Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Bodega Bay

Mar 15, 2015
The drive to Bodega Bay was beautiful but very tiring. We were on Hwy 1 and it is slow and winding. It took us about 8 hours to drive less than 250 miles. The Porto Bodega  RV Park is a nice park right on the bay and marina. Our site backed up right to the water. We took a short drive around the bay to taste the clam chowder that was voted best in the state for 11 years. It was pretty darned good and very rich. We took a drive through a county park near our park that Gail said we stayed in when we took our first long vacation in 1969. She has a picture that I took of her walking to the beach. We also saw a restaurant that we ate at on that trip. The weather was partly cloudy and a little windy as it was when we were here before. We went back to the park and relaxed for the remainder of the day.

Mar 16, 2015
After breakfast we went on a walk at Bodega Head which is the land that separates the bay from the ocean. It was a very picturesque hike of about 1.5 miles. Most of it was along a bluff overlooking the ocean. We spotted an island with a lot of sea lions and sea birds. Walking along the bluff we saw a California Condor searching for food.
You can barely see the condor silhouetted in the surf 

It wasn't a warm day so getting out and exercising was great. Then back to the park and out to lunch. We had what we were told was some of the best fish and chips in the area. It was mighty good but a big helping. We took it easy for the afternoon and then went out to have an anniversary meal. We had a couple drinks and appetizers at a restaurant on the bay. There were sea lions and birds keeping our interest. Then back to the park for the evening and a fire.

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