Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Bodega Bay

Mar 15, 2015
The drive to Bodega Bay was beautiful but very tiring. We were on Hwy 1 and it is slow and winding. It took us about 8 hours to drive less than 250 miles. The Porto Bodega  RV Park is a nice park right on the bay and marina. Our site backed up right to the water. We took a short drive around the bay to taste the clam chowder that was voted best in the state for 11 years. It was pretty darned good and very rich. We took a drive through a county park near our park that Gail said we stayed in when we took our first long vacation in 1969. She has a picture that I took of her walking to the beach. We also saw a restaurant that we ate at on that trip. The weather was partly cloudy and a little windy as it was when we were here before. We went back to the park and relaxed for the remainder of the day.

Mar 16, 2015
After breakfast we went on a walk at Bodega Head which is the land that separates the bay from the ocean. It was a very picturesque hike of about 1.5 miles. Most of it was along a bluff overlooking the ocean. We spotted an island with a lot of sea lions and sea birds. Walking along the bluff we saw a California Condor searching for food.
You can barely see the condor silhouetted in the surf 

It wasn't a warm day so getting out and exercising was great. Then back to the park and out to lunch. We had what we were told was some of the best fish and chips in the area. It was mighty good but a big helping. We took it easy for the afternoon and then went out to have an anniversary meal. We had a couple drinks and appetizers at a restaurant on the bay. There were sea lions and birds keeping our interest. Then back to the park for the evening and a fire.

Trinidad, CA and Salem, OR

Mar 17, 2015
We got up and hit the road to Trinidad. We had another 100 miles of winding roads and slow speeds before getting on HWY 101. The RV park in Trindad was Sounds of the Sea RV Park. This is a nice park above the water. It's a short hike to the water and tide pools. The owners of the park live in the old Trinidad School which was built in 1912. We didn't do much this day to rest up for another long drive tomorrow.

Mar 18, 2015
It was a long drive to Salem to Hee Hee Illahee RV park where we have stayed before. It wasn't warm but we stayed out until about 9 then in to warm up and get to bed.

Mar 19, 2015
Up and on the road before 9 for the 200 mile final leg of our first winter trip. We got home at about 1. We put on almost 4400 miles on the trip in 25 days. It's good to be home and we are already planning our next trip in April.

Trinidad, CA and Salem, OR

Mar 17, 2015
We got up and hit the road to Trinidad. We had another 100 miles of winding roads and slow speeds before getting on HWY 101. The RV park in Trindad was Sounds of the Sea RV Park. This is a nice park above the water. It's a short hike to the water and tide pools. The owners of the park live in the old Trinidad School which was built in 1912. We didn't do much this day to rest up for another long drive tomorrow.

Mar 18, 2015
It was a long drive to Salem to Hee Hee Illahee RV park where we have stayed before. It wasn't warm but we stayed out until about 9 then in to warm up and get to bed.

Mar 19, 2015
Up and on the road before 9 for the 200 mile final leg of our first winter trip. We got home at about 1. We put on almost 4400 miles on the trip in 25 days. It's good to be home and we are already planning our next trip in April.

Bodega Bay

Mar 15, 2015
The drive to Bodega Bay was beautiful but very tiring. We were on Hwy 1 and it is slow and winding. It took us about 8 hours to drive less than 250 miles. The Porto Bodega  RV Park is a nice park right on the bay and marina. Our site backed up right to the water. We took a short drive around the bay to taste the clam chowder that was voted best in the state for 11 years. It was pretty darned good and very rich. We took a drive through a county park near our park that Gail said we stayed in when we took our first long vacation in 1969. She has a picture that I took of her walking to the beach. We also saw a restaurant that we ate at on that trip. The weather was partly cloudy and a little windy as it was when we were here before. We went back to the park and relaxed for the remainder of the day.

