Thursday, July 26, 2012

Icicle Ridge Winery

July 18, 2012
Today we went to Icicle Ridge Winery in Peshastin. This is our second trip here. The tasting room and corporate offices are in a 5000 sf log building built by the owner. There are artifacts from his past like old wood skis with wrap style bindings, stuffed wild game, traps, classic fishing poles and equipment and much more. It was a beautiful day so we sat in the shade on the deck and sampled several wines and had some Beecher's cheese and crackers. What a great light lunch, just before noon. The wine is a little lighter in taste than our last visit but that didn't stop us from buying some. Then we stopped at a local store for some provisions to tide us over for the remainder of our trip. Back to the park for the evening and prepare for our drive in the morning to Alta Lake State Park.

Alta Lake State Park

July 19, 2012
Only about a 100 mile drive to Alta Lake State Park near Pateros, WA. We met our daughters and their kids here as we did last year. Later my sisters and brother came in with most of their kids so we had quite a family gathering. The weather was a little cooler than what it had been so was more comfortable but still felt good to go for a swim in the lake. Tracy, older daughter, brought their Sea Doo so we were able to speed around the lake and take the kids on rides aboard floating devices. What a great time. We had a thunderstorm during the evening and night with some rain so it was again good to be inside.

July 20, 2012
Friday arrived with clouds and some rain and thunder showers. Not much of a day for swimming but we all made the best of it. We were able to spend time outside under the awning watching others fight the wind trying to keep their tents and canopies from blowing down.

July 21, 2012
Today was quite a day. We woke to beautiful sunshine at 5:45 and were off to Pateros for the Apple Pie Jamboree 5K Jog. Yes, you read it, my daughters, one of the 11 year old twins, my sister, Gail and I went for 5K run/walk. It started at 7:30 in town and was actually 6K UP the hills around town and back down through neighborhoods and back to the riverfront to the finish. What was I thinking when I agreed to do this? Actually it was a great experience that I might do again after more training. Eleven year old Carley came in third on the one mile event running the course in 9:30 minutes. I am so proud of her. After this we went back to the park and had a great day riding the Sea Doo, swimming and just taking it easy.

July 22, 2012
Don got up early and played golf with son in law Erik and his friend Don. The weather was perfect and golf was ....... OK the usual. Back to camp for another great day of water entertainment. Not too much soreness from the previous day's event. Tracy and Stephanie and their kids went for a float/swim across the lake. Looked like fun but not for me to do.  We had a nice evening hanging around the camp in front of our new gas portable fireplace.

July 23, 2012
Up at about 8 and time to pack up and head for home. On the way home the temp got down to 58 which was cooler than it has been day or night since we left on the trip. We go out again on the 29th.

Alta Lake State Park

July 19, 2012
Only about a 100 mile drive to Alta Lake State Park near Pateros, WA. We met our daughters and their kids here as we did last year. Later my sisters and brother came in with most of their kids so we had quite a family gathering. The weather was a little cooler than what it had been so was more comfortable but still felt good to go for a swim in the lake. Tracy, older daughter, brought their Sea Doo so we were able to speed around the lake and take the kids on rides aboard floating devices. What a great time. We had a thunderstorm during the evening and night with some rain so it was again good to be inside.

July 20, 2012
Friday arrived with clouds and some rain and thunder showers. Not much of a day for swimming but we all made the best of it. We were able to spend time outside under the awning watching others fight the wind trying to keep their tents and canopies from blowing down.

July 21, 2012
Today was quite a day. We woke to beautiful sunshine at 5:45 and were off to Pateros for the Apple Pie Jamboree 5K Jog. Yes, you read it, my daughters, one of the 11 year old twins, my sister, Gail and I went for 5K run/walk. It started at 7:30 in town and was actually 6K UP the hills around town and back down through neighborhoods and back to the riverfront to the finish. What was I thinking when I agreed to do this? Actually it was a great experience that I might do again after more training. Eleven year old Carley came in third on the one mile event running the course in 9:30 minutes. I am so proud of her. After this we went back to the park and had a great day riding the Sea Doo, swimming and just taking it easy.

