Sunday, May 26, 2013

Wenatchee River County Park

May 21, 2013
We woke in Chelan to cooler temperature and some drizzle, had breakfast and got the trailer ready for the drive to Wenatchee River County Park. We left just before 11 and made a stop at WalMart in Chelan and started the drive in the rain. It rained pretty hard all the way to Wenatchee Costco. We provisioned up and hit the road to the park. The rain lessened then stopped while I set us up and Gail did some laundry. At about 2:30 we went to the Smallwoods Store, a gift/produce/most anything place. Then to the 111 Brewery in Cashmere, which was not a brewery yet, but a pub. When we got back to the park it was nice enough for us to sit out until about 6. We had dinner and enjoyed the evening reading and blogging. Here is a pic of a cloud that showed a little pink over a hill at sunset.

May 22, 2013
Well, it was a dreary, grey, rainy day on the Wenatchee River. It  started raining quite hard during the night and didn't stop all day. We did a jig saw puzzle, read, and blogged the day away. I ventured out to the garbage dumpster but not without an umbrella. Oh well, it's still better than working.

May 23, 2013
it was raining lightly when we got up this day but we were determined to get out and go to Leavenworth to do the tourist thing. After breakfast we drove into town. The rain was very light so we were not deterred. We visited lots of stores and shops tasting candies, sauces and spreads. The Arlington HS band and choir were there playing in the town amphitheater. We had a nice lunch at the Icicle Brewing Co. tasting room and went back the the RV park. The rain stopped in the afternoon so we were able to go out and enjoy the day and evening. We had a great dinner and back out to sit by the fire and have drinks. Here are a couple of pictures of statues in the RV park. One is of two deer, the other a log carving of Chief Joseph holding a salmon and a couple of bear cubs. 

May 24, 2013
Got up to dry but cloudy weather and packed the trailer and headed home. We got back to Kent about 11:30. It's good to be home for a while. We will be on the road again on May 30.

Wenatchee River County Park

May 21, 2013
We woke in Chelan to cooler temperature and some drizzle, had breakfast and got the trailer ready for the drive to Wenatchee River County Park. We left just before 11 and made a stop at WalMart in Chelan and started the drive in the rain. It rained pretty hard all the way to Wenatchee Costco. We provisioned up and hit the road to the park. The rain lessened then stopped while I set us up and Gail did some laundry. At about 2:30 we went to the Smallwoods Store, a gift/produce/most anything place. Then to the 111 Brewery in Cashmere, which was not a brewery yet, but a pub. When we got back to the park it was nice enough for us to sit out until about 6. We had dinner and enjoyed the evening reading and blogging. Here is a pic of a cloud that showed a little pink over a hill at sunset.

May 22, 2013
Well, it was a dreary, grey, rainy day on the Wenatchee River. It  started raining quite hard during the night and didn't stop all day. We did a jig saw puzzle, read, and blogged the day away. I ventured out to the garbage dumpster but not without an umbrella. Oh well, it's still better than working.

May 23, 2013
it was raining lightly when we got up this day but we were determined to get out and go to Leavenworth to do the tourist thing. After breakfast we drove into town. The rain was very light so we were not deterred. We visited lots of stores and shops tasting candies, sauces and spreads. The Arlington HS band and choir were there playing in the town amphitheater. We had a nice lunch at the Icicle Brewing Co. tasting room and went back the the RV park. The rain stopped in the afternoon so we were able to go out and enjoy the day and evening. We had a great dinner and back out to sit by the fire and have drinks. Here are a couple of pictures of statues in the RV park. One is of two deer, the other a log carving of Chief Joseph holding a salmon and a couple of bear cubs. 

May 24, 2013
Got up to dry but cloudy weather and packed the trailer and headed home. We got back to Kent about 11:30. It's good to be home for a while. We will be on the road again on May 30.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Lake Chelan

Lake Chelan
May 18, 2013
We drove about 90 miles to Lakeshore RV Park on Lake Chelan where we stayed about this time last year. We couldn't check in until 2 so we walked to town and had lunch in a real nice bistro sitting outside overlooking the Riverwalk. It was cloudy most of the way driving but cleared up when we arrived. We then drove to the park and settled in. Don’s sister, Terry, drove over in her motorhome from Everett as she did last year and joined us. The weather cooled and got windy in the afternoon so we just hang around the park reading and later sitting by our fire.

