Tuesday, September 30, 2014


July 21, 2014
Just a nice 75 mile drive to Ellensburg and Yakima River RV Park. This park is a working ranch as well as a rustic RV park. I say rustic because there is no shower and public bathroom. How's that for picky? Anyway there are horses and Brahma bulls in the fields adjacent to the campground.

Last night we saw a fox crossing the fields. When we got set up we went into Ellensburg for a fantastic lunch at the Palace Saloon and Cafe which has been in business since 1892. Then we asked and found a good pizza place for a coming meal. Back at camp I went fly fishing in the Yakima River getting a few bites but no catching. The river is barbless hooks and catch and release. We had a chicken dinner and sat out enjoyed the cooler evening and sunset.

July 22, 2014
There was some rain last night which was pretty refreshing. After breakfast we went into Ellensburg to check out the shops. Gail had never been here and I haven't foe many years. There are some quaint shops and restaurants in the old part of the town. We happened upon a shop that is closing Saturday so was clearing out the inventory with 50% to 70% off. We found a few things that we didn't know we couldn't live without. Then we went to lunch at The Cornerstone Pie, a highly recommended pizza place. We had some pizza and beer and got another pizza for later. Yup, it was good. Then back to the park to go fishing and enjoy the evening

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