Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Packwood, WA

August 6, 2014
We had our short drive to Cascade Peaks near Packwood this morning. After setting up the site we walked around the park to see what has changed since last year. The new owners have done some cosmetic updates to some of the facilities. After lunch Hart and Amy Hughes and their kids arrived. We have camped with them at Peaks the past few years at this time of year. Hart is a long time friend of Tracy and our family. A couple hours later Tracy and her girls arrived. The gathering is almost complete. After everyone was set up we went to their site and enjoyed the evening fire. It was a beautiful sunny day at Cascade Peaks

August 7, 2014
I went to pick up Hart this morning and we went fishing at Skate Creek. No luck so it was back to camp. The adults at their camp took the kids swimming in the pools at the park in the afternoon. The owner of the Packwood Outdoors Store suggested we try fishing Packwood Lake. He told us it is a 6 mile drive south of town on a paved road so Gail and I went to check it out. It was a winding road to a parking lot where the sign indicated it is a 4.5 mile hike to the lake. Needless to say we didn't take the hike nor will I go later with the men of the camp. Later we joined the others at their site for the evening fire.

August 8, 2014
I planned to go fishing with all that were interested but when I went to their site at about 9 most of them, even the kids, had just gotten up and were more interested in breakfast and swimming in the pool or going to play along the Cowlitz River so Hart and I headed to Skate Creek to give it a try. We fished a couple locations using various baits and lures with no luck so back to camp stopping for groceries and ice on the way. At the evening fire I asked who wanted to go fishing in the morning. Sydney, our almost 16 year old granddaughter said she did.

August 9, 2014
I was at the kids' campsite at 7:30 AM to go fishing with Sydney. She was ready to go so I gave her the keys to the truck and she drove to Skate Creek. We tried fishing at several locations catching 2 small trout each at one site. I had a wonderful time with Syd on this outing. She is a sweet teenager with a lot going for her. Then back to the park for breakfast. Later Gail and I went for a walk around the park. The others went to the river for the day. Too much sun and heat for us and no place to hide from it on the river. They had inner tubes and other toys so they floated a small side stream and the main river. We saw them doing this and it looked like a lot of fun but the river is glacier fed so too chilly for me.

August 10, 2014
We got up and broke camp to head for Post Falls, ID as an interim stop on out journey to Helena, MT. After saying good bye to all we hit the road at about 9 AM. The Couer de Alene RV Resort is very nice in Post Falls. We went out to dinner a a local pub called Capone's. They have a great selection of craft beers and terrific food. Then back to the park to enjoy the massive orange full moon.

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