May 19. 2013
We got up and had a nice breakfast and went for a drive to Manson with Terry. We stopped at the Lake Chelan Winery which was very busy having their Summer release and wine club member gathering. We tasted some wines and an interesting hard apple cider. We bought some wine and cider as well as some sauces. Delicious! Then we went to a quaint restaurant and gift shop in Manson called Blueberry Hills. It is located on a 12 acre farm where they use their own crops to make the blueberry jams, syrup, muffins, pies, etc. that they sell. In the summer they use 55 lbs. of butter per day in their eggs Benedict breakfasts. We bought some jam. Then back to the park for lunch and to enjoy the beautiful weather and scenery. Here is a pic of the scenery looking across the lake from the park.

We had Terry over for dinner and we all sat around the fire until almost 11. We have so much fun with Terry talking about family and joking around.

 May 20, 2013    
We got up and gathered Terry and went for a real nice walk into Chelan. We started with the Riverwalk Trail on both sides at the end of the lake in town going to the dam and back to town. Then visited shops and stores throughout town. It was  about lunch time so we had burgers at the Lakeview Drive Inn. Good burgers, and fries onion rings. We then walked to the RV park to rest our tired feets. Gail and I didn't want to just sit so we did a little shopping. We think we walked about 5 miles today. Then we sat by the fire until about 11 with Terry. We are leaving tomorrow and the weather is supposed to get cooler and WET. Why can’t you people on the coast keep the rain to yourselves……

Lake Chelan

Lake Chelan
May 18, 2013
We drove about 90 miles to Lakeshore RV Park on Lake Chelan where we stayed about this time last year. We couldn't check in until 2 so we walked to town and had lunch in a real nice bistro sitting outside overlooking the Riverwalk. It was cloudy most of the way driving but cleared up when we arrived. We then drove to the park and settled in. Don’s sister, Terry, drove over in her motorhome from Everett as she did last year and joined us. The weather cooled and got windy in the afternoon so we just hang around the park reading and later sitting by our fire.

May 19. 2013
We got up and had a nice breakfast and went for a drive to Manson with Terry. We stopped at the Lake Chelan Winery which was very busy having their Summer release and wine club member gathering. We tasted some wines and an interesting hard apple cider. We bought some wine and cider as well as some sauces. Delicious! Then we went to a quaint restaurant and gift shop in Manson called Blueberry Hills. It is located on a 12 acre farm where they use their own crops to make the blueberry jams, syrup, muffins, pies, etc. that they sell. In the summer they use 55 lbs. of butter per day in their eggs Benedict breakfasts. We bought some jam. Then back to the park for lunch and to enjoy the beautiful weather and scenery. Here is a pic of the scenery looking across the lake from the park.

We had Terry over for dinner and we all sat around the fire until almost 11. We have so much fun with Terry talking about family and joking around.

 May 20, 2013    
We got up and gathered Terry and went for a real nice walk into Chelan. We started with the Riverwalk Trail on both sides at the end of the lake in town going to the dam and back to town. Then visited shops and stores throughout town. It was  about lunch time so we had burgers at the Lakeview Drive Inn. Good burgers, and fries onion rings. We then walked to the RV park to rest our tired feets. Gail and I didn't want to just sit so we did a little shopping. We think we walked about 5 miles today. Then we sat by the fire until about 11 with Terry. We are leaving tomorrow and the weather is supposed to get cooler and WET. Why can’t you people on the coast keep the rain to yourselves……

Steamboat Rock

May 15, 2013
Steamboat Rock State Park
We arrive after about a 200 mile drive at Steamboat Rock State Park just after noon. It was an uneventful drive which is always good. We stayed here last year and returned because it is such a nice well maintained park. Our site has a great view of the lake and surroundings. The sun shone on faces of the monoliths across the lake showing great colors in the strata of the area.

