Sunday, July 20, 2014


July 8, 2014
We were up and on the road before 9:30 heading to Wenatchee River County Park. We’ve stayed here a few times in the past. It’s a nice park right on the Wenatchee River. IT WAS HOT! I mean 103 degrees. After we got set up we went into Wenatchee to visit PYBUS Public Market. We don’t know what the name stands for but it’s a nice market that’s been open about a year with 20 year around vendors including fruit and veggie stands, restaurants, a cheese monger and other nice stands. We bought a Walla Walla sweet onion, a real good cheese and a packet of charring spices for cooking meats. After a real good salmon dinner we sat out until about 10 enjoying the cooling evening. It got down to about 70 overnight

July 9, 2014
Not as hot today but still in the low 100's. After breakfast we went into Leavenworth to cruise the shops and enjoy the ambiance of the community. We had a nice lunch and back to the RV park. It was  a"take  it easy" day. 


July 10, 2014
After breakfast we drove to Winthrop, about 98 miles, and the Silverline RV Park just outside of town. This is a nice RV park right on Pearrygin Lake. Just up the road is Pearrygin Lake State Park where our daughter Tracy and her family were camping. After getting set up we went and visited them for a while. The town of Winthrop is very quaint with an old west motif. Of course the stores are geared for tourists so we fit in well. The temperature got up to the high 90's but the lake was very inviting for cooling off. The kids came over for a swim in the afternoon.I went fishing after dinner but no keepers.

July 11, 2014
Another scorcher today. We went into town again just to wander around and maybe find a hat to shield my face from the sun. The town was really getting busy with tourists for the weekend. Then back to the park for the rest of the day. I went fishing again after dinner and caught a nice 10" trout. We met some nice folks parked next to us that are from Marysville. They suggested that if we like the park we should make reservations for next year which we did. There was a beautiful full moon that had a slight yellow tinge to it caused by wild fires to the south .

July 12, 2014
And yet another HOT day. I woke at about 6 to rain but by 7:30 there was not a trace of it, The kids came over after going on a float down the Methow River. I cooked up the trout for them. Then we went to Don and Deanna Ahlers, our son in law's friend from Alaska, home for dinner. Don smoked up a big brisket that was delicious. We went back to camp at about 8 and sat out trying to stay cool.

July 13, 2014
Today we went into town again looking for a nice place for dinner Monday night. Most places in town serve pub fare or Mexican food. We drove to Sun Mountain Lodge to check their restaurants out. Very nice but also spendy. The lodge is about 10 miles out of town on top of Sun Mountain. The views are spectacular. You can see the Cascades and all of the Methow Valley. During the afternoon there was some lightning that started a small fire in the hills across the lake from us. It looked like it was under control a couple hours later. Then a light dinner and fishing. I caught 3 trout from 9-12 inches.

July 14, 2014
I went fishing again this morning to add to my catch but no luck. After breakfast we went into Twisp to do laundry and check out the town. Twisp is a nice town but doesn't have the tourist appeal that Winthrop does. Then back to our RV park. While driving through Winthrop we saw my sister Terry. We new she was coming but weren't sure when. We made plans to have dinner with her. We went to lunch at the Old Schoolhouse Brew Pub. We shared a terrific Beer cheese BLT. Then back to the park to enjoy the beautiful day. We had a nice dinner with Terry and talked about plans for Alta Lake State Park, our destination tomorrow.

Alta Lake State Park

July 15, 2014
It was a 42 mile drive from Winthrop to Alta Lake State Park. On our journey just south of the town of Carlton we saw a small fire in the trees that was started by recent lightning. Our daughter, Stephanie, and her kids and Tracy's daughter Sydney were there. It was hot again but the lake was cooling. We noticed some smoke from local fires. We had Steph and the kids over for dinner and had a nice evening outside.

July 16, 2014
I made plans to take the kids fishing this morning so we were off to try our luck at 7 AM. No luck so back to camp for breakfast. It was a lazy hot day with swimming and sitting around on the docket. For dinner we had Steph and the kids to our site where she fixed tacos. My sister and her son and his wife and daughter joined in with a big taco salad. It was a fun dinner like we used to have when my folks would camp here. Then a nice evening with family.

