Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Palm Springs

Mar 3, 2015
The weather on our drive from Peoria was not bad getting warmer the closer we got to Palm Springs. I think it got into the 80's which was pretty darn comfortable. We stayed at the Catalina Spa and RV Resort. Fancy name for a nice park. They have two pools, two spa pools, bocci ball courts, shuffle board and pickle ball among the activities in the park. We took a drive into Palm Springs to do a little shopping and check it out. We got our chores done but didn't find downtown old Palm Springs. Tomorrow we are meeting Gail's best friend Teddi and her husband Dave at their home. They moved here a few years ago. Dave had a stroke some time ago and the weather and treatment facilities are great for him here. It was good to find nicer weather.
The view of the mountains behind Palm Springs
Mar 4, 2015
We went to Teddi and Dave's around lunch time and went into town for some sight seeing. It's great having a resident as a tour guide. We had a great lunch and then drove around the area. Teddi took us to the area called the movie colony which is where a lot of the stars had homes. We saw Cary Grant's, Frank Sinatra's, Bob Hope's and others homes. Then we went to their favorite bar for happy hour. The place is called Melvyn's and was visited by virtually all the stars when they were in town. There is great memorabilia in the place. That evening I went to the airport and picked up daughter Stephanie. She wanted to join us in celebrating my birthday so flew down for the fun.

Mar 5, 2015
In the morning I walked over by the pickle ball courts and was invited to play. I warned the ladies that I hadn't played for over 30 years so don't expect to much. They were great. we played doubles and no matter what team I was on we lost. Those ladies are really good. Then it was off to Teddi and Dave's for a while before going on a hike in the Andreas area in the Agua Caliente Indian territory. The rock formations, cactus and surroundings were fantastic.

After that the girls and I went to lunch. Then back to the park to ready ourselves for another happy hour and a street fair. We met Dave and Teddi at Melvyns for happy hour with many friends. Then Gail, Steph and I walked into town, about two blocks, for their weekly Thursday Village Fest. They close off about 6 blocks of the main street and vendors and artisans show their wares and talents. By about 8:30 we'd had enough of the fair so found a pub for a couple appetizers and beer. Back to the trailer at about 9:30 for a little time out by the fire.

Mar 6, 2015
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO DON!!! OMG he's 70!!! I went and played pickle ball again in the AM. This time I was teamed up with another man. We won a game and were beaten by the ladies twice. It was fun. Then we had breakfast and I spent the day relaxing by the pool and chillin' like us older folks tend to do. Steph and I watched some folks playing water volleyball. What a gas. There were 8-10 players per team and they hit the ball as many times as they want before going over the net as long as it doesn't hit the water. In the afternoon we three went to the Agua Caliente Casino for lunch and some gambling. Then to our hosts' home for a pizza dinner with another couple. Teddi even got me a little birthday cake. She and Dave are two of the sweetest people we have ever known. It was a great day. The temp was in the mid 80's.

Mar 7, 2015
Steph had to fly out today so we hung out in our site and at the pool for a bit before going into town for a light lunch and drop her at the airport. We went back to the park for a while before once again going to Teddi and Dave's to see her daughter Ginger and family who drove out to see us from Huntington Beach. Ginger is our God Daughter so is quite special to us. They ordered food in so we left before it arrived and had a light dinner. Another beautiful day of upper 80's.

Mar 8, 2015
We hung around the park all day relaxing. It got to be over 90 degrees. I spent some time in the pool talking to other revelers. We met Teddi and Dave and Rob and Sheila Nelson from Edmonds at Mellvyns at 3:30 for a few hours of jazz and other music by some of the local musicians. The place was packed and it was a gas enjoying the music and people watching. We had a great time on Palm Springs thanks to our friends and others we met. We will come back in a couple years. Tomorrow we head for Las Vegas for a couple days.

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