Sunday, June 19, 2011


May 26-Drove 317 miles to Yosemite Lakes RV park. Nice sunny day for a long drive. The RV park is pretty nice. We have a great site beside a creek. The place is filling up fast for the long weekend. Relaxed around the park and met some nice fellow campers.

May 27- Got up at 6AM to go to Yosemite National Park. We were told to go early to avoid the crowds. Glad we did. It was about a 35 mile drive to the center of the park. A bear crossed the road on our drive in. What a beautiful place. Gail had some memories of going there when she was young that were rekindled. She saw the area where she and her family would tent camp.
We saw everything- Half Dome, El Capitan, 3 Brothers, Glacier Point, The Cathedral and Leaning Tower, all rock configurations. The waterfalls were as spectacular-Bridalveil, Yosemite, Ribbon, Silver Threads. Many more because of the amount of rain and snow this year.
It was a sunny day up to about 65 in mid day.
Here are some photos:

This is Yosemite Falls. It is actually two sets of falls. The sound was a thundering roar virtually wherever you were because of the volume of water this year.

Three Brothers. This is a great set of peaks named Eagle Peak, Middle Brother and Lower Brother. All are over 7000ft tall.

Bridalveil Fall is really spectacular. This was taken looking across the Merced River. The Peak right of the falls is Leaning Tower, named for that reason.

Then there is El Capitan. It is 7569 ft and ominous. It was such a clear day there were climbers on it. It takes one person two days to climb the face. Imagine sleeping in a sling hammock on it.

Another shot of  El Capitan with Half Dome in the distance. It is the sharp peak on the right between the trees with the white patch of snow.

And finally the Cathederal.

May 28- It rained really hard most of the afternoon and into the night so we did some tenter watching. Poor souls in the pouring rain. We went to explore the area but at $5.20/gallon for gas we didn't last long.

May 29- Another not very nice day weather wise so we stayed in camp and enjoyed not having to be outside.

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