July 17, 2014
I was up at about 8 and was invited to breakfast at Steph's campsite. It was hot again and the smoke was getting worse. We had a nice day visiting with campers and taking it easy. We had planned a ceremony to scatter Dad's ashes that evening at 5 so we all gathered and shared stories about Mom and Dad at the lake. Sister Cheryl and I took a fast run around the lake in her boat to commemorate Dad's love for the place. It was a wonderful touching event. Then all went to their sites for dinner. Terry, her son and daughter in law, were very concerned about the smoke that seemed to be getting worse in a hurry so went toward Pateros to see what was up. When they returned they said, "Pateros is burning!" They went around telling the other campers of the danger. We decided it was time to get out. Other campers had gone to see what was happening and came back assuring it was a bad situation. The fact that the road into the lake is the ONLY way in and out was quite a factor in our decision as well. Everyone was packing up and is was an orderly evacuation. By then it was about 7 and was as dark as midnight. Here are some pics I took on our way out of the park. What appears to be snow or rain in the lighter pictures was in fact ash and cinders.

Within a few hours of us evacuating the fire had jumped the Methow River and run up the road along the golf course destroying houses and the camp ground.
I must add that we were not notified by any rangers or staff of the impending evacuation. We didn't see any of them after about 3 in the afternoon. This is very disturbing and many of us are going to write letters expressing our disgust.
We drove until about midnight looking for a place to stay and ended up in a rest stop on I-90 near Vantage.

July 18, 2014
We got up at about 8 to the noise of trucks leaving and traffic on I-90. I called a familiar RV park near Moses Lake and they had a place for us to stay for 3 days.when we will go to our next stop. Our Park is O'Sullivan Sportsman Resort near the Pot Holes reservoir.During our stay here until July 21 we are just taking it easy enjoying the weather and amenities.

Alta Lake State Park

July 15, 2014
It was a 42 mile drive from Winthrop to Alta Lake State Park. On our journey just south of the town of Carlton we saw a small fire in the trees that was started by recent lightning. Our daughter, Stephanie, and her kids and Tracy's daughter Sydney were there. It was hot again but the lake was cooling. We noticed some smoke from local fires. We had Steph and the kids over for dinner and had a nice evening outside.

July 16, 2014
I made plans to take the kids fishing this morning so we were off to try our luck at 7 AM. No luck so back to camp for breakfast. It was a lazy hot day with swimming and sitting around on the docket. For dinner we had Steph and the kids to our site where she fixed tacos. My sister and her son and his wife and daughter joined in with a big taco salad. It was a fun dinner like we used to have when my folks would camp here. Then a nice evening with family.

July 17, 2014
I was up at about 8 and was invited to breakfast at Steph's campsite. It was hot again and the smoke was getting worse. We had a nice day visiting with campers and taking it easy. We had planned a ceremony to scatter Dad's ashes that evening at 5 so we all gathered and shared stories about Mom and Dad at the lake. Sister Cheryl and I took a fast run around the lake in her boat to commemorate Dad's love for the place. It was a wonderful touching event. Then all went to their sites for dinner. Terry, her son and daughter in law, were very concerned about the smoke that seemed to be getting worse in a hurry so went toward Pateros to see what was up. When they returned they said, "Pateros is burning!" They went around telling the other campers of the danger. We decided it was time to get out. Other campers had gone to see what was happening and came back assuring it was a bad situation. The fact that the road into the lake is the ONLY way in and out was quite a factor in our decision as well. Everyone was packing up and is was an orderly evacuation. By then it was about 7 and was as dark as midnight. Here are some pics I took on our way out of the park. What appears to be snow or rain in the lighter pictures was in fact ash and cinders.

Within a few hours of us evacuating the fire had jumped the Methow River and run up the road along the golf course destroying houses and the camp ground.
I must add that we were not notified by any rangers or staff of the impending evacuation. We didn't see any of them after about 3 in the afternoon. This is very disturbing and many of us are going to write letters expressing our disgust.
We drove until about midnight looking for a place to stay and ended up in a rest stop on I-90 near Vantage.

July 18, 2014
We got up at about 8 to the noise of trucks leaving and traffic on I-90. I called a familiar RV park near Moses Lake and they had a place for us to stay for 3 days.when we will go to our next stop. Our Park is O'Sullivan Sportsman Resort near the Pot Holes reservoir.During our stay here until July 21 we are just taking it easy enjoying the weather and amenities.