We drove into Grand Coulee, about 12 miles, and did the sightseeing thing at the dam. What a marvel of man’s ability to have a dream and realize it through construction. Grand Coulee Dam is the largest concrete structure in the world. Lake Roosevelt behind the dam supplies 900 billion, yes with a "b", gallons of water to Banks Lake every year to irrigate 1.5 million acres of farmland in Washington. Really amazing and to think my Grandpa Izett, Mom’s dad, worked on it as an engineer. Then back to the park and relax and meet our neighbors for the remainder of our stay. We had a great dinner and enjoyed the evening by our fire.

May 16, 2013
We had to do a little shopping so got that taken care of early and back to camp. We took a nice walk through all the camping areas in the park. We discovered an area just off the lake that had a fishing dock on it which seemed perfect for family fishing. We then walked into the surrounding area toward the north end of Steamboat Rock. All together we walked about 3 miles on varied terrain. Then back to the campsite. As the sun changes so do the colors of the surrounding hills.
Then another relaxing night around the fire. Our camp neighbors, Terry and Meredith came over and visited for a bit. They hiked up to the top of Steamboat Rock today so I decided I would do that tomorrow.

May 17, 2013
We slept in and had breakfast and I was off to climb the Rock. It is about a mile hike with elevation gain of 800 feet. I started out great then realized it was not a race and settled into a good pace. It was a strenuous hike up and kind of perilous coming down with sliding rocks and steep slopes. It was a great adventure. Here is a pic of where I went. The little bump in the middle on top of the pic was my destination.

Here is a shot of the campground from atop Steamboat Rock looking to where we are parked.

We sat around enjoying the day until 4 or so when the wind came up blowing the sky full of clouds and it began to rain. We went inside and watched a movie which ended just as the sky cleared and we were able to go back out into sunshine. After dinner the sun was setting and illuminating the monoliths to our east. As the light changed so did the area. Absolutely beautiful!

We enjoyed our fireplace and the other campers roving the park. Later Terry and Meridith came over to our site and were so envious of our gas fireplace, Terry went back to their site and tried to start a fire with sticks and other dried brush in the campsites. I remembered I had a good sized log in the truck so I chopped to burnable sizes for her. Both of them were sooo excited. Then we found out it was Meridith's birthday and she was so grateful for the additional wood.. They live in Seattle in the Revenna area so we exchanged e-mails with hopes of meeting up with them again

Steamboat Rock

May 15, 2013
Steamboat Rock State Park
We arrive after about a 200 mile drive at Steamboat Rock State Park just after noon. It was an uneventful drive which is always good. We stayed here last year and returned because it is such a nice well maintained park. Our site has a great view of the lake and surroundings. The sun shone on faces of the monoliths across the lake showing great colors in the strata of the area.

We drove into Grand Coulee, about 12 miles, and did the sightseeing thing at the dam. What a marvel of man’s ability to have a dream and realize it through construction. Grand Coulee Dam is the largest concrete structure in the world. Lake Roosevelt behind the dam supplies 900 billion, yes with a "b", gallons of water to Banks Lake every year to irrigate 1.5 million acres of farmland in Washington. Really amazing and to think my Grandpa Izett, Mom’s dad, worked on it as an engineer. Then back to the park and relax and meet our neighbors for the remainder of our stay. We had a great dinner and enjoyed the evening by our fire.

May 16, 2013
We had to do a little shopping so got that taken care of early and back to camp. We took a nice walk through all the camping areas in the park. We discovered an area just off the lake that had a fishing dock on it which seemed perfect for family fishing. We then walked into the surrounding area toward the north end of Steamboat Rock. All together we walked about 3 miles on varied terrain. Then back to the campsite. As the sun changes so do the colors of the surrounding hills.
Then another relaxing night around the fire. Our camp neighbors, Terry and Meredith came over and visited for a bit. They hiked up to the top of Steamboat Rock today so I decided I would do that tomorrow.

May 17, 2013
We slept in and had breakfast and I was off to climb the Rock. It is about a mile hike with elevation gain of 800 feet. I started out great then realized it was not a race and settled into a good pace. It was a strenuous hike up and kind of perilous coming down with sliding rocks and steep slopes. It was a great adventure. Here is a pic of where I went. The little bump in the middle on top of the pic was my destination.