July 22, 2012
Don got up early and played golf with son in law Erik and his friend Don. The weather was perfect and golf was ....... OK the usual. Back to camp for another great day of water entertainment. Not too much soreness from the previous day's event. Tracy and Stephanie and their kids went for a float/swim across the lake. Looked like fun but not for me to do.  We had a nice evening hanging around the camp in front of our new gas portable fireplace.

July 23, 2012
Up at about 8 and time to pack up and head for home. On the way home the temp got down to 58 which was cooler than it has been day or night since we left on the trip. We go out again on the 29th.

Icicle Ridge Winery

July 18, 2012
Today we went to Icicle Ridge Winery in Peshastin. This is our second trip here. The tasting room and corporate offices are in a 5000 sf log building built by the owner. There are artifacts from his past like old wood skis with wrap style bindings, stuffed wild game, traps, classic fishing poles and equipment and much more. It was a beautiful day so we sat in the shade on the deck and sampled several wines and had some Beecher's cheese and crackers. What a great light lunch, just before noon. The wine is a little lighter in taste than our last visit but that didn't stop us from buying some. Then we stopped at a local store for some provisions to tide us over for the remainder of our trip. Back to the park for the evening and prepare for our drive in the morning to Alta Lake State Park.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Couer d' Alene

July 14, 2012
Our drive today was only about 80 miles to Couer d'Alene to Tamarack RV Park. There are so many "permanent" residents here it is more like a trailer park. Not good. Too many of the residences are run down, beat up, old trailers and 5th wheels that haven't been on the road for years. Only two nights here so we'll tough it out. We haven't been here to see the town for some years so we went in to wander the streets, shops and bars. CDA, as they call it, is a very trendy town with upscale shops and businesses. Most of the restaurants have sidewalk tables. A rain squall came through that sent people scampering to the covered sidewalks and store fronts. After it passed we went to the park and had dinner. It rained hard and thundered all night. I could get this at home.
Our new friends-
We met Cathy and who I will call Pop at this park. These nice folks are from Lewiston, ID. They are traveling with their 16 tear old grandson, Caleb, who they are raising. He is a fetal alcohol child so has special needs but seems to be a pretty good kid. I saw Pop working on a drain for his 5th wheel. He said it was clogged but he couldn't figure it out so I offered my limited knowledge and assistance. He was able to gerry rig a drain for the shower so they can use it. Pop and Cathy send Caleb to basketball camp and golf camps. They all enjoy golfing so it is a good way for them to do things together.

Harrison, ID

July 15, 2012
We woke to more rain and thunder. Greg and Donna Wozny, I worked with Greg at KCDA, dropped by for a visit before going to a family reunion. It's always good to see familiar faces and friends when traveling. After they left we struck out in the rain for a drive to Harrison, which is on the SE end of Lake Couer d'Alene. After a short time the rain stopped and the sun came out. We heard an emergency report on the radio that in NE Washington there was going to be golf ball size hail and 60 mph winds. That sounds more like the Midwest than our home state. Anyway, we drove on the CDA Scenic Byway about 35 miles to Harrison in the sun on a narrow paved road that was close to the edge of the lake. Beautiful! When we arrived in Harrison there was a bass fishing tourney that was finishing so there were quite a few people in town. We went to a lakeside restaurant and had a light lunch sitting on the deck overlooking the lake. Then we took another scenic road back to our RV park. It turned out to be a wonderful day. Tomorrow we pack up for a drive back to the Wenatchee area.