July 10, 2014
After breakfast we drove to Winthrop, about 98 miles, and the Silverline RV Park just outside of town. This is a nice RV park right on Pearrygin Lake. Just up the road is Pearrygin Lake State Park where our daughter Tracy and her family were camping. After getting set up we went and visited them for a while. The town of Winthrop is very quaint with an old west motif. Of course the stores are geared for tourists so we fit in well. The temperature got up to the high 90's but the lake was very inviting for cooling off. The kids came over for a swim in the afternoon.I went fishing after dinner but no keepers.

July 11, 2014
Another scorcher today. We went into town again just to wander around and maybe find a hat to shield my face from the sun. The town was really getting busy with tourists for the weekend. Then back to the park for the rest of the day. I went fishing again after dinner and caught a nice 10" trout. We met some nice folks parked next to us that are from Marysville. They suggested that if we like the park we should make reservations for next year which we did. There was a beautiful full moon that had a slight yellow tinge to it caused by wild fires to the south .

July 12, 2014
And yet another HOT day. I woke at about 6 to rain but by 7:30 there was not a trace of it, The kids came over after going on a float down the Methow River. I cooked up the trout for them. Then we went to Don and Deanna Ahlers, our son in law's friend from Alaska, home for dinner. Don smoked up a big brisket that was delicious. We went back to camp at about 8 and sat out trying to stay cool.

July 13, 2014
Today we went into town again looking for a nice place for dinner Monday night. Most places in town serve pub fare or Mexican food. We drove to Sun Mountain Lodge to check their restaurants out. Very nice but also spendy. The lodge is about 10 miles out of town on top of Sun Mountain. The views are spectacular. You can see the Cascades and all of the Methow Valley. During the afternoon there was some lightning that started a small fire in the hills across the lake from us. It looked like it was under control a couple hours later. Then a light dinner and fishing. I caught 3 trout from 9-12 inches.

July 14, 2014
I went fishing again this morning to add to my catch but no luck. After breakfast we went into Twisp to do laundry and check out the town. Twisp is a nice town but doesn't have the tourist appeal that Winthrop does. Then back to our RV park. While driving through Winthrop we saw my sister Terry. We new she was coming but weren't sure when. We made plans to have dinner with her. We went to lunch at the Old Schoolhouse Brew Pub. We shared a terrific Beer cheese BLT. Then back to the park to enjoy the beautiful day. We had a nice dinner with Terry and talked about plans for Alta Lake State Park, our destination tomorrow.


July 8, 2014
We were up and on the road before 9:30 heading to Wenatchee River County Park. We’ve stayed here a few times in the past. It’s a nice park right on the Wenatchee River. IT WAS HOT! I mean 103 degrees. After we got set up we went into Wenatchee to visit PYBUS Public Market. We don’t know what the name stands for but it’s a nice market that’s been open about a year with 20 year around vendors including fruit and veggie stands, restaurants, a cheese monger and other nice stands. We bought a Walla Walla sweet onion, a real good cheese and a packet of charring spices for cooking meats. After a real good salmon dinner we sat out until about 10 enjoying the cooling evening. It got down to about 70 overnight

July 9, 2014
Not as hot today but still in the low 100's. After breakfast we went into Leavenworth to cruise the shops and enjoy the ambiance of the community. We had a nice lunch and back to the RV park. It was  a"take  it easy" day. 

Mt St Helens

June 30, 2014
We drove to Seaquest State Park to serve as a base for visiting Mt St Helens. We drove into Castle Rock to check it out and do some shopping. Then back to camp in the woods.Tomorrow we spend the day exploring Mt St Helens.

July 1, 2014
After breakfast we drove the 50 miles to the Johnston Ridge Observatory. The facility is very nice with several presentations on the history and eruption of Mt St Helens. In the crater you can see steam escaping from the earth.

There are still some trees in the area that show the power of the eruption. Others were cut down because they were so damaged by it.

One area just below the crater is called the pumice zone because of the amount of pumice left from the event. Days after the eruption elk were walking on the crusted pumice. Their hooves broke through in places which allowed rain to sit in the marks and promote vegetative growth. Scientists have found there are 26 different plants growing in the pumice zone because of the elks' digestive debris.
There are many hikes you can take to various areas of the monument. We did a little self tour and saw all we needed to see. Overall an awesome site.