Mar 16, 2015
After breakfast we went on a walk at Bodega Head which is the land that separates the bay from the ocean. It was a very picturesque hike of about 1.5 miles. Most of it was along a bluff overlooking the ocean. We spotted an island with a lot of sea lions and sea birds. Walking along the bluff we saw a California Condor searching for food.
You can barely see the condor silhouetted in the surf 

It wasn't a warm day so getting out and exercising was great. Then back to the park and out to lunch. We had what we were told was some of the best fish and chips in the area. It was mighty good but a big helping. We took it easy for the afternoon and then went out to have an anniversary meal. We had a couple drinks and appetizers at a restaurant on the bay. There were sea lions and birds keeping our interest. Then back to the park for the evening and a fire.

Greenfield and Monterey

Mar 12, 2015
We arrived at Yank's RV Park in Greenfield, CA to find a real nice park with all amenities. It appears to be pretty new. Greenfield is about 40 miles from Monterey which I didn't realize when making the reservations. We got set up and went to a couple of wineries for some local tastings. The first was Paraiso Vinyards in Soledad. The tasting room is on a hill above farmlands which shows the diversity of crops grown in the area. Since California is in such a drought it is great to see how well the crops are doing. The wines were quite tasty especially when paired with dark chocolate salted caramel cashews. Then it was on to Hahn Cellars where we tasted a good  selection of their red wines. We also had a good conversation with our hostess about Washington and California wine countries. Then back to the park for dinner and sit out by the fire. It was pretty windy early but it stilled just before 9.

Mar 13, 2015
After breakfast we drove into Carmel to explore the town. Carmel is a very quaint community where everyone picks up their mail at the post office because there are no house numbers on the homes. We saw the Hog's Breath Inn which was made famous in the Dirty Harry movies. There are a lot of upscale shops like Tiffany's and others. The homes around the town are usually more like cottages which are tucked into sides of the hills and leading down to the beach. Then it was off to Monterey via the 17 mile drive along the coast. Here there are palatial estates against hillside with views of the ocean. We drove along seeing several golf courses like Spyglass Hill and Pebble Beach. We stopped at Pebble Beach and went into the Tap Room at the Lodge for lunch

The bar in the Tap Room
The table menu in the Tap Room

And then there's the 18th hole at Pebble Beach.

After lunch we went into Monterey to stroll the streets and visit the shops. Monterey is a very nice town and is keyed to the tourists. The history of the town is also interesting as it was the sardine capitol of the US for many years . We headed back to the park for dinner and a relaxing evening.

Mar 14, 2015
We woke to another pretty day so after breakfast we drove to Pinnacles National Park in Soledad. This is the newest park in the National system having been named in 2013. We parked at the trailheads and began a trek of what we thought would be a gentle climb of about 1.3 miles. Well the trail was a lot steeper than we anticipated and we ended up walking about 3 miles. This is a very pretty park.

Then out to lunch at a nice local restaurant and back to the park. I took a swim and laid out in the sun before dinner. Tomorrow we head to Bodega Bay, CA.

Greenfield and Monterey

Mar 12, 2015
We arrived at Yank's RV Park in Greenfield, CA to find a real nice park with all amenities. It appears to be pretty new. Greenfield is about 40 miles from Monterey which I didn't realize when making the reservations. We got set up and went to a couple of wineries for some local tastings. The first was Paraiso Vinyards in Soledad. The tasting room is on a hill above farmlands which shows the diversity of crops grown in the area. Since California is in such a drought it is great to see how well the crops are doing. The wines were quite tasty especially when paired with dark chocolate salted caramel cashews. Then it was on to Hahn Cellars where we tasted a good  selection of their red wines. We also had a good conversation with our hostess about Washington and California wine countries. Then back to the park for dinner and sit out by the fire. It was pretty windy early but it stilled just before 9.

