Thursday, May 2, 2013

Wine Country RV, Prosser, WA

Sept 17, 2012-Monday
When Don got home from the Seahawks game Sunday Gail wasn't feeling very well so when we went to bed we weren't sure we were taking this trip. At about 10:30 she said she was OK to travel so off we went. After about an hour she was really feeling bad so I pulled to an off ramp on I-90 and she slept in the trailer for about an hour. The flu really had her down. She wanted to continue but sitting up was out of the question so she stretched out the best she could in the back seat of the truck. About 3 hours later we arrived in Prosser  at Wine Country RV Park. We have been here before. It is a great park in the heart of the area wineries. I got us checked in and set up and she was off to bed. The past Saturday we were at daughter Tracy's house for Sydney's 14th birthday. We had a great day watching 7 year old Emerson and 11 year old Caitlin cheer lead at their team's football games. They both did very well. I must have gotten a bug bite or sting because I noticed a bump and swelling on my left calf that seemed different than should be. At the RV park I went out and got a burger for dinner and we went to bed early.

Sept 18, 2012- Tuesday
Gail woke up feeling a little better so that made us happy but  the swelling on my leg was worse and was red and hot so it was off the ER for me. The dr was concerned that it was infected so drew some fluid. He said there was no pus but gave me some heavy antibiotics and asked to see me in a couple days of it was not getting better. I went back to the RV Park and we went out to a couple wineries where we mostly checked out gift shops. I did a little tasting but wasn't really into it. Gail wanted a burger for lunch so we went to Davy's Burger Barn. Good home made burgers. Their Super Burger is the size of a dinner plate with all the fixings. We had regular/sensible burgers. Back to the park for a restful day.

Sept 19, 2012- Wednesday
Gail woke up feeling much better so we went out to visit more wineries and gift shops. Joe Lyons, our financial advisor, and his wife have family that are wine makers in the area so we visited their facilities. They were real nice people. Then to lunch at Wine O'Clock Cafe. We had lunch here last year and had to return for their fantastic pear, bacon white cheddar pizza. It is phenomenal! We share it and half a bottle of wine. Then back to camp. Wouldn't you know I was not feeling very well. At about 4 I was attacked by the flu bug that Gail had. It was awful. Sixteen hours of absolute misery from chills and aching body to not keeping anything in me. I now knew what Gail went through.

Sept 20, 2012- Thursday
We were supposed to leave Wine Country today but I wasn't up to the drive so we extended our stay one more day. We had intended to go to another park for two days but I cancelled that. Maybe another time. I felt a little better but not good yet. My leg was not getting better so we went back to the hospital per doctor's orders. He didn't see any improvement so lanced it and gave me more antibiotics, pain killers and anti nausea medicine. On the way back to the park we stopped a nice gift shop where we found a couple things we didn't know we needed. We hung around the park and took a couple walks for the rest of the day. Gail walked to a pizza shop and brought home a nice salad for dinner that hit the spot for both of us.

Sept 21, 2012-Friday
We were up at about 7:30 to pack up and hit the road. It was an eerie drive home. The smoke in the air was so thick it was like a grey fog everywhere. The Central Wash State Fair opens today and they are expecting low attendance because of the air quality. When we got closer to Ellensberg the smoke was even worse. We were surprised to see clouds and mist in the pass with lower temps than we have see all summer. Well here we are now, home until next Spring. We are both pretty sad about it but we have a lot to do before venturing out again in about 6 months. Stay tuned and thanks for following us.

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