Mt St Helens

June 30, 2014
We drove to Seaquest State Park to serve as a base for visiting Mt St Helens. We drove into Castle Rock to check it out and do some shopping. Then back to camp in the woods.Tomorrow we spend the day exploring Mt St Helens.

July 1, 2014
After breakfast we drove the 50 miles to the Johnston Ridge Observatory. The facility is very nice with several presentations on the history and eruption of Mt St Helens. In the crater you can see steam escaping from the earth.

There are still some trees in the area that show the power of the eruption. Others were cut down because they were so damaged by it.

One area just below the crater is called the pumice zone because of the amount of pumice left from the event. Days after the eruption elk were walking on the crusted pumice. Their hooves broke through in places which allowed rain to sit in the marks and promote vegetative growth. Scientists have found there are 26 different plants growing in the pumice zone because of the elks' digestive debris.
There are many hikes you can take to various areas of the monument. We did a little self tour and saw all we needed to see. Overall an awesome site.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Wilsonville, OR

June 27, 2014
The drive from Medford was long. There was a multiple car accident that had traffic tied up for probably 3 miles. It took us over half an hour to get through it. Six hours to go 260 miles. We stay at  Pheasant Ridge RV Park when we come to Wilsonville. It's a very nice park. When we got here we got set up and rested from the travel. Oh what a life.

June 28, 2014
It was a grey day with showers today. We went for a drive to Tualatin and Sherwood. Tualatin is a thriving community of over 18,000 with lots of new businesses and still growing. Sherwood is much smaller and has an old town that is real interesting. It was raining so we just drove through. Then back to Wilsonville and lunch at McMinamin's. Then back to camp for the evening.

June 29, 2014
We slept in til about 8:30 and fixed a great breakfast before setting out on errands and sight seeing. We visited the town of Aurora which was settled in the 1850's by a religious group. Some of the original settlers are from Grandma Leever's family. I asked around about them and one shopkeeper knew one of the my great uncles I used to visit in the 1950's with my grand parents. There are some very nice antique shops in Aurora. Gail found a glass dish she needed to finish a set we got as a wedding gift so we bought it. On the way out of town we stopped at the Community Cemetery where I found headstones of some of the kin. Made me feel good. Then stop at Camping World to pick up a couple things I need for the trailer. Back to camp for the rest of the day and get ready to travel tomorrow.

Wilsonville, OR

June 27, 2014
The drive from Medford was long. There was a multiple car accident that had traffic tied up for probably 3 miles. It took us over half an hour to get through it. Six hours to go 260 miles. We stay at  Pheasant Ridge RV Park when we come to Wilsonville. It's a very nice park. When we got here we got set up and rested from the travel. Oh what a life.

June 28, 2014
It was a grey day with showers today. We went for a drive to Tualatin and Sherwood. Tualatin is a thriving community of over 18,000 with lots of new businesses and still growing. Sherwood is much smaller and has an old town that is real interesting. It was raining so we just drove through. Then back to Wilsonville and lunch at McMinamin's. Then back to camp for the evening.

June 29, 2014
We slept in til about 8:30 and fixed a great breakfast before setting out on errands and sight seeing. We visited the town of Aurora which was settled in the 1850's by a religious group. Some of the original settlers are from Grandma Leever's family. I asked around about them and one shopkeeper knew one of the my great uncles I used to visit in the 1950's with my grand parents. There are some very nice antique shops in Aurora. Gail found a glass dish she needed to finish a set we got as a wedding gift so we bought it. On the way out of town we stopped at the Community Cemetery where I found headstones of some of the kin. Made me feel good. Then stop at Camping World to pick up a couple things I need for the trailer. Back to camp for the rest of the day and get ready to travel tomorrow.

Medford, OR

June 24, 2014
It was only about 40 miles driving today. After getting set up we drove into Medford to shop at Costco, Fred Meyer and MacDonalds. Back at the park I walked to the fishing pond to check it out and went to the pool for a swim. Then a nice flank steak dinner followed by enjoying the evening outside.

June 25, 2014
After breakfast we drove to the town of Jacksonville. This is a quaint town with a lot of western history. To get there we drove the Old Stage Road. We walked through town checking out the businesses. Lots of "antique" stores, a couple bars and some restaurants. Nice community. Then back to the park for the afternoon. I went fishing in the pond which is catch and release and barbless hooks. I caught a few perch and blue gill. Nothing spectacular.