Mar 13, 2015
After breakfast we drove into Carmel to explore the town. Carmel is a very quaint community where everyone picks up their mail at the post office because there are no house numbers on the homes. We saw the Hog's Breath Inn which was made famous in the Dirty Harry movies. There are a lot of upscale shops like Tiffany's and others. The homes around the town are usually more like cottages which are tucked into sides of the hills and leading down to the beach. Then it was off to Monterey via the 17 mile drive along the coast. Here there are palatial estates against hillside with views of the ocean. We drove along seeing several golf courses like Spyglass Hill and Pebble Beach. We stopped at Pebble Beach and went into the Tap Room at the Lodge for lunch

The bar in the Tap Room
The table menu in the Tap Room

And then there's the 18th hole at Pebble Beach.

After lunch we went into Monterey to stroll the streets and visit the shops. Monterey is a very nice town and is keyed to the tourists. The history of the town is also interesting as it was the sardine capitol of the US for many years . We headed back to the park for dinner and a relaxing evening.

Mar 14, 2015
We woke to another pretty day so after breakfast we drove to Pinnacles National Park in Soledad. This is the newest park in the National system having been named in 2013. We parked at the trailheads and began a trek of what we thought would be a gentle climb of about 1.3 miles. Well the trail was a lot steeper than we anticipated and we ended up walking about 3 miles. This is a very pretty park.

Then out to lunch at a nice local restaurant and back to the park. I took a swim and laid out in the sun before dinner. Tomorrow we head to Bodega Bay, CA.

Palm Springs

Mar 3, 2015
The weather on our drive from Peoria was not bad getting warmer the closer we got to Palm Springs. I think it got into the 80's which was pretty darn comfortable. We stayed at the Catalina Spa and RV Resort. Fancy name for a nice park. They have two pools, two spa pools, bocci ball courts, shuffle board and pickle ball among the activities in the park. We took a drive into Palm Springs to do a little shopping and check it out. We got our chores done but didn't find downtown old Palm Springs. Tomorrow we are meeting Gail's best friend Teddi and her husband Dave at their home. They moved here a few years ago. Dave had a stroke some time ago and the weather and treatment facilities are great for him here. It was good to find nicer weather.
The view of the mountains behind Palm Springs
Mar 4, 2015
We went to Teddi and Dave's around lunch time and went into town for some sight seeing. It's great having a resident as a tour guide. We had a great lunch and then drove around the area. Teddi took us to the area called the movie colony which is where a lot of the stars had homes. We saw Cary Grant's, Frank Sinatra's, Bob Hope's and others homes. Then we went to their favorite bar for happy hour. The place is called Melvyn's and was visited by virtually all the stars when they were in town. There is great memorabilia in the place. That evening I went to the airport and picked up daughter Stephanie. She wanted to join us in celebrating my birthday so flew down for the fun.

Mar 5, 2015
In the morning I walked over by the pickle ball courts and was invited to play. I warned the ladies that I hadn't played for over 30 years so don't expect to much. They were great. we played doubles and no matter what team I was on we lost. Those ladies are really good. Then it was off to Teddi and Dave's for a while before going on a hike in the Andreas area in the Agua Caliente Indian territory. The rock formations, cactus and surroundings were fantastic.

After that the girls and I went to lunch. Then back to the park to ready ourselves for another happy hour and a street fair. We met Dave and Teddi at Melvyns for happy hour with many friends. Then Gail, Steph and I walked into town, about two blocks, for their weekly Thursday Village Fest. They close off about 6 blocks of the main street and vendors and artisans show their wares and talents. By about 8:30 we'd had enough of the fair so found a pub for a couple appetizers and beer. Back to the trailer at about 9:30 for a little time out by the fire.

Mar 6, 2015
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO DON!!! OMG he's 70!!! I went and played pickle ball again in the AM. This time I was teamed up with another man. We won a game and were beaten by the ladies twice. It was fun. Then we had breakfast and I spent the day relaxing by the pool and chillin' like us older folks tend to do. Steph and I watched some folks playing water volleyball. What a gas. There were 8-10 players per team and they hit the ball as many times as they want before going over the net as long as it doesn't hit the water. In the afternoon we three went to the Agua Caliente Casino for lunch and some gambling. Then to our hosts' home for a pizza dinner with another couple. Teddi even got me a little birthday cake. She and Dave are two of the sweetest people we have ever known. It was a great day. The temp was in the mid 80's.

