Thursday, June 9, 2011

Coos Bay

June 8-156 miles to Coos Bay. Our park is very clean and quiet. Too quiet. Too many seniors and too many rules. Charleston is to the West and there are parks on the ocean. They are Sunset Bay, Shore Acres, Simpson Reef and Cape Arago. We drove to these to get an overview of what we can do later. We saw hundreds of seals, sea lions and other creatures of that ilk. It is pupping time and they were very noisy.
This a rock with hundreds of them making quite a ruckus.

June 9- We went back to the parks area and parked the truck at Sunset Bay. We started at a trailhead that took us through forests and to vistas of the coastline. Walking through the forest with the sun streaking through was wonderful. There were some redwoods on our walk. One had a base that was about 10' with six other trunks sprouted from it that were the size of a large fir tree. The views of the coastline were equally impressive. Here is a taste of what it is like.

We hiked about 5 miles on these trails. So much to see-all spectacular. At the end of the hike we returned using the road. We took a trail into another forested area. It was quite a steep climb after all we had covered. Don went about 3/4 of a mile up to look at some WWII bunkers. They were very overgrown. With the return hike and all we went about 6 miles. GREAT DAY!! We love hiking trails.

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