Saturday, March 24, 2018

Arizona and Cailfornia

Feb 18, 2018
We left Kent at about 10 AM in the snow. We arrived in Canyonville, OR in the late afternoon and it was snowing and about 28 degrees. After we got set up we called for the casino shuttle to take us to Seven Feathers Casino for some light gambling and dinner

Feb 19
Up in the  morning heading for Flag City RV Park in Lodi, CA. We got gas in Canyonville, OR for $2.59 gal. Just south of Redding I had to fuel up and we paid $3.69 gal. OUCH! The park in Flag City is nice so we might use this stop again. It was only about 56 with a low of 38.

Feb 20
On the road again to Santa Clarita, CA and Valencia Travel Village. This place is okay but nothing great about it. We went to In N Out Burger for dinner. When we got back to the park we had neighbors from Vashon Island. It turns out they lived on the same street as Don Frohning, my long time boss at KCDA. Small world. The weather was still cool during the day and in the low 40's at night.

Feb 21
We stayed at Arizona Oasis RV Park on the Ca-AZ border. This park is by no means an oasis. It is all dirt and gravel. We had dinner at the local bar and eatery. The beer was cold and cheap and the pizza was terrific.

Feb 22-Mar 1
We arrive at Sunflower RV Resort in Surprise, AZ at about noon after stopping to wash the truck and trailer. This is a huge, over 1100 sites, park with lots of things going on. They have pickle ball, shuffleboard, tennis, bocci ball, three pools, a golf practice area and much more. After we got set up we went to the Tiki Lodge for happy hour. They have entertainment and dancing daily. Then back to our site for dinner.
Our friends, Greg and Donna were in San Diego for a Gonzaga basketball game returning the 23rd. They called us that afternoon to make plans to meet for dinner at Wild Horse West Burgers, one of the best ever.
On the 24th we invited our nephew Lance and his family to the park for lunch. We had burgers, hot dogs, pasta salad, watermelon, grilled asparagus and corn on the cob. Lets not forget the cheesecake for desert. It was great to see them.
We had Greg and Donna to the park on Sunday. We walked around the park showing all that was there ending up at the Tiki Lounge for a few drinks.
On Monday I played golf with Greg and then we went to their home for dinner. This was the warmest day, 71, we had so far.
Tuesday Greg and Donna picked us up for a drive to Wickenburg. This is a quaint western themed town about 30 minutes from our park. We walked the town checking out shops and other attractions. we had lunch at the Mecca. A nice place that had maybe the best street tacos, $1.25 each, I've ever had. Then it was back to the park. We walked to the Tiki Lounge for a drink and after about 30 minutes clouds blew in and the wind kicked up. We adjourned to the trailer and Greg and Donna left just as it started to rain. I mean it rained HARD for hours.
Wednesday Greg and I played golf again and we got pizza for dinner at Greg and Donna's

Mar 1- 11
We drove to Palm Springs for an 11 night stay. We had some great times with our friends Teddi and Dave Edwards, Donna Lang, Rob and Sheila Nelson and Sherral and Gary Lane. Gail and I went to school with Teddi, Donna and Sherral. Sherral and Gary had Teddi and Dave and us to dinner at their home in Bermuda Dunes Country Club. It was a great evening of chatter about school days, friendships and a salmon dinner with salad and potatoes. Sherral and Gary haev a summer place on Camano Island and invited us to visit in August.
There are new owners at Catalina Spa and Resort where we stay and they are putting money into improvements and service. I was able to play lots of water volley ball.
We took a tour of Cabot's Pueblo Museum. This is a very interesting tour about how Cabot Yerxa spent 25 years building the pueblo from re-purposed materials and his artifacts and art.
Seven of us went to dinner for my birthday at John Henry's Grill. We had a great time and will go there again. Really good food at reasonable prices. Teddi had us over for dinner to early celebrate our anniversary. She fixed a great pork tenderloin dinner.
The weather in Palm Springs was nice. Most days were in the upper 70's-mid 80's.