Mar 7, 2015
Steph had to fly out today so we hung out in our site and at the pool for a bit before going into town for a light lunch and drop her at the airport. We went back to the park for a while before once again going to Teddi and Dave's to see her daughter Ginger and family who drove out to see us from Huntington Beach. Ginger is our God Daughter so is quite special to us. They ordered food in so we left before it arrived and had a light dinner. Another beautiful day of upper 80's.

Mar 8, 2015
We hung around the park all day relaxing. It got to be over 90 degrees. I spent some time in the pool talking to other revelers. We met Teddi and Dave and Rob and Sheila Nelson from Edmonds at Mellvyns at 3:30 for a few hours of jazz and other music by some of the local musicians. The place was packed and it was a gas enjoying the music and people watching. We had a great time on Palm Springs thanks to our friends and others we met. We will come back in a couple years. Tomorrow we head for Las Vegas for a couple days.

Palm Springs

Mar 3, 2015
The weather on our drive from Peoria was not bad getting warmer the closer we got to Palm Springs. I think it got into the 80's which was pretty darn comfortable. We stayed at the Catalina Spa and RV Resort. Fancy name for a nice park. They have two pools, two spa pools, bocci ball courts, shuffle board and pickle ball among the activities in the park. We took a drive into Palm Springs to do a little shopping and check it out. We got our chores done but didn't find downtown old Palm Springs. Tomorrow we are meeting Gail's best friend Teddi and her husband Dave at their home. They moved here a few years ago. Dave had a stroke some time ago and the weather and treatment facilities are great for him here. It was good to find nicer weather.
The view of the mountains behind Palm Springs
Mar 4, 2015
We went to Teddi and Dave's around lunch time and went into town for some sight seeing. It's great having a resident as a tour guide. We had a great lunch and then drove around the area. Teddi took us to the area called the movie colony which is where a lot of the stars had homes. We saw Cary Grant's, Frank Sinatra's, Bob Hope's and others homes. Then we went to their favorite bar for happy hour. The place is called Melvyn's and was visited by virtually all the stars when they were in town. There is great memorabilia in the place. That evening I went to the airport and picked up daughter Stephanie. She wanted to join us in celebrating my birthday so flew down for the fun.

Mar 5, 2015
In the morning I walked over by the pickle ball courts and was invited to play. I warned the ladies that I hadn't played for over 30 years so don't expect to much. They were great. we played doubles and no matter what team I was on we lost. Those ladies are really good. Then it was off to Teddi and Dave's for a while before going on a hike in the Andreas area in the Agua Caliente Indian territory. The rock formations, cactus and surroundings were fantastic.

After that the girls and I went to lunch. Then back to the park to ready ourselves for another happy hour and a street fair. We met Dave and Teddi at Melvyns for happy hour with many friends. Then Gail, Steph and I walked into town, about two blocks, for their weekly Thursday Village Fest. They close off about 6 blocks of the main street and vendors and artisans show their wares and talents. By about 8:30 we'd had enough of the fair so found a pub for a couple appetizers and beer. Back to the trailer at about 9:30 for a little time out by the fire.

Mar 6, 2015
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO DON!!! OMG he's 70!!! I went and played pickle ball again in the AM. This time I was teamed up with another man. We won a game and were beaten by the ladies twice. It was fun. Then we had breakfast and I spent the day relaxing by the pool and chillin' like us older folks tend to do. Steph and I watched some folks playing water volleyball. What a gas. There were 8-10 players per team and they hit the ball as many times as they want before going over the net as long as it doesn't hit the water. In the afternoon we three went to the Agua Caliente Casino for lunch and some gambling. Then to our hosts' home for a pizza dinner with another couple. Teddi even got me a little birthday cake. She and Dave are two of the sweetest people we have ever known. It was a great day. The temp was in the mid 80's.

