Saturday, July 19, 2014

Wilsonville, OR

June 27, 2014
The drive from Medford was long. There was a multiple car accident that had traffic tied up for probably 3 miles. It took us over half an hour to get through it. Six hours to go 260 miles. We stay at  Pheasant Ridge RV Park when we come to Wilsonville. It's a very nice park. When we got here we got set up and rested from the travel. Oh what a life.

June 28, 2014
It was a grey day with showers today. We went for a drive to Tualatin and Sherwood. Tualatin is a thriving community of over 18,000 with lots of new businesses and still growing. Sherwood is much smaller and has an old town that is real interesting. It was raining so we just drove through. Then back to Wilsonville and lunch at McMinamin's. Then back to camp for the evening.

June 29, 2014
We slept in til about 8:30 and fixed a great breakfast before setting out on errands and sight seeing. We visited the town of Aurora which was settled in the 1850's by a religious group. Some of the original settlers are from Grandma Leever's family. I asked around about them and one shopkeeper knew one of the my great uncles I used to visit in the 1950's with my grand parents. There are some very nice antique shops in Aurora. Gail found a glass dish she needed to finish a set we got as a wedding gift so we bought it. On the way out of town we stopped at the Community Cemetery where I found headstones of some of the kin. Made me feel good. Then stop at Camping World to pick up a couple things I need for the trailer. Back to camp for the rest of the day and get ready to travel tomorrow.

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