Mar 12
We headed for home this morning with stops in Santa Nella, CA, Yreka, CA and Woodburn, OR, We got home on Mar 15.
When we left Yreka we stopped at All Star Liquor for some booze. It was about 9:30 AM and there was only one other car in the parking lot. As we were walking to the store I heard, "I know those people." It was cousin Judy from McKenna. She and Howard had driven to Ashland, OR for a couple day trip but the weather and traffic were awful so they decided to go to the liquor store and head home. What a coincidence!
We got home safely in our 3600 mile trip with no mechanical issues.

Prosser and Chelan

Sept 7-10
We had another great trip to Prosser visiting wineries and their tasting rooms. The weather was nice for the whole trip so I was able to enjoy some pool time,

Sept 11-14
We drove to Chelan on Monday and got set up in our site. My sister Terry arrived in the afternoon. On the 12th we visited our usual wineries and Gail and I had Mexican lunch in the early afternoon. On the 13th we hung around the park in the morning. In the afternoon I played golf with my buddy Greg who I used to work with.
On the 14th we went exploring for wineries and tasting rooms we had not visited in the past. We found Cairdeas, Hard Row to Hoe and Tunnel Ridge wineries. They are nice so we plan on visiting them on future visits

Sept 15
We headed home for the final time this travel season. We had a great year.

Rockaway Beach, Charleston and Bend, OR

July 30, 2017
We drove to Rockaway Beach on Hwy 101. The sun was out for the two days we were there but the wind blew very hard. We went to our RV site, unhooked and went into town for a late lunch.  Then we went back to the park to get set up. The beach was very close so we braved the wind and took a walk. Back at our site we parked the truck to block the wind as best we could and sat out for a bit.

July 31, 2017
After breakfast we drove to Tillamook and had lunch at a Brewery. Then back to the park, and wind, for the rest of the day. Tomorrow we head to Charleston, OR for a 3 night stay.

Aug 1, 2017
We arrived at Oceanside RV Park just after noon and set up the trailer. Our site was next to a path leading to the beach. We went into town for a nice lunch at the High Tide Cafe. Then back to camp for the evening. We walked down to the beach to see the sunset.
Then we went back to our site and enjoyed a fire until about 11.

Aug 2, 2017
We drove to Cape Arago State Park and viewed Shell Island where thousands of sea lions and Elephant seals come to mate and molt. Then we took about a 3 mile hike through the woods and along the ocean. We went back to the park and had lunch. Then we walked to the ocean for low tide. The tidal pools were interesting with anemones and little crabs in them. There was an overhang with various colors of moss and lichen.
Then later we walked down to the beach for another great sunset

Aug 3, 2017
After breakfast we drove to the town of Bannon. There are many nice shops, galleries and restaurants in town. Outside of town there are some very nice golf courses. After walking through the town we returned to Charleston and went to lunch at Millers on the Cove where we had some very good fish and chips. Then back to the park and a nice walk on the beach. Oh yes there was another terrific sunset.
Tomorrow we head to Bend, OR for a night before driving to Boise.

Aug 4, 2017
It was a long drive to Bend made even longer because of a wreck on Hwy 20 where a truck and fifth wheel crashed in the opposite lane. Traffic was being let through one lane at a time. We finally got to Bend and spent the night before heading to Caldwell, ID near Boise.

Caldwell, ID

Aug 5, 2017
We got to Caldwell and Ambassador RV Park early afternoon. This is a very nice park where we have stayed before. It was nearing 100 degrees and smokey in the park. We were here to visit Gail's friend Sheryl and her husband Tony and their family. Tony has ALS and is confined to his bed.

Aug 6, 2017
After breakfast Sheryl came to the park and we went to a few wine tasting rooms before having lunch. Then back to the park where we sat out and talked the afternoon away. It was a good day.

Aug 7, 2017
We went to Sheryl's home for the day. After lunch Sheryl's daughter and her family got home from a camping trip. After they unpacked most of us went in the pool to cool off  in from the hot afternoon. Then we had a nice dinner after which we went back to our RV park for the evening.

Aug 8 and 9
We spent more time with Sheryl, Tony and their family these days at their home. It was nice and relaxing except when I was swimming with their young children. We were back at the park in the early afternoon both days.

Aug 10
We left Caldwell today headed to Prosser for one night before heading home.

Aug 11 We left Prosser by 9:30 so got home about 12:30