Mar 7, 2015
Steph had to fly out today so we hung out in our site and at the pool for a bit before going into town for a light lunch and drop her at the airport. We went back to the park for a while before once again going to Teddi and Dave's to see her daughter Ginger and family who drove out to see us from Huntington Beach. Ginger is our God Daughter so is quite special to us. They ordered food in so we left before it arrived and had a light dinner. Another beautiful day of upper 80's.

Mar 8, 2015
We hung around the park all day relaxing. It got to be over 90 degrees. I spent some time in the pool talking to other revelers. We met Teddi and Dave and Rob and Sheila Nelson from Edmonds at Mellvyns at 3:30 for a few hours of jazz and other music by some of the local musicians. The place was packed and it was a gas enjoying the music and people watching. We had a great time on Palm Springs thanks to our friends and others we met. We will come back in a couple years. Tomorrow we head for Las Vegas for a couple days.

Peoria, AZ

Feb 26, 2015
At last we arrived at our first longer stay in Peoria, AZ at the Pleasant Harbor RV Park. It is a nice, large 256 site park with all the amenities. It was about 75 degrees and sunny when we arrived. After getting set up we went into Peoria to have lunch at In and Out Burger. We think these are the best fast food burgers we have ever had. We enjoyed them in California a few years ago and this time were not disappointed. Then to Costco to top off the gas tank and back to the park. It got a little chilly in the evening so we set up our fireplace and sat out enjoying the evening and sunset.

Feb 27, 2015
We awoke to another beautiful sunny morning. After breakfast we did some laundry and Don enjoyed the pool taking it easy. After lunch we met up with Greg and Donna Wozny. Don worked with Greg at KCDA. They bought a home in Sun City and were going to be here so we planned this gathering as part of our trip. We met them at a place we and they had heard about that is popular for their burgers. They are said to be among the best in the state. We had a couple of beers with them and planned a burger visit later in the weekend. Then back to the park for dinner and a relaxing evening. The weather forecast is for some rain coming so we enjoyed the evening while we could.

Feb 28, 2015
Don got up early to play golf with Greg and it was mostly showers and the temperature was down in the 60's and windy. He had a fun morning with Greg and the guys. Then back to the park before joining Greg and Donna at their house for a barbecue dinner. Greg's son and his wife and her parents were there as well. We had a very nice afternoon and evening sitting out under cover until dinner when we went inside.We got back to the park at about 9:30. Then a little TV and off to bed. More rain and wind expected for the next few days but it's supposed to be in the 70's. I don't think we drove 1600 miles to find Kent weather.

Mar 1, 2015
We woke to cooler weather and some rain showers. After breakfast we drove into Peoria to do a little shopping. We met Greg and Donna at Wild Horse West for what is considered to have the best burgers in Arizona. This is a funky place that has picnic style tables and no frills. The burgers were fantastic. My bacon cheese burger was about $7.00 with all the fixin's and a bag of chips. Then we went back to the RV park and sat around talking and reminiscing. They left at about dinner time. We sat out until about 9.

Mar 2, 2015
Well it rained most of the day with the temp only getting to about 60. If it's any consolation the low temp tonight is about 58. We stayed in most of the day. When I had a chance I began putting things away for our drive to Palm Springs tomorrow. We look forward to warmer weather there.

Peoria, AZ

Feb 26, 2015
At last we arrived at our first longer stay in Peoria, AZ at the Pleasant Harbor RV Park. It is a nice, large 256 site park with all the amenities. It was about 75 degrees and sunny when we arrived. After getting set up we went into Peoria to have lunch at In and Out Burger. We think these are the best fast food burgers we have ever had. We enjoyed them in California a few years ago and this time were not disappointed. Then to Costco to top off the gas tank and back to the park. It got a little chilly in the evening so we set up our fireplace and sat out enjoying the evening and sunset.

