Sunday, June 19, 2011


May 26-Drove 317 miles to Yosemite Lakes RV park. Nice sunny day for a long drive. The RV park is pretty nice. We have a great site beside a creek. The place is filling up fast for the long weekend. Relaxed around the park and met some nice fellow campers.

May 27- Got up at 6AM to go to Yosemite National Park. We were told to go early to avoid the crowds. Glad we did. It was about a 35 mile drive to the center of the park. A bear crossed the road on our drive in. What a beautiful place. Gail had some memories of going there when she was young that were rekindled. She saw the area where she and her family would tent camp.
We saw everything- Half Dome, El Capitan, 3 Brothers, Glacier Point, The Cathedral and Leaning Tower, all rock configurations. The waterfalls were as spectacular-Bridalveil, Yosemite, Ribbon, Silver Threads. Many more because of the amount of rain and snow this year.
It was a sunny day up to about 65 in mid day.
Here are some photos:

This is Yosemite Falls. It is actually two sets of falls. The sound was a thundering roar virtually wherever you were because of the volume of water this year.

Three Brothers. This is a great set of peaks named Eagle Peak, Middle Brother and Lower Brother. All are over 7000ft tall.

Bridalveil Fall is really spectacular. This was taken looking across the Merced River. The Peak right of the falls is Leaning Tower, named for that reason.

Then there is El Capitan. It is 7569 ft and ominous. It was such a clear day there were climbers on it. It takes one person two days to climb the face. Imagine sleeping in a sling hammock on it.

Another shot of  El Capitan with Half Dome in the distance. It is the sharp peak on the right between the trees with the white patch of snow.

And finally the Cathederal.

May 28- It rained really hard most of the afternoon and into the night so we did some tenter watching. Poor souls in the pouring rain. We went to explore the area but at $5.20/gallon for gas we didn't last long.

May 29- Another not very nice day weather wise so we stayed in camp and enjoyed not having to be outside.


May 26-Drove 317 miles to Yosemite Lakes RV park. Nice sunny day for a long drive. The RV park is pretty nice. We have a great site beside a creek. The place is filling up fast for the long weekend. Relaxed around the park and met some nice fellow campers.

May 27- Got up at 6AM to go to Yosemite National Park. We were told to go early to avoid the crowds. Glad we did. It was about a 35 mile drive to the center of the park. A bear crossed the road on our drive in. What a beautiful place. Gail had some memories of going there when she was young that were rekindled. She saw the area where she and her family would tent camp.
We saw everything- Half Dome, El Capitan, 3 Brothers, Glacier Point, The Cathedral and Leaning Tower, all rock configurations. The waterfalls were as spectacular-Bridalveil, Yosemite, Ribbon, Silver Threads. Many more because of the amount of rain and snow this year.
It was a sunny day up to about 65 in mid day.
Here are some photos:

This is Yosemite Falls. It is actually two sets of falls. The sound was a thundering roar virtually wherever you were because of the volume of water this year.

Three Brothers. This is a great set of peaks named Eagle Peak, Middle Brother and Lower Brother. All are over 7000ft tall.

Bridalveil Fall is really spectacular. This was taken looking across the Merced River. The Peak right of the falls is Leaning Tower, named for that reason.

Then there is El Capitan. It is 7569 ft and ominous. It was such a clear day there were climbers on it. It takes one person two days to climb the face. Imagine sleeping in a sling hammock on it.

Another shot of  El Capitan with Half Dome in the distance. It is the sharp peak on the right between the trees with the white patch of snow.

And finally the Cathederal.

May 28- It rained really hard most of the afternoon and into the night so we did some tenter watching. Poor souls in the pouring rain. We went to explore the area but at $5.20/gallon for gas we didn't last long.

May 29- Another not very nice day weather wise so we stayed in camp and enjoyed not having to be outside.

Sunday, June 12, 2011


June 10-We left the depressing RV park in Coos Bay a day early and drove the 85 miles to Waldport, OR. The park here is on the Alsea River just out of town. We are the only traveling campers in the park. The rest of the rigs are people living full time or in town working and staying in the park. This seems to be the way it is fr us. Chinook RV is a real nice park and the owners are very accomodating. We walked around Waldport after we got set up checking out the local businesses. We needed ice and it was free if you spent $10 at a mini mart so I bought a book and a candy bar. Here are a couple pics of the park.