Here is a shot of the campground from atop Steamboat Rock looking to where we are parked.

We sat around enjoying the day until 4 or so when the wind came up blowing the sky full of clouds and it began to rain. We went inside and watched a movie which ended just as the sky cleared and we were able to go back out into sunshine. After dinner the sun was setting and illuminating the monoliths to our east. As the light changed so did the area. Absolutely beautiful!

We enjoyed our fireplace and the other campers roving the park. Later Terry and Meridith came over to our site and were so envious of our gas fireplace, Terry went back to their site and tried to start a fire with sticks and other dried brush in the campsites. I remembered I had a good sized log in the truck so I chopped to burnable sizes for her. Both of them were sooo excited. Then we found out it was Meridith's birthday and she was so grateful for the additional wood.. They live in Seattle in the Revenna area so we exchanged e-mails with hopes of meeting up with them again

Sunday, May 12, 2013


May 6, 2013
We had a leisurely morning before leaving Bellingham to drive the 39 miles to Anacortes. We stayed at  Pioneer Trails RV Park. This is a nice park outside of the city on the way to Deception Pass. We got set up and drove to Deception Pass and the State Park. We walked the length on the pass bridge watching boaters and sea lions. It was a beautiful day for the outing.

May 7, 2013
We woke up to cooler temperatures and a cloudy morning. After breakfast we drove into town to visit some shops and other attractions we saw last year. We went to Anacortes Marine Hardware which is an old building with wood floors and a wonderful selection of the things you didn't know you couldn't live without. I bought work gloves there last year and needed more so Gail and I both bought some. Side bar... they were over $2.00 less than what I saw in stores at home. Then off to an nice antique store where we bought a cool brass S-shaped hook for $3.00. We will be able to use it for hanging things while camping like our bug zapper and wasp and hornet trap. Then to the Brown Lantern Ale House for lunch and a glass of Moose Drool Brown Ale. Very good. We needed a few groceries so stopped at Safeway and then to a funny little Flea Market/ veggie stand/ hot dog stand on the way back to the park. It was Gail's first ever flea market and she found a cool rectangular, maybe brass, 6" X 11", concave decorative tray. They wanted $6.00 for it so I asked if they would take $4.00 so I could also buy a pound of asparagus. SOLD!! It is probably worth over $20.00. Then fresh asparagus for $. 99 per pound. Back to the park to relax and have dinner. We had a neighbor next to us with a beautiful Class A motor home probably about 40 ft. They live in Maui and fly to Portland a few times a year to "camp". They keep a car at the Portland airport and their motor home in Tillamook. Sheesh.. What a way to go. Sat by the fire for a while before and after dinner enjoying our last night out on this trip.

May 8, 2013
Packed up and got home before noon. It was a nice trip and we are looking forward to going out again next week. Stay tuned.


May 6, 2013
We had a leisurely morning before leaving Bellingham to drive the 39 miles to Anacortes. We stayed at  Pioneer Trails RV Park. This is a nice park outside of the city on the way to Deception Pass. We got set up and drove to Deception Pass and the State Park. We walked the length on the pass bridge watching boaters and sea lions. It was a beautiful day for the outing.

May 7, 2013
We woke up to cooler temperatures and a cloudy morning. After breakfast we drove into town to visit some shops and other attractions we saw last year. We went to Anacortes Marine Hardware which is an old building with wood floors and a wonderful selection of the things you didn't know you couldn't live without. I bought work gloves there last year and needed more so Gail and I both bought some. Side bar... they were over $2.00 less than what I saw in stores at home. Then off to an nice antique store where we bought a cool brass S-shaped hook for $3.00. We will be able to use it for hanging things while camping like our bug zapper and wasp and hornet trap. Then to the Brown Lantern Ale House for lunch and a glass of Moose Drool Brown Ale. Very good. We needed a few groceries so stopped at Safeway and then to a funny little Flea Market/ veggie stand/ hot dog stand on the way back to the park. It was Gail's first ever flea market and she found a cool rectangular, maybe brass, 6" X 11", concave decorative tray. They wanted $6.00 for it so I asked if they would take $4.00 so I could also buy a pound of asparagus. SOLD!! It is probably worth over $20.00. Then fresh asparagus for $. 99 per pound. Back to the park to relax and have dinner. We had a neighbor next to us with a beautiful Class A motor home probably about 40 ft. They live in Maui and fly to Portland a few times a year to "camp". They keep a car at the Portland airport and their motor home in Tillamook. Sheesh.. What a way to go. Sat by the fire for a while before and after dinner enjoying our last night out on this trip.