Feb 27, 2015
We awoke to another beautiful sunny morning. After breakfast we did some laundry and Don enjoyed the pool taking it easy. After lunch we met up with Greg and Donna Wozny. Don worked with Greg at KCDA. They bought a home in Sun City and were going to be here so we planned this gathering as part of our trip. We met them at a place we and they had heard about that is popular for their burgers. They are said to be among the best in the state. We had a couple of beers with them and planned a burger visit later in the weekend. Then back to the park for dinner and a relaxing evening. The weather forecast is for some rain coming so we enjoyed the evening while we could.

Feb 28, 2015
Don got up early to play golf with Greg and it was mostly showers and the temperature was down in the 60's and windy. He had a fun morning with Greg and the guys. Then back to the park before joining Greg and Donna at their house for a barbecue dinner. Greg's son and his wife and her parents were there as well. We had a very nice afternoon and evening sitting out under cover until dinner when we went inside.We got back to the park at about 9:30. Then a little TV and off to bed. More rain and wind expected for the next few days but it's supposed to be in the 70's. I don't think we drove 1600 miles to find Kent weather.

Mar 1, 2015
We woke to cooler weather and some rain showers. After breakfast we drove into Peoria to do a little shopping. We met Greg and Donna at Wild Horse West for what is considered to have the best burgers in Arizona. This is a funky place that has picnic style tables and no frills. The burgers were fantastic. My bacon cheese burger was about $7.00 with all the fixin's and a bag of chips. Then we went back to the RV park and sat around talking and reminiscing. They left at about dinner time. We sat out until about 9.

Mar 2, 2015
Well it rained most of the day with the temp only getting to about 60. If it's any consolation the low temp tonight is about 58. We stayed in most of the day. When I had a chance I began putting things away for our drive to Palm Springs tomorrow. We look forward to warmer weather there.

Needles, CA

Feb 25, 2015
Up in the morning for another almost 300 mile drive to Needles and the Northshore  RV Park on the Colorado River. This is a very nice park with everything we needed. We walked around the park and enjoyed the nice weather  before going out to dinner at a local eatery. We would like to come back here to explore the area and visit some of the sites.
Colorado River and beach at Northshore RV Park

Bakersfield, CA

Feb 24, 2015
We next drove to Bakersfield to stay the night at the Orange Grove RV Park. This is a very nice RV park that was converted in the 80's from an orange grove to the park in which the sites are among the actual orange trees. It has a pool, car/RV wash site, store, and very clean restrooms and showers. You can also use the provided orange harvesting tools. These are round rake like implements that have longer curved tines on one side that you reach into the trees with and pull the oranges down and they fall into the picker. We gathered some and they were the sweetest oranges we had ever tasted. We will be staying there again later on this trip.

Bakersfield, CA

Feb 24, 2015
We next drove to Bakersfield to stay the night at the Orange Grove RV Park. This is a very nice RV park that was converted in the 80's from an orange grove to the park in which the sites are among the actual orange trees. It has a pool, car/RV wash site, store, and very clean restrooms and showers. You can also use the provided orange harvesting tools. These are round rake like implements that have longer curved tines on one side that you reach into the trees with and pull the oranges down and they fall into the picker. We gathered some and they were the sweetest oranges we had ever tasted. We will be staying there again later on this trip.

Nicolaus, CA

Feb 23, 2015
Well another pretty long driving day to the Lake Minden RV Resort near Sacramento for the night. At this time I cannot concur that this is a resort. It is a nice enough park but in February it doesn't look like a resort at all. There is a nice man made lake on the property, There is NOTHING to see or do in the town of Nicolaus. We had to drive about 15 miles to Marysville for dinner at the Peach Tree diner. It is a quaint place reminiscent of a pre Denny's spot. At the park you have to plan any sewer dumps on their schedule. We weren't there on the correct day so couldn't use the amenity but there wasn't the need.

