Thursday, July 26, 2012

Alta Lake State Park

July 19, 2012
Only about a 100 mile drive to Alta Lake State Park near Pateros, WA. We met our daughters and their kids here as we did last year. Later my sisters and brother came in with most of their kids so we had quite a family gathering. The weather was a little cooler than what it had been so was more comfortable but still felt good to go for a swim in the lake. Tracy, older daughter, brought their Sea Doo so we were able to speed around the lake and take the kids on rides aboard floating devices. What a great time. We had a thunderstorm during the evening and night with some rain so it was again good to be inside.

July 20, 2012
Friday arrived with clouds and some rain and thunder showers. Not much of a day for swimming but we all made the best of it. We were able to spend time outside under the awning watching others fight the wind trying to keep their tents and canopies from blowing down.

July 21, 2012
Today was quite a day. We woke to beautiful sunshine at 5:45 and were off to Pateros for the Apple Pie Jamboree 5K Jog. Yes, you read it, my daughters, one of the 11 year old twins, my sister, Gail and I went for 5K run/walk. It started at 7:30 in town and was actually 6K UP the hills around town and back down through neighborhoods and back to the riverfront to the finish. What was I thinking when I agreed to do this? Actually it was a great experience that I might do again after more training. Eleven year old Carley came in third on the one mile event running the course in 9:30 minutes. I am so proud of her. After this we went back to the park and had a great day riding the Sea Doo, swimming and just taking it easy.

July 22, 2012
Don got up early and played golf with son in law Erik and his friend Don. The weather was perfect and golf was ....... OK the usual. Back to camp for another great day of water entertainment. Not too much soreness from the previous day's event. Tracy and Stephanie and their kids went for a float/swim across the lake. Looked like fun but not for me to do.  We had a nice evening hanging around the camp in front of our new gas portable fireplace.

July 23, 2012
Up at about 8 and time to pack up and head for home. On the way home the temp got down to 58 which was cooler than it has been day or night since we left on the trip. We go out again on the 29th.

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