Wenatchee River County Park

We drove to Wenatchee River County Park today. This is a very nice clean park right along the Wenatchee River. Our site has a view of the river and the sites are quite large. We drove into Wenatchee to do a little shopping and have a very cold beer at the Igloo Tavern. I used to go there when I traveled and it hasn't changed. Back at camp we had a good steak dinner with grilled potatoes and onions. The weather is still hot and a little humid. During the night there was quite a thunder storm with some rain and wind. It's good to have a trailer to keep us comfortable when things like this happen. There was quite a sunset tonight. Here are some pics of it and the park.




We drove into Wenatchee to do a little shopping, then to Smallwood's Fruit Stand in Peshastin. This place has a lot of great prepared foods as well as in season fruit. We bought some canned preserves, pasta, pickles and mustard. At Smallwoods there are a lot of things for kids like a petting zoo and wagon rides around the property. Then back to the park for a relaxing day in the sun. Later in the evening quite a thunder storm rolled through. It lasted for a couple of hours. Our girls with their families drove by the park on their way to Alta Lake where we will meet up with  them Thursday.
Our new friends-
At this park we met Lyle and Helen from Kalowna, BC. They are a nice older couple that are retired and have been out on the road this time for about a month. Lyle used to live in a place called Holiday Resort in Kalowna which is where we are going later this month. In 1990 his wife passed away and he met Helen who lived across the street from him. After some time they married and he moved into her house selling his property. In Canada they have free health care but if you leave your home province for more than 40 days it will cost a lot of money for your care when you return. Lyle has a heart condition so they are careful to not violate this stipulation.


We drove into Wenatchee to do a little shopping, then to Smallwood's Fruit Stand in Peshastin. This place has a lot of great prepared foods as well as in season fruit. We bought some canned preserves, pasta, pickles and mustard. At Smallwoods there are a lot of things for kids like a petting zoo and wagon rides around the property. Then back to the park for a relaxing day in the sun. Later in the evening quite a thunder storm rolled through. It lasted for a couple of hours. Our girls with their families drove by the park on their way to Alta Lake where we will meet up with  them Thursday.
Our new friends-
At this park we met Lyle and Helen from Kalowna, BC. They are a nice older couple that are retired and have been out on the road this time for about a month. Lyle used to live in a place called Holiday Resort in Kalowna which is where we are going later this month. In 1990 his wife passed away and he met Helen who lived across the street from him. After some time they married and he moved into her house selling his property. In Canada they have free health care but if you leave your home province for more than 40 days it will cost a lot of money for your care when you return. Lyle has a heart condition so they are careful to not violate this stipulation.

Wenatchee River County Park

We drove to Wenatchee River County Park today. This is a very nice clean park right along the Wenatchee River. Our site has a view of the river and the sites are quite large. We drove into Wenatchee to do a little shopping and have a very cold beer at the Igloo Tavern. I used to go there when I traveled and it hasn't changed. Back at camp we had a good steak dinner with grilled potatoes and onions. The weather is still hot and a little humid. During the night there was quite a thunder storm with some rain and wind. It's good to have a trailer to keep us comfortable when things like this happen. There was quite a sunset tonight. Here are some pics of it and the park.



Harrison, ID

July 15, 2012
We woke to more rain and thunder. Greg and Donna Wozny, I worked with Greg at KCDA, dropped by for a visit before going to a family reunion. It's always good to see familiar faces and friends when traveling. After they left we struck out in the rain for a drive to Harrison, which is on the SE end of Lake Couer d'Alene. After a short time the rain stopped and the sun came out. We heard an emergency report on the radio that in NE Washington there was going to be golf ball size hail and 60 mph winds. That sounds more like the Midwest than our home state. Anyway, we drove on the CDA Scenic Byway about 35 miles to Harrison in the sun on a narrow paved road that was close to the edge of the lake. Beautiful! When we arrived in Harrison there was a bass fishing tourney that was finishing so there were quite a few people in town. We went to a lakeside restaurant and had a light lunch sitting on the deck overlooking the lake. Then we took another scenic road back to our RV park. It turned out to be a wonderful day. Tomorrow we pack up for a drive back to the Wenatchee area.