Nicolaus, CA

Feb 23, 2015
Well another pretty long driving day to the Lake Minden RV Resort near Sacramento for the night. At this time I cannot concur that this is a resort. It is a nice enough park but in February it doesn't look like a resort at all. There is a nice man made lake on the property, There is NOTHING to see or do in the town of Nicolaus. We had to drive about 15 miles to Marysville for dinner at the Peach Tree diner. It is a quaint place reminiscent of a pre Denny's spot. At the park you have to plan any sewer dumps on their schedule. We weren't there on the correct day so couldn't use the amenity but there wasn't the need.

Canyonville, OR

Feb 22, 2015
Well we were on the road this morning heading to Canyonville, OR with our ultimate destination Phoenix, AZ. The drive was about 350 miles in a little fog but mostly sunny weather. We stayed at the Seven Feathers RV Resort which is across the freeway from the casino. After getting set up we went to the casino for some light gambling and a very mediocre dinner. We both commented that is was similar to what is served at a senior living facility. BLAND but at least the food didn't taste bad, it just didn't taste. It was a nice restaurant but the only thing missing was flavor. OK enough bashing. It was about 57 when we arrived and 31 when we woke Tuesday AM. It's nice to have a furnace. Next stop is Nicolaus, CA just outside of Sacramento.

Canyonville, OR

Feb 22, 2015
Well we were on the road this morning heading to Canyonville, OR with our ultimate destination Phoenix, AZ. The drive was about 350 miles in a little fog but mostly sunny weather. We stayed at the Seven Feathers RV Resort which is across the freeway from the casino. After getting set up we went to the casino for some light gambling and a very mediocre dinner. We both commented that is was similar to what is served at a senior living facility. BLAND but at least the food didn't taste bad, it just didn't taste. It was a nice restaurant but the only thing missing was flavor. OK enough bashing. It was about 57 when we arrived and 31 when we woke Tuesday AM. It's nice to have a furnace. Next stop is Nicolaus, CA just outside of Sacramento.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Las Vegas and Bakersfield

Mar 9, 2015
We drove to Las Vegas and stayed at the Las Vegas RV Resort. This is another very nice park. Very clean and good amenities. On our way into town near the town of Primm we saw the Ivanpah solar thermal plant. This is the largest of it's kind in the world. Look it up in the internet to see the capabilities it has. It can provide power for 140,000 homes.  We just hung around the park today and grilled a flank steak with red potatoes and green beans with plans to visit the Strip tomorrow.

Mar 10, 2015
We drove into the Vegas Strip at about noon and parked in the New York, New York garage. We walked from there to Treasure Island Casino checking other places along the way. We were surprised at how busy this place is on a Tuesday. We stopped at a few places for snacks and lunch at Gilly's in Treasure Island. Then back to the park for left over flank steak on french dips

Mar, 11, 2015
We were up and out of the park before 9 heading for Bakersfield for one night. We stayed at Orange Grove RV Park which is where we stayed earlier on this trip. We drove into town and had a pizza that will also feed us tonight and/or tomorrow. Tomorrow off to Monterey, CA.

Las Vegas and Bakersfield

Mar 9, 2015
We drove to Las Vegas and stayed at the Las Vegas RV Resort. This is another very nice park. Very clean and good amenities. On our way into town near the town of Primm we saw the Ivanpah solar thermal plant. This is the largest of it's kind in the world. Look it up in the internet to see the capabilities it has. It can provide power for 140,000 homes.  We just hung around the park today and grilled a flank steak with red potatoes and green beans with plans to visit the Strip tomorrow.

Mar 10, 2015
We drove into the Vegas Strip at about noon and parked in the New York, New York garage. We walked from there to Treasure Island Casino checking other places along the way. We were surprised at how busy this place is on a Tuesday. We stopped at a few places for snacks and lunch at Gilly's in Treasure Island. Then back to the park for left over flank steak on french dips

Mar, 11, 2015
We were up and out of the park before 9 heading for Bakersfield for one night. We stayed at Orange Grove RV Park which is where we stayed earlier on this trip. We drove into town and had a pizza that will also feed us tonight and/or tomorrow. Tomorrow off to Monterey, CA.