Sunday, May 26, 2013

Wenatchee River County Park

May 21, 2013
We woke in Chelan to cooler temperature and some drizzle, had breakfast and got the trailer ready for the drive to Wenatchee River County Park. We left just before 11 and made a stop at WalMart in Chelan and started the drive in the rain. It rained pretty hard all the way to Wenatchee Costco. We provisioned up and hit the road to the park. The rain lessened then stopped while I set us up and Gail did some laundry. At about 2:30 we went to the Smallwoods Store, a gift/produce/most anything place. Then to the 111 Brewery in Cashmere, which was not a brewery yet, but a pub. When we got back to the park it was nice enough for us to sit out until about 6. We had dinner and enjoyed the evening reading and blogging. Here is a pic of a cloud that showed a little pink over a hill at sunset.

May 22, 2013
Well, it was a dreary, grey, rainy day on the Wenatchee River. It  started raining quite hard during the night and didn't stop all day. We did a jig saw puzzle, read, and blogged the day away. I ventured out to the garbage dumpster but not without an umbrella. Oh well, it's still better than working.

May 23, 2013
it was raining lightly when we got up this day but we were determined to get out and go to Leavenworth to do the tourist thing. After breakfast we drove into town. The rain was very light so we were not deterred. We visited lots of stores and shops tasting candies, sauces and spreads. The Arlington HS band and choir were there playing in the town amphitheater. We had a nice lunch at the Icicle Brewing Co. tasting room and went back the the RV park. The rain stopped in the afternoon so we were able to go out and enjoy the day and evening. We had a great dinner and back out to sit by the fire and have drinks. Here are a couple of pictures of statues in the RV park. One is of two deer, the other a log carving of Chief Joseph holding a salmon and a couple of bear cubs. 

May 24, 2013
Got up to dry but cloudy weather and packed the trailer and headed home. We got back to Kent about 11:30. It's good to be home for a while. We will be on the road again on May 30.

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