Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Couer d' Alene

July 14, 2012
Our drive today was only about 80 miles to Couer d'Alene to Tamarack RV Park. There are so many "permanent" residents here it is more like a trailer park. Not good. Too many of the residences are run down, beat up, old trailers and 5th wheels that haven't been on the road for years. Only two nights here so we'll tough it out. We haven't been here to see the town for some years so we went in to wander the streets, shops and bars. CDA, as they call it, is a very trendy town with upscale shops and businesses. Most of the restaurants have sidewalk tables. A rain squall came through that sent people scampering to the covered sidewalks and store fronts. After it passed we went to the park and had dinner. It rained hard and thundered all night. I could get this at home.
Our new friends-
We met Cathy and who I will call Pop at this park. These nice folks are from Lewiston, ID. They are traveling with their 16 tear old grandson, Caleb, who they are raising. He is a fetal alcohol child so has special needs but seems to be a pretty good kid. I saw Pop working on a drain for his 5th wheel. He said it was clogged but he couldn't figure it out so I offered my limited knowledge and assistance. He was able to gerry rig a drain for the shower so they can use it. Pop and Cathy send Caleb to basketball camp and golf camps. They all enjoy golfing so it is a good way for them to do things together.

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