Sunday, June 10, 2012

Dry Canyon Park

June 9, 2012
We had a pretty good day with the weather mostly clear but windy and only about 60. Went for a hike at Dry Canyon Park in Redmond. This park goes right through the city. It is a natural hike through the canyon with a paved path winding 3.7 miles. There are covered gazebos for picnics, soccer and baseball fields, disc/Frisbee course, dog park and a big skate park. They do a great job keeping the path clear and the other facilities clean. We started our hike near the mid point of the park and walked to the South end and back. Then to a nice lunch at Black Bear Diner. This is part of a chain with restaurants all over Oregon , California and some in Washington and other states. Great food and plenty of it. The sun came out in the afternoon and the wind even died down in the evening. Tomorrow it is supposed to get to 70 and higher for the rest of the week.

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