June 11-Went to Depoe Bay to wander around. The fishing charter boats were in so we watched the cleaning and packaging of their catch. Of course we had to wander through numerous gift shops. It's a wonder they all stay in business with so many of them competing. Then up to Salishan to look for a Butter Boy. No luck. Then to some beaches for beachcombing. We found a few agates and unusual rocks. Gail has been collecting rocks on our travels so we added to these. It was a beautiful day with little wind. Went to dinner at the Flounder, a tavern in Waldport, that has great burgers. We had a terrific sunset at our camp that I will share with you here.

June 12-We went back to Newport to see if we could find a way to walk the North jetty. We found a trailhead so set out across the beach to the jetty. We walked as far as allowed. The way was blocked by very large boulders. We returned to the truck and went to Old Town Newport for more site seeing. More fishermen with their catch, restaurants shops. WE FOUND OUR BUTTER BOY! We're going to use him tonight. Then back to camp. It started raining so it's a good time to work on the blog.
We leave tomorrow bright and early for about a 300 mile drive home. Thanks for following us on our trip. We go out again on July 6 to Montana, Alta Lake and maybe more.


June 10-We left the depressing RV park in Coos Bay a day early and drove the 85 miles to Waldport, OR. The park here is on the Alsea River just out of town. We are the only traveling campers in the park. The rest of the rigs are people living full time or in town working and staying in the park. This seems to be the way it is fr us. Chinook RV is a real nice park and the owners are very accomodating. We walked around Waldport after we got set up checking out the local businesses. We needed ice and it was free if you spent $10 at a mini mart so I bought a book and a candy bar. Here are a couple pics of the park.

June 11-Went to Depoe Bay to wander around. The fishing charter boats were in so we watched the cleaning and packaging of their catch. Of course we had to wander through numerous gift shops. It's a wonder they all stay in business with so many of them competing. Then up to Salishan to look for a Butter Boy. No luck. Then to some beaches for beachcombing. We found a few agates and unusual rocks. Gail has been collecting rocks on our travels so we added to these. It was a beautiful day with little wind. Went to dinner at the Flounder, a tavern in Waldport, that has great burgers. We had a terrific sunset at our camp that I will share with you here.

June 12-We went back to Newport to see if we could find a way to walk the North jetty. We found a trailhead so set out across the beach to the jetty. We walked as far as allowed. The way was blocked by very large boulders. We returned to the truck and went to Old Town Newport for more site seeing. More fishermen with their catch, restaurants shops. WE FOUND OUR BUTTER BOY! We're going to use him tonight. Then back to camp. It started raining so it's a good time to work on the blog.
We leave tomorrow bright and early for about a 300 mile drive home. Thanks for following us on our trip. We go out again on July 6 to Montana, Alta Lake and maybe more.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Coos Bay

June 8-156 miles to Coos Bay. Our park is very clean and quiet. Too quiet. Too many seniors and too many rules. Charleston is to the West and there are parks on the ocean. They are Sunset Bay, Shore Acres, Simpson Reef and Cape Arago. We drove to these to get an overview of what we can do later. We saw hundreds of seals, sea lions and other creatures of that ilk. It is pupping time and they were very noisy.
This a rock with hundreds of them making quite a ruckus.

June 9- We went back to the parks area and parked the truck at Sunset Bay. We started at a trailhead that took us through forests and to vistas of the coastline. Walking through the forest with the sun streaking through was wonderful. There were some redwoods on our walk. One had a base that was about 10' with six other trunks sprouted from it that were the size of a large fir tree. The views of the coastline were equally impressive. Here is a taste of what it is like.

We hiked about 5 miles on these trails. So much to see-all spectacular. At the end of the hike we returned using the road. We took a trail into another forested area. It was quite a steep climb after all we had covered. Don went about 3/4 of a mile up to look at some WWII bunkers. They were very overgrown. With the return hike and all we went about 6 miles. GREAT DAY!! We love hiking trails.

Coos Bay

June 8-156 miles to Coos Bay. Our park is very clean and quiet. Too quiet. Too many seniors and too many rules. Charleston is to the West and there are parks on the ocean. They are Sunset Bay, Shore Acres, Simpson Reef and Cape Arago. We drove to these to get an overview of what we can do later. We saw hundreds of seals, sea lions and other creatures of that ilk. It is pupping time and they were very noisy.
This a rock with hundreds of them making quite a ruckus.

