Thursday, June 21, 2012

Smith Rock and Golf

June 11,2012
Today was a great day for taking a hike. The temp got to the upper 70's so we went to Smith Rock to hike some of the trails. We thought it being a Monday the park wouldn't be crowded. It wasn't as busy as yesterday but there were plenty of folks hiking, sightseeing and climbing. We walked one trail that was across the stream from the climbing faces of Smith Rock. It's amazing how the climbers go up the rocks that are beyond vertical. Here are a few pics of them and some interesting rock formations.
There are four climbers on the large picture below.

 On the left is Monkey face. We call the one on the right angry face. Some say it looks like an elephant, lion or gorilla.

We hiked three trails for a total of about 3 miles. Lots of scrambling over rustic steps and rocks with elevation changes.
We got back to our trailer for lunch then Don played golf. He walked the course which was about another 3 miles. He was pooped after the day

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