Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Our first blogged trip

Don retired March 15 with Gail following on April 19. After getting a lot done around the house and revising our initial plan we were ready to set out on May 23. The day before brought on some appehension and anxiety. Gail was worried about leaving the house for an extended time. We were both concerned about the cost of gas towing our trailer over quite a distance. We woke on May 23rd and pulled the trailer out of the driveway and headed South.
May 23- We drove 274 miles to Eugene, Or. staying at the Shamrock RV park advertised as being on the Willamette River. Yes the river did run by it but was not accessible. Very steep bank and swift current. The freeway was close enough to hear but not bad. However, lets mention the elevated train tracks on the North perimeter of the property. We saw and HEARD one AMTRAC and two freight trains during the late afternoon and early evening. There were up to five engines pulling and one pushing the freight trains all with horns they were prowd of. We'll see what the final overnight total will be. OK. There were three more trains during the night.
Tomorrow off to Lake Shasta for two nights.

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