June 9- We went back to the parks area and parked the truck at Sunset Bay. We started at a trailhead that took us through forests and to vistas of the coastline. Walking through the forest with the sun streaking through was wonderful. There were some redwoods on our walk. One had a base that was about 10' with six other trunks sprouted from it that were the size of a large fir tree. The views of the coastline were equally impressive. Here is a taste of what it is like.

We hiked about 5 miles on these trails. So much to see-all spectacular. At the end of the hike we returned using the road. We took a trail into another forested area. It was quite a steep climb after all we had covered. Don went about 3/4 of a mile up to look at some WWII bunkers. They were very overgrown. With the return hike and all we went about 6 miles. GREAT DAY!! We love hiking trails.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Klamath, Ca

Jun 6-Drove 192 miles to Klamath, Ca. There is really nothing to the town but there are the Redwoods, Klamath River and the Coast. We drove around a little to the Trees of Mystery where we saw the infamous Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox. Cruised the gift store and went to camp. The park is real nice and right on the river. We saw a few tour jet boats and fisherman but that's about it. The wind came up in the evening so it was inside early.
June 7-We went on hikes and site seeing today. Drove to several trailheads and walked exploring the woods, beaches and rocky coastline. It was really awesome. One place we went was an overlook of the mouth of the Klamath River about 600' above it. Very cool. I think all together we walked almost 4 miles. We had lunch at about 3 and went for a drive through the Prairie Creek Redwoods. Also very cool. Then back to camp for cocktails and dinner.

This shot is looking down river.

Tomorrow off to Coos Bay, Or. for three nights.

Klamath, Ca

Jun 6-Drove 192 miles to Klamath, Ca. There is really nothing to the town but there are the Redwoods, Klamath River and the Coast. We drove around a little to the Trees of Mystery where we saw the infamous Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox. Cruised the gift store and went to camp. The park is real nice and right on the river. We saw a few tour jet boats and fisherman but that's about it. The wind came up in the evening so it was inside early.
June 7-We went on hikes and site seeing today. Drove to several trailheads and walked exploring the woods, beaches and rocky coastline. It was really awesome. One place we went was an overlook of the mouth of the Klamath River about 600' above it. Very cool. I think all together we walked almost 4 miles. We had lunch at about 3 and went for a drive through the Prairie Creek Redwoods. Also very cool. Then back to camp for cocktails and dinner.

This shot is looking down river.

Tomorrow off to Coos Bay, Or. for three nights.

Sunday, June 5, 2011


June 4- Drove a whopping 72 miles to Mendocino. It was a windy, narrow two lane road sometimes going through a stand of redwood trees. There were more wineries and art tours but no stops. We're staying at Caspar Beach RV Park about three miles North of town. This is a very nice park with "everthing you need' to enjoy your surroundings. Here are a couple of pics of our new digs.



June 5-We awoke after hard rains to a pretty nice day. We visited the  Caspar Light House and preserve. Very interesting. It took alot of ship wrecks and the San Francisco fire before building the station. One ship that wrecked was the Frolic. She was mainly used, as other ships were, for bringing opium from the Far East. In the gift shop there was great information about the area. The area was originally inhabitated by the Pomo Indians. They are the weavers of the first baskets ever found to be made by any Indian tribe on the West Coast.
We then drove into Mendocino. What a wonderful village. It felt like we were walking around on a movie set. Great little shops, galleries and other businesses. Then back to the park for lunch and a walk in the sun on the beach. Tomorrow on to Klamath, Cal for our last two nights in California.


June 4- Drove a whopping 72 miles to Mendocino. It was a windy, narrow two lane road sometimes going through a stand of redwood trees. There were more wineries and art tours but no stops. We're staying at Caspar Beach RV Park about three miles North of town. This is a very nice park with "everthing you need' to enjoy your surroundings. Here are a couple of pics of our new digs.



June 5-We awoke after hard rains to a pretty nice day. We visited the  Caspar Light House and preserve. Very interesting. It took alot of ship wrecks and the San Francisco fire before building the station. One ship that wrecked was the Frolic. She was mainly used, as other ships were, for bringing opium from the Far East. In the gift shop there was great information about the area. The area was originally inhabitated by the Pomo Indians. They are the weavers of the first baskets ever found to be made by any Indian tribe on the West Coast.
We then drove into Mendocino. What a wonderful village. It felt like we were walking around on a movie set. Great little shops, galleries and other businesses. Then back to the park for lunch and a walk in the sun on the beach. Tomorrow on to Klamath, Cal for our last two nights in California.