May 8, 2013
Packed up and got home before noon. It was a nice trip and we are looking forward to going out again next week. Stay tuned.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Bellingham- 2013

May 4, 2013
We drove to Bellingham for the annual get together with Gail's sister and family. Both of our girls were there with their kids. They arrived the day before we did. We set up the trailer in Bellingham RV Park, where we stayed last year and called them to see where we should meet. They were in Fairhaven at Jalopeno's Restaurant. It was a pre Cinco De Mayo celebration. From there one of the adults took most of the kids to a park for Frisbee golf and general playing around while the rest went to Gail's sister, Joan's house. We sat around outside in the beautiful weather having snacks, beverages and played some bocci ball. Then a rousing fest of our version of badminton, we call smashminton broke out. This was a little more organized than usual. We actually had a net. After all the exercise we had Mexican food and margaritas. We sat out enjoying the great evening then back to the RV park for bed.

May 5, 2013
Woke up and had a nice breakfast then back to Joan's house. We all went to Whatcom Falls Park for a walk through the area. There was quit a few people there because it was such a nice day. Then off to lunch and back to Fairhaven to visit a cool toy store. The younger kids were taken to a beach by Joan and David, her husband, to do some beach combing and exploring. The rest of us went to Joan's house to so the Olympia entourage could pack up for the drive home. They all left at about 4 so Gail and I stayed at Joan and David's house for a bit then went out to dinner a D'Anna's Italian restaurant. It was very nice but way too much food. Back to the RV park and sat outside with a cocktail before retiring at about 10. A huge drive tomorrow of about 40 miles to Anacortes for a couple days.

Bellingham- 2013

May 4, 2013
We drove to Bellingham for the annual get together with Gail's sister and family. Both of our girls were there with their kids. They arrived the day before we did. We set up the trailer in Bellingham RV Park, where we stayed last year and called them to see where we should meet. They were in Fairhaven at Jalopeno's Restaurant. It was a pre Cinco De Mayo celebration. From there one of the adults took most of the kids to a park for Frisbee golf and general playing around while the rest went to Gail's sister, Joan's house. We sat around outside in the beautiful weather having snacks, beverages and played some bocci ball. Then a rousing fest of our version of badminton, we call smashminton broke out. This was a little more organized than usual. We actually had a net. After all the exercise we had Mexican food and margaritas. We sat out enjoying the great evening then back to the RV park for bed.

May 5, 2013
Woke up and had a nice breakfast then back to Joan's house. We all went to Whatcom Falls Park for a walk through the area. There was quit a few people there because it was such a nice day. Then off to lunch and back to Fairhaven to visit a cool toy store. The younger kids were taken to a beach by Joan and David, her husband, to do some beach combing and exploring. The rest of us went to Joan's house to so the Olympia entourage could pack up for the drive home. They all left at about 4 so Gail and I stayed at Joan and David's house for a bit then went out to dinner a D'Anna's Italian restaurant. It was very nice but way too much food. Back to the RV park and sat outside with a cocktail before retiring at about 10. A huge drive tomorrow of about 40 miles to Anacortes for a couple days.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Wine Country RV- 2013

April 22, 2013
On the road for the first trip of 2013 and it felt great. We spent three nights in Prosser, WA at Wine Country RV, one of our favorite spots. We wanted to get to some warmer weather and it happened. It was sunny and almost 70 but, as will happen in Eastern Washington, it was windy. It was the week before Spring barrel tasting which is one of the busiest weekends of the year so we will be going home Thursday, We enjoy things more when it isn't crowded. We visited several wineries and a distillery. Hmmmm, sounds like a theme but things just happen. We took a 3.5 mile walk one day into town visiting several shops and attractions. We bought some fresh local asparagus to grill with flank steak and baby red potatoes for dinner. Yummy. We brought home six bottles of wine and a fifth of Wheat Whiskey from Blue Flame Distilling. Now home until May 3 for a long weekend in Bellingham and Anacortes.

