Sunday, June 5, 2011


June 4- Drove a whopping 72 miles to Mendocino. It was a windy, narrow two lane road sometimes going through a stand of redwood trees. There were more wineries and art tours but no stops. We're staying at Caspar Beach RV Park about three miles North of town. This is a very nice park with "everthing you need' to enjoy your surroundings. Here are a couple of pics of our new digs.



June 5-We awoke after hard rains to a pretty nice day. We visited the  Caspar Light House and preserve. Very interesting. It took alot of ship wrecks and the San Francisco fire before building the station. One ship that wrecked was the Frolic. She was mainly used, as other ships were, for bringing opium from the Far East. In the gift shop there was great information about the area. The area was originally inhabitated by the Pomo Indians. They are the weavers of the first baskets ever found to be made by any Indian tribe on the West Coast.
We then drove into Mendocino. What a wonderful village. It felt like we were walking around on a movie set. Great little shops, galleries and other businesses. Then back to the park for lunch and a walk in the sun on the beach. Tomorrow on to Klamath, Cal for our last two nights in California.

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