Sunday, July 20, 2014


July 10, 2014
After breakfast we drove to Winthrop, about 98 miles, and the Silverline RV Park just outside of town. This is a nice RV park right on Pearrygin Lake. Just up the road is Pearrygin Lake State Park where our daughter Tracy and her family were camping. After getting set up we went and visited them for a while. The town of Winthrop is very quaint with an old west motif. Of course the stores are geared for tourists so we fit in well. The temperature got up to the high 90's but the lake was very inviting for cooling off. The kids came over for a swim in the afternoon.I went fishing after dinner but no keepers.

July 11, 2014
Another scorcher today. We went into town again just to wander around and maybe find a hat to shield my face from the sun. The town was really getting busy with tourists for the weekend. Then back to the park for the rest of the day. I went fishing again after dinner and caught a nice 10" trout. We met some nice folks parked next to us that are from Marysville. They suggested that if we like the park we should make reservations for next year which we did. There was a beautiful full moon that had a slight yellow tinge to it caused by wild fires to the south .

July 12, 2014
And yet another HOT day. I woke at about 6 to rain but by 7:30 there was not a trace of it, The kids came over after going on a float down the Methow River. I cooked up the trout for them. Then we went to Don and Deanna Ahlers, our son in law's friend from Alaska, home for dinner. Don smoked up a big brisket that was delicious. We went back to camp at about 8 and sat out trying to stay cool.

July 13, 2014
Today we went into town again looking for a nice place for dinner Monday night. Most places in town serve pub fare or Mexican food. We drove to Sun Mountain Lodge to check their restaurants out. Very nice but also spendy. The lodge is about 10 miles out of town on top of Sun Mountain. The views are spectacular. You can see the Cascades and all of the Methow Valley. During the afternoon there was some lightning that started a small fire in the hills across the lake from us. It looked like it was under control a couple hours later. Then a light dinner and fishing. I caught 3 trout from 9-12 inches.

July 14, 2014
I went fishing again this morning to add to my catch but no luck. After breakfast we went into Twisp to do laundry and check out the town. Twisp is a nice town but doesn't have the tourist appeal that Winthrop does. Then back to our RV park. While driving through Winthrop we saw my sister Terry. We new she was coming but weren't sure when. We made plans to have dinner with her. We went to lunch at the Old Schoolhouse Brew Pub. We shared a terrific Beer cheese BLT. Then back to the park to enjoy the beautiful day. We had a nice dinner with Terry and talked about plans for Alta Lake State Park, our destination tomorrow.

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