Couer d' Alene

July 14, 2012
Our drive today was only about 80 miles to Couer d'Alene to Tamarack RV Park. There are so many "permanent" residents here it is more like a trailer park. Not good. Too many of the residences are run down, beat up, old trailers and 5th wheels that haven't been on the road for years. Only two nights here so we'll tough it out. We haven't been here to see the town for some years so we went in to wander the streets, shops and bars. CDA, as they call it, is a very trendy town with upscale shops and businesses. Most of the restaurants have sidewalk tables. A rain squall came through that sent people scampering to the covered sidewalks and store fronts. After it passed we went to the park and had dinner. It rained hard and thundered all night. I could get this at home.
Our new friends-
We met Cathy and who I will call Pop at this park. These nice folks are from Lewiston, ID. They are traveling with their 16 tear old grandson, Caleb, who they are raising. He is a fetal alcohol child so has special needs but seems to be a pretty good kid. I saw Pop working on a drain for his 5th wheel. He said it was clogged but he couldn't figure it out so I offered my limited knowledge and assistance. He was able to gerry rig a drain for the shower so they can use it. Pop and Cathy send Caleb to basketball camp and golf camps. They all enjoy golfing so it is a good way for them to do things together.

Beyond Hope

We drove about 200 miles to a little RV park just outside of Hope, ID called Beyond Hope. We were here 6 years ago on our first long trip in a trailer. Of course the park has changed but is still real nice right on Lake Pend Oreille. There are deer wandering through the park daily. The weather is still pretty warm but on the lake it is a little cooler than the past few days. We needed ice and had to go to a nearby marina to get it. There was a floating restaurant there so we went in and had a beer and snack on the deck. Quite nice.

Went for a drive today to Bonners Ferry. Don went there on vacation with his grandparents in the 50's. He doesn't remember how long it took to get there from Oregon back then with no freeways or air conditioning but it was probably a couple of days. The town is very quaint with lots of history. We went into a little shop that had kitchen gadgets in the front and other miscellaneous bric a brac throughout. Don was in the front of the store when Gail called him to the back where she had found a night stand from the 30's or 40's. She asked him how much he thought it was worth. Probably about $125. Well it is now in our truck, our little $29.95 treasure. That night there was a great sunset and later thunder and lightning.


Sandpoint, ID

July 13, 2012
We drove into Sandpoint to wander around today. This is a great little tourist town year around. We browsed a lot of shops and walked to City Beach. This is a real nice beach with a sheltered cove where they brought in white sand. It looks more like  an ocean beach than a lake beach. It was very busy and hot. There were no restaurants or shops on it so if you were there you were swimming/trying to stay cool. We did some grocery shopping and had lunch, then back to our park. In the evening the weather took a change toward rain and thunder storms. There was going to be a fundraiser concert Sat so people had arrived early for it. They partied into the wee hours weathering the storm and feeling pretty lousy in the morning. We are leaving Hope behind in the morning for Couer d' Alene.
I'm going to start a new feature on the blog called "Our new friends".
We met Gwen and Keith from La Crede, ID at this park. Keith works in construction and Gwen has worked in many jobs from nursing to being a nanny to bar tending. They have 3 kids who are in their 30's. They were being joined by the family and their friends for the weekend to join in on the concert. One of their sons is in a band that is part of it. Keith and his boys were some of the late night revelers mentioned above.

Sandpoint, ID

July 13, 2012
We drove into Sandpoint to wander around today. This is a great little tourist town year around. We browsed a lot of shops and walked to City Beach. This is a real nice beach with a sheltered cove where they brought in white sand. It looks more like  an ocean beach than a lake beach. It was very busy and hot. There were no restaurants or shops on it so if you were there you were swimming/trying to stay cool. We did some grocery shopping and had lunch, then back to our park. In the evening the weather took a change toward rain and thunder storms. There was going to be a fundraiser concert Sat so people had arrived early for it. They partied into the wee hours weathering the storm and feeling pretty lousy in the morning. We are leaving Hope behind in the morning for Couer d' Alene.
I'm going to start a new feature on the blog called "Our new friends".
We met Gwen and Keith from La Crede, ID at this park. Keith works in construction and Gwen has worked in many jobs from nursing to being a nanny to bar tending. They have 3 kids who are in their 30's. They were being joined by the family and their friends for the weekend to join in on the concert. One of their sons is in a band that is part of it. Keith and his boys were some of the late night revelers mentioned above.

