies and men out in their finery. Some of them actually were watching the races. Back to camp to enjoy the evening.

June 6, 2013
Another beautiful day in Boise. It got up to 94 this afternoon. We took it easy around the park most of the day. We did some laundry and I walked around the park talking to other travelers. One of our neighbors, Dave Shaw, is on a two year trek around the country doing marathons, triathlons and iron man competitions. Just he and his big white labrador in a 22 foot trailer. This weekend there is a triathlon in Boise Dave is participating in. Later in the afternoon we went to Gail's friend Sheryl's house for dinner. We had a wonderful time into the evening, then back to the park to get ready to hit the road in the morning.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Kamiah, ID

Lewis and Clark Resort
May 30, 2013

We left the house at about 8:30 heading for Kamiah, ID. We had not seen some of the parts of Eastern Washington where we were going so we took the roads not so travelled . We took I-90 to Vantage and headed south and then east on Hwy 26. Then it was by Royal City then Othello, then Connell, Kahlotus, Starbuck, Delaney, Houser, Dodge and Pomeroy where we had a real good Lunch at Tonia’s Café,  in case you are ever there, then to Pahata, Alpona and through Clarkston. Next we crossed into Lewiston, Id. which has a very nice downtown area which we didn't necessarily have to drive through, while heading for our destination in Kamiah. It was a total of 354 miles in about 8 hours with the rest and lunch stops. I only had to ask for directions once.  I don’t get how they can call the park Lewis and Clark Resort. I guess if you have a hot tub, a pool even if it isn't open, a cafe and some rooms and cabins you can be a resort no matter what the conditions. It’s not a very nice park compared to the ones we have stayed in the past. The park itself has lots of trees and is kind of dark and muddy in spots. Our site is in the row closest to the road so is a little sunnier and has a great view. It’s only for two nights and $27 total. It has a cool 50's sign at the entrance. It's like going back a few decades. A taste of Americana.

We’re looking forward to sightseeing in the area tomorrow.

May 31, 2013
We drove into Kamiah to see what the population of 1300 does. They have a pretty cool hardware store that was very busy and seemed to have only women employees that were very knowledgeable and friendly. The bakery had about the biggest chocolate chip cookies we have seen so we got a couple for treats. Then back to the park.
We took a hike across the highway to an open field that had paths mowed for walking. It was about 1/2 mile along the Clearwater River. There was a large hill in the middle of it that is a part of the Nez Perce National Historical site. It is called the Heart of the Monster. The legend says that the monster was great coyote that took the fish from the river and animals that were hunted by the Nez Perce. Their story tellers told them to leave it all to the monster so they left. The legend says the  monster was frozen in the ground and what is left is the hill named the Heart of the Monster. Interesting stuff.
That night in the restaurant at the park they had a Prime Rib special. We didn't go but there was a lot of traffic going to it. It seemed like that was the thing to do in town on Friday night.

Kamiah, ID

Lewis and Clark Resort
May 30, 2013

We left the house at about 8:30 heading for Kamiah, ID. We had not seen some of the parts of Eastern Washington where we were going so we took the roads not so travelled . We took I-90 to Vantage and headed south and then east on Hwy 26. Then it was by Royal City then Othello, then Connell, Kahlotus, Starbuck, Delaney, Houser, Dodge and Pomeroy where we had a real good Lunch at Tonia’s Café,  in case you are ever there, then to Pahata, Alpona and through Clarkston. Next we crossed into Lewiston, Id. which has a very nice downtown area which we didn't necessarily have to drive through, while heading for our destination in Kamiah. It was a total of 354 miles in about 8 hours with the rest and lunch stops. I only had to ask for directions once.  I don’t get how they can call the park Lewis and Clark Resort. I guess if you have a hot tub, a pool even if it isn't open, a cafe and some rooms and cabins you can be a resort no matter what the conditions. It’s not a very nice park compared to the ones we have stayed in the past. The park itself has lots of trees and is kind of dark and muddy in spots. Our site is in the row closest to the road so is a little sunnier and has a great view. It’s only for two nights and $27 total. It has a cool 50's sign at the entrance. It's like going back a few decades. A taste of Americana.

We’re looking forward to sightseeing in the area tomorrow.

May 31, 2013
We drove into Kamiah to see what the population of 1300 does. They have a pretty cool hardware store that was very busy and seemed to have only women employees that were very knowledgeable and friendly. The bakery had about the biggest chocolate chip cookies we have seen so we got a couple for treats. Then back to the park.
We took a hike across the highway to an open field that had paths mowed for walking. It was about 1/2 mile along the Clearwater River. There was a large hill in the middle of it that is a part of the Nez Perce National Historical site. It is called the Heart of the Monster. The legend says that the monster was great coyote that took the fish from the river and animals that were hunted by the Nez Perce. Their story tellers told them to leave it all to the monster so they left. The legend says the  monster was frozen in the ground and what is left is the hill named the Heart of the Monster. Interesting stuff.
That night in the restaurant at the park they had a Prime Rib special. We didn't go but there was a lot of traffic going to it. It seemed like that was the thing to do in town on Friday night.