Saturday, June 9, 2012


June 5, 2012
I neglected to make this post before we left the Gorge.Well it was raining hard but we decided to drive about 25 miles down river on the Oregon side in search for waterfalls. We got off the main highway and came to Horse Tail Falls and the rain stopped! These falls are about 230 feet high in a beautiful wooded setting.

From here we went on to Multnomah Falls. These falls are 620 feet high dropping into an upper pool and then a lower one. Several years ago a 40 ton rock fell from the upper falls into the pool. This is equivalent to a school bus filled with cement. There was a wedding party on the bridge that got soaked and some were sent to a hospital. The lodge at the falls is a beautiful stone building. There was a terrible fire in the woods above the lodge that was controlled only 13 feet from it. Here are some pictures of the area.

PreviewAbove are the falls and the lodge. The upper right is the entire falls showing the bridge where the people were soaked when the rock fell. The lower right is a shot through the trees of the lower falls. This is a beautiful part of the drive and we were lucky to
have the weather break for us.
We stopped at a bakery in Hood River called Knead to get some fresh bread. We think the french bread was cooked in a wood oven. It had kind of a smokey taste and a great crust.Then back to the RV park for dinner and a nice evening.
Tomorrow we are off to Crooked River Ranch near Redmond, OR.

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