Friday, June 3, 2011

More Wine Country

June 2-We went to more wineries and tasting rooms. The first was Dutcher Crossing. This is a quaint winery with some very good wines. The host was a nice young man who knew a lot about the business. He shared how vines can be stressed into producing better grapes in various ways. Tasting but no purchasing.
Then on to Truett-Hurst. The host was a great guy who used to sell to Magnolia HiFi. He had a heavy hand in our tasting. There is a creek that runs through the property. We decided to walk around for a bit and he insisted we take a glass of wine with us. The weather was cooperating so it was a good day. We bought a real nice bottle of Cabernet from him.
Then on to Francis Ford Coppola's winery. Gail referred to this place as an "adult theme park". There
was memorabilia from most of his movies and other things to enjoy. There was a pool for any of the guests to enjoy with two lifeguards. It looked like a movie set with personal cabanas each with a bench, vanity and private shower. Not warm enough to enjoy it. Four bocci ball courts for the guests to enjoy. There were many tasting bars and a very nice restaurant as well as outside and inside full bars. A real experience. You don't have to spend a dime. We just browsed and shopped. Too much vino already so no tasting. Here are some photos but they don't really show the true experience.



The winery experience in California is massive. It would take months to visit the entire area. We visited the smaller part of the whole area. We didn't touch Napa which we were told is more commercialized than what we saw with more wineries.

After all this we went to downtown Healdsburg for lunch and a walk. The sun blessed us so we sat in a park and had a picnic. We walked around the quaint town and found Bear Republic Brewing Co so went in and each enjoyed a handcrafted brew. Then back to camp. Another great day.

June 3- Woke up and had breakfast, did laundry, washed the floor and mini blinds, and fixed a light that wasn't working. It was about lunch time and wanted to have In N Out burgers.We looked on line and found there aren't any North of here so we went South to Santa Rosa for lunch. The burgers and fries were very very good. Glad we took the time to do it.
Tomorrow we head to Mendocino, only about 70 miles. So long for now.

More Wine Country

June 2-We went to more wineries and tasting rooms. The first was Dutcher Crossing. This is a quaint winery with some very good wines. The host was a nice young man who knew a lot about the business. He shared how vines can be stressed into producing better grapes in various ways. Tasting but no purchasing.
Then on to Truett-Hurst. The host was a great guy who used to sell to Magnolia HiFi. He had a heavy hand in our tasting. There is a creek that runs through the property. We decided to walk around for a bit and he insisted we take a glass of wine with us. The weather was cooperating so it was a good day. We bought a real nice bottle of Cabernet from him.
Then on to Francis Ford Coppola's winery. Gail referred to this place as an "adult theme park". There
was memorabilia from most of his movies and other things to enjoy. There was a pool for any of the guests to enjoy with two lifeguards. It looked like a movie set with personal cabanas each with a bench, vanity and private shower. Not warm enough to enjoy it. Four bocci ball courts for the guests to enjoy. There were many tasting bars and a very nice restaurant as well as outside and inside full bars. A real experience. You don't have to spend a dime. We just browsed and shopped. Too much vino already so no tasting. Here are some photos but they don't really show the true experience.



The winery experience in California is massive. It would take months to visit the entire area. We visited the smaller part of the whole area. We didn't touch Napa which we were told is more commercialized than what we saw with more wineries.

After all this we went to downtown Healdsburg for lunch and a walk. The sun blessed us so we sat in a park and had a picnic. We walked around the quaint town and found Bear Republic Brewing Co so went in and each enjoyed a handcrafted brew. Then back to camp. Another great day.

