Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Sandpoint, ID

July 13, 2012
We drove into Sandpoint to wander around today. This is a great little tourist town year around. We browsed a lot of shops and walked to City Beach. This is a real nice beach with a sheltered cove where they brought in white sand. It looks more like  an ocean beach than a lake beach. It was very busy and hot. There were no restaurants or shops on it so if you were there you were swimming/trying to stay cool. We did some grocery shopping and had lunch, then back to our park. In the evening the weather took a change toward rain and thunder storms. There was going to be a fundraiser concert Sat so people had arrived early for it. They partied into the wee hours weathering the storm and feeling pretty lousy in the morning. We are leaving Hope behind in the morning for Couer d' Alene.
I'm going to start a new feature on the blog called "Our new friends".
We met Gwen and Keith from La Crede, ID at this park. Keith works in construction and Gwen has worked in many jobs from nursing to being a nanny to bar tending. They have 3 kids who are in their 30's. They were being joined by the family and their friends for the weekend to join in on the concert. One of their sons is in a band that is part of it. Keith and his boys were some of the late night revelers mentioned above.

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