Wine Country RV- 2013

April 22, 2013
On the road for the first trip of 2013 and it felt great. We spent three nights in Prosser, WA at Wine Country RV, one of our favorite spots. We wanted to get to some warmer weather and it happened. It was sunny and almost 70 but, as will happen in Eastern Washington, it was windy. It was the week before Spring barrel tasting which is one of the busiest weekends of the year so we will be going home Thursday, We enjoy things more when it isn't crowded. We visited several wineries and a distillery. Hmmmm, sounds like a theme but things just happen. We took a 3.5 mile walk one day into town visiting several shops and attractions. We bought some fresh local asparagus to grill with flank steak and baby red potatoes for dinner. Yummy. We brought home six bottles of wine and a fifth of Wheat Whiskey from Blue Flame Distilling. Now home until May 3 for a long weekend in Bellingham and Anacortes.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Wine Country RV, Prosser, WA

Sept 17, 2012-Monday
When Don got home from the Seahawks game Sunday Gail wasn't feeling very well so when we went to bed we weren't sure we were taking this trip. At about 10:30 she said she was OK to travel so off we went. After about an hour she was really feeling bad so I pulled to an off ramp on I-90 and she slept in the trailer for about an hour. The flu really had her down. She wanted to continue but sitting up was out of the question so she stretched out the best she could in the back seat of the truck. About 3 hours later we arrived in Prosser  at Wine Country RV Park. We have been here before. It is a great park in the heart of the area wineries. I got us checked in and set up and she was off to bed. The past Saturday we were at daughter Tracy's house for Sydney's 14th birthday. We had a great day watching 7 year old Emerson and 11 year old Caitlin cheer lead at their team's football games. They both did very well. I must have gotten a bug bite or sting because I noticed a bump and swelling on my left calf that seemed different than should be. At the RV park I went out and got a burger for dinner and we went to bed early.

Sept 18, 2012- Tuesday
Gail woke up feeling a little better so that made us happy but  the swelling on my leg was worse and was red and hot so it was off the ER for me. The dr was concerned that it was infected so drew some fluid. He said there was no pus but gave me some heavy antibiotics and asked to see me in a couple days of it was not getting better. I went back to the RV Park and we went out to a couple wineries where we mostly checked out gift shops. I did a little tasting but wasn't really into it. Gail wanted a burger for lunch so we went to Davy's Burger Barn. Good home made burgers. Their Super Burger is the size of a dinner plate with all the fixings. We had regular/sensible burgers. Back to the park for a restful day.

Sept 19, 2012- Wednesday
Gail woke up feeling much better so we went out to visit more wineries and gift shops. Joe Lyons, our financial advisor, and his wife have family that are wine makers in the area so we visited their facilities. They were real nice people. Then to lunch at Wine O'Clock Cafe. We had lunch here last year and had to return for their fantastic pear, bacon white cheddar pizza. It is phenomenal! We share it and half a bottle of wine. Then back to camp. Wouldn't you know I was not feeling very well. At about 4 I was attacked by the flu bug that Gail had. It was awful. Sixteen hours of absolute misery from chills and aching body to not keeping anything in me. I now knew what Gail went through.

Sept 20, 2012- Thursday
We were supposed to leave Wine Country today but I wasn't up to the drive so we extended our stay one more day. We had intended to go to another park for two days but I cancelled that. Maybe another time. I felt a little better but not good yet. My leg was not getting better so we went back to the hospital per doctor's orders. He didn't see any improvement so lanced it and gave me more antibiotics, pain killers and anti nausea medicine. On the way back to the park we stopped a nice gift shop where we found a couple things we didn't know we needed. We hung around the park and took a couple walks for the rest of the day. Gail walked to a pizza shop and brought home a nice salad for dinner that hit the spot for both of us.

