Monday, May 6, 2013

Bellingham- 2013

May 4, 2013
We drove to Bellingham for the annual get together with Gail's sister and family. Both of our girls were there with their kids. They arrived the day before we did. We set up the trailer in Bellingham RV Park, where we stayed last year and called them to see where we should meet. They were in Fairhaven at Jalopeno's Restaurant. It was a pre Cinco De Mayo celebration. From there one of the adults took most of the kids to a park for Frisbee golf and general playing around while the rest went to Gail's sister, Joan's house. We sat around outside in the beautiful weather having snacks, beverages and played some bocci ball. Then a rousing fest of our version of badminton, we call smashminton broke out. This was a little more organized than usual. We actually had a net. After all the exercise we had Mexican food and margaritas. We sat out enjoying the great evening then back to the RV park for bed.

May 5, 2013
Woke up and had a nice breakfast then back to Joan's house. We all went to Whatcom Falls Park for a walk through the area. There was quit a few people there because it was such a nice day. Then off to lunch and back to Fairhaven to visit a cool toy store. The younger kids were taken to a beach by Joan and David, her husband, to do some beach combing and exploring. The rest of us went to Joan's house to so the Olympia entourage could pack up for the drive home. They all left at about 4 so Gail and I stayed at Joan and David's house for a bit then went out to dinner a D'Anna's Italian restaurant. It was very nice but way too much food. Back to the RV park and sat outside with a cocktail before retiring at about 10. A huge drive tomorrow of about 40 miles to Anacortes for a couple days.

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