Beyond Hope

We drove about 200 miles to a little RV park just outside of Hope, ID called Beyond Hope. We were here 6 years ago on our first long trip in a trailer. Of course the park has changed but is still real nice right on Lake Pend Oreille. There are deer wandering through the park daily. The weather is still pretty warm but on the lake it is a little cooler than the past few days. We needed ice and had to go to a nearby marina to get it. There was a floating restaurant there so we went in and had a beer and snack on the deck. Quite nice.

Went for a drive today to Bonners Ferry. Don went there on vacation with his grandparents in the 50's. He doesn't remember how long it took to get there from Oregon back then with no freeways or air conditioning but it was probably a couple of days. The town is very quaint with lots of history. We went into a little shop that had kitchen gadgets in the front and other miscellaneous bric a brac throughout. Don was in the front of the store when Gail called him to the back where she had found a night stand from the 30's or 40's. She asked him how much he thought it was worth. Probably about $125. Well it is now in our truck, our little $29.95 treasure. That night there was a great sunset and later thunder and lightning.


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

O'Sullivan's Resort

We travelled to O'Sullivan's Sportsman's Resort south of Moses Lake near the Potholes reservoir, about 180 miles, where it was103 degrees. Sure it was a dry heat but 103??? We were at this park a couple years ago. It is nice with a pool and play area for kids. Mostly we sat and enjoyed the scenery trying to stay cool. The highlight of the day was a refreshing swim in the pool. Some pretty good lightning around the area but was too far away to hear the thunder.

Another hot day of about 100 degrees. Greg, who Don worked with, stopped by in the late afternoon for a visit. We decided to play golf in the heat. It seemed like we were trying to hit into the areas being watered. It did feel good to get wet occasionally. Gail met us for dinner then back to the trailer for the evening. More lightning.

Still pretty hot. Took a drive on a gravel road to see the scablands and wildlife areas. It was about 6 miles on the gravel before getting on pavement again just near Othello. Then into Othello for pizza at at place we have experienced before. Really good pie with the works on it. Then shopping at Walmart and on to Moses Lake for more of the same. Back to the park for the afternoon and a couple dips in the pool. Stayed up til about 11 which is late for us. Tomorrow on the road to northern Idaho. Here is a pic of the park.

O'Sullivan's Resort

We travelled to O'Sullivan's Sportsman's Resort south of Moses Lake near the Potholes reservoir, about 180 miles, where it was103 degrees. Sure it was a dry heat but 103??? We were at this park a couple years ago. It is nice with a pool and play area for kids. Mostly we sat and enjoyed the scenery trying to stay cool. The highlight of the day was a refreshing swim in the pool. Some pretty good lightning around the area but was too far away to hear the thunder.

Another hot day of about 100 degrees. Greg, who Don worked with, stopped by in the late afternoon for a visit. We decided to play golf in the heat. It seemed like we were trying to hit into the areas being watered. It did feel good to get wet occasionally. Gail met us for dinner then back to the trailer for the evening. More lightning.

Still pretty hot. Took a drive on a gravel road to see the scablands and wildlife areas. It was about 6 miles on the gravel before getting on pavement again just near Othello. Then into Othello for pizza at at place we have experienced before. Really good pie with the works on it. Then shopping at Walmart and on to Moses Lake for more of the same. Back to the park for the afternoon and a couple dips in the pool. Stayed up til about 11 which is late for us. Tomorrow on the road to northern Idaho. Here is a pic of the park.