Sept 21, 2012-Friday
We were up at about 7:30 to pack up and hit the road. It was an eerie drive home. The smoke in the air was so thick it was like a grey fog everywhere. The Central Wash State Fair opens today and they are expecting low attendance because of the air quality. When we got closer to Ellensberg the smoke was even worse. We were surprised to see clouds and mist in the pass with lower temps than we have see all summer. Well here we are now, home until next Spring. We are both pretty sad about it but we have a lot to do before venturing out again in about 6 months. Stay tuned and thanks for following us.

Wine Country RV, Prosser, WA

Sept 17, 2012-Monday
When Don got home from the Seahawks game Sunday Gail wasn't feeling very well so when we went to bed we weren't sure we were taking this trip. At about 10:30 she said she was OK to travel so off we went. After about an hour she was really feeling bad so I pulled to an off ramp on I-90 and she slept in the trailer for about an hour. The flu really had her down. She wanted to continue but sitting up was out of the question so she stretched out the best she could in the back seat of the truck. About 3 hours later we arrived in Prosser  at Wine Country RV Park. We have been here before. It is a great park in the heart of the area wineries. I got us checked in and set up and she was off to bed. The past Saturday we were at daughter Tracy's house for Sydney's 14th birthday. We had a great day watching 7 year old Emerson and 11 year old Caitlin cheer lead at their team's football games. They both did very well. I must have gotten a bug bite or sting because I noticed a bump and swelling on my left calf that seemed different than should be. At the RV park I went out and got a burger for dinner and we went to bed early.

Sept 18, 2012- Tuesday
Gail woke up feeling a little better so that made us happy but  the swelling on my leg was worse and was red and hot so it was off the ER for me. The dr was concerned that it was infected so drew some fluid. He said there was no pus but gave me some heavy antibiotics and asked to see me in a couple days of it was not getting better. I went back to the RV Park and we went out to a couple wineries where we mostly checked out gift shops. I did a little tasting but wasn't really into it. Gail wanted a burger for lunch so we went to Davy's Burger Barn. Good home made burgers. Their Super Burger is the size of a dinner plate with all the fixings. We had regular/sensible burgers. Back to the park for a restful day.

Sept 19, 2012- Wednesday
Gail woke up feeling much better so we went out to visit more wineries and gift shops. Joe Lyons, our financial advisor, and his wife have family that are wine makers in the area so we visited their facilities. They were real nice people. Then to lunch at Wine O'Clock Cafe. We had lunch here last year and had to return for their fantastic pear, bacon white cheddar pizza. It is phenomenal! We share it and half a bottle of wine. Then back to camp. Wouldn't you know I was not feeling very well. At about 4 I was attacked by the flu bug that Gail had. It was awful. Sixteen hours of absolute misery from chills and aching body to not keeping anything in me. I now knew what Gail went through.

Sept 20, 2012- Thursday
We were supposed to leave Wine Country today but I wasn't up to the drive so we extended our stay one more day. We had intended to go to another park for two days but I cancelled that. Maybe another time. I felt a little better but not good yet. My leg was not getting better so we went back to the hospital per doctor's orders. He didn't see any improvement so lanced it and gave me more antibiotics, pain killers and anti nausea medicine. On the way back to the park we stopped a nice gift shop where we found a couple things we didn't know we needed. We hung around the park and took a couple walks for the rest of the day. Gail walked to a pizza shop and brought home a nice salad for dinner that hit the spot for both of us.

Sept 21, 2012-Friday
We were up at about 7:30 to pack up and hit the road. It was an eerie drive home. The smoke in the air was so thick it was like a grey fog everywhere. The Central Wash State Fair opens today and they are expecting low attendance because of the air quality. When we got closer to Ellensberg the smoke was even worse. We were surprised to see clouds and mist in the pass with lower temps than we have see all summer. Well here we are now, home until next Spring. We are both pretty sad about it but we have a lot to do before venturing out again in about 6 months. Stay tuned and thanks for following us.