June 3- Woke up and had breakfast, did laundry, washed the floor and mini blinds, and fixed a light that wasn't working. It was about lunch time and wanted to have In N Out burgers.We looked on line and found there aren't any North of here so we went South to Santa Rosa for lunch. The burgers and fries were very very good. Glad we took the time to do it.
Tomorrow we head to Mendocino, only about 70 miles. So long for now.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Hetch Hetchy Valley

May 30- Hetch Hetchy Valley is on the road to the entrance to Yosemite Park. As you drive to the reservoir and valley you enter Yosemite Park. O'Shaughnessy Dam was built after the San Fransisco earthquake and fire in 1906 to serve as the city's water source as well as another dam at Lake Eleanor. O'Shaughnessy was completed in 1923 with a final raising height completed in 1938. The reservoir is 8 miles long which is the largest body of water in the park. Walking across the dam we saw a mother brown bear with two cubs. We took a climbing hike, round trip of about 5 miles on a rough path with loose rocks of all  sizes.The view was spectacular. We had to cross Tueeulala Falls either walking over wet rocks or, as Mom chose, wading through the water getting wet feet. At the end of climb up we had a great view of Wapama Falls cascading into the reservoir. Fortunately the return was mostly downhill. Coming around a corner in the path we saw another bear in a tree trying to get to some pitch. Overall a great day.
May 31-224 miles driven to Cloverdale in wine country. Seven hours because of many stops and traffic. We restocked the food in the trailer. Here for 4 nights.

Hetch Hetchy Valley

May 30- Hetch Hetchy Valley is on the road to the entrance to Yosemite Park. As you drive to the reservoir and valley you enter Yosemite Park. O'Shaughnessy Dam was built after the San Fransisco earthquake and fire in 1906 to serve as the city's water source as well as another dam at Lake Eleanor. O'Shaughnessy was completed in 1923 with a final raising height completed in 1938. The reservoir is 8 miles long which is the largest body of water in the park. Walking across the dam we saw a mother brown bear with two cubs. We took a climbing hike, round trip of about 5 miles on a rough path with loose rocks of all  sizes.The view was spectacular. We had to cross Tueeulala Falls either walking over wet rocks or, as Mom chose, wading through the water getting wet feet. At the end of climb up we had a great view of Wapama Falls cascading into the reservoir. Fortunately the return was mostly downhill. Coming around a corner in the path we saw another bear in a tree trying to get to some pitch. Overall a great day.
May 31-224 miles driven to Cloverdale in wine country. Seven hours because of many stops and traffic. We restocked the food in the trailer. Here for 4 nights.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Wine Country

May 31-AAHHH the California wine country. Our RV park is on a hill overlooking some vinyards and wooded properties. Here are a couple of photos of the park and the view from our site. This sunny day is a rarity for the area this year. The natives are calling this "Juneuary".


June 1- We went to a few smaller wineries close to our park. Fritz was close and had a real nice Syrah Red wine we liked so bought a bottle. This is Ferrari Carano which is a classic winery with beautifully kept grounds.                                                         

Wine Country

May 31-AAHHH the California wine country. Our RV park is on a hill overlooking some vinyards and wooded properties. Here are a couple of photos of the park and the view from our site. This sunny day is a rarity for the area this year. The natives are calling this "Juneuary".


June 1- We went to a few smaller wineries close to our park. Fritz was close and had a real nice Syrah Red wine we liked so bought a bottle. This is Ferrari Carano which is a classic winery with beautifully kept grounds.                                                         

Lake Shasta area

 May 24-Drove 284 miles to Shasta Lake Antlers RV Park where we stayed 2 years
 ago. This a very nice park. The employees were getting it ready for the long weekend. There were only about ten campers but they are full for the weekend and this is a big park. The weather was nice but it is expected to rain the next couple of days. The cover pic on the blog is our trailer in our favorite campsite.

This is a pic of some of the party boats being readied for the Memorial weekend.


Here is a shot of the lake from our campsite

May 25-Yes it did rain most of the day. We drove into Redding, about 25 miles, to shop and get a part for the trailer. We were able to take a walk and sit out later in the day. Tomorrow off to Yosemite.

Lake Shasta area

 May 24-Drove 284 miles to Shasta Lake Antlers RV Park where we stayed 2 years
 ago. This a very nice park. The employees were getting it ready for the long weekend. There were only about ten campers but they are full for the weekend and this is a big park. The weather was nice but it is expected to rain the next couple of days. The cover pic on the blog is our trailer in our favorite campsite.

This is a pic of some of the party boats being readied for the Memorial weekend.


Here is a shot of the lake from our campsite

May 25-Yes it did rain most of the day. We drove into Redding, about 25 miles, to shop and get a part for the trailer. We were able to take a walk and sit out later in the day. Tomorrow off to Yosemite.