June 26, 2014
It rained during the night but was a pretty nice day. We went into Medford for lunch and then back to the park. I went fishing again and caught more of the same. We just took it easy today as we have about a 260 mile drive tomorrow to Wilsonville, OR

Medford, OR

June 24, 2014
It was only about 40 miles driving today. After getting set up we drove into Medford to shop at Costco, Fred Meyer and MacDonalds. Back at the park I walked to the fishing pond to check it out and went to the pool for a swim. Then a nice flank steak dinner followed by enjoying the evening outside.

June 25, 2014
After breakfast we drove to the town of Jacksonville. This is a quaint town with a lot of western history. To get there we drove the Old Stage Road. We walked through town checking out the businesses. Lots of "antique" stores, a couple bars and some restaurants. Nice community. Then back to the park for the afternoon. I went fishing in the pond which is catch and release and barbless hooks. I caught a few perch and blue gill. Nothing spectacular.

June 26, 2014
It rained during the night but was a pretty nice day. We went into Medford for lunch and then back to the park. I went fishing again and caught more of the same. We just took it easy today as we have about a 260 mile drive tomorrow to Wilsonville, OR

Crater Lake

June 20, 2014
It was just a 110 mile drive through some picturesque forest land to Prospect, OR where we are staying at Crater Lake RV Park. This is a nice park in a setting in the trees. Our site has a good yard that gets plenty of sun. After setting up and lunch we took a hike in the woods to a back water of a dam on the North Rogue River. The water is very clear and I was told fishing is pretty good. Then we walked down stream to see if we could get down to the river. I was able to go down a pretty steep slope to get a look at it. Very pretty. Then back to the site and sit around and relax. Tomorrow off to Crater Lake and other sites.

June 21, 2014
After breakfast we drove to Crater Lake. WOW!! Amazing! Being Saturday it was busy at the rim but none the less beautiful. It's nice to have a senior National Parks Pass. We were able to get through the line at the entrance to the park with a minimal delay.
The lodge at Rim Park is stunning. They have done several renovations since it was built in 1915 but maintained the beauty of the great hall's massive fireplace and other details.
Walking along the paths on the crater rim is awesome. The lake was formed 7700 years ago by the eruption of Mt Mazama. The color of the water in the lake is the bluest we have ever seen. It is the clearest lake in the world. You can see at 144 ft deep. The lake is 1942 ft deep at its deepest point. It was so still I took a picture of Wizard Island which can be viewed upside down and still look upright.

Because of the snowfall, average 10 feet per year, trees have adapted themselves to withstand the weight and cold.

There was still about 5 feet of snow in places alongside the road. On some areas of the lake there is still a film of ice. The temperature of the lake ranges from 32 to 60 degrees. At 230 feet deep the temp stays at 38 degrees. This is a spectacular place to visit.
From Crater lake we drove to viewpoint of Diamond Lake. This lake was also formed by volcanic activity but is not deep, only 60 to 85 feet. With the streams washing silt into the lake it will eventually be filled and not have water.

Nearby is Mt Thielson, elevation 9100 ft. This is another volcano from the days of Mt Mazama. The pointed top is referred to as a plug which acts as a plug so it won't erupt again out of the top.

Then it was off to find Toketee Falls as was suggested by one of our camp hosts. We thought we found the trail head so hiked on for about 1/4 mile. Nope, it was the Clearwater River trail, so back to the truck we went. A few miles more driving we found the Toketee trail head. The trail is 1/2 mile long with 97 steps/stairs going up and 125 going down. That's 444 stairs in the round trip It was an interesting hike with beautiful results when we came to the falls. Then back to the truck to drive back to camp. It was almost 5 so we got dinner ready and enjoyed the evening.

June 22, 2014
Today we stayed pretty close to the RV park exploring the sites around Prospect. We first hiked to Piersony Falls. The falls are in deep woods where the creek splits and comes down about a 20 foot pair of falls.

Then we hiked to the avenue of Giant Boulders. These massive rocks were blown about 35 miles from the
eruption of  Mt Wallowa which created Crater Lake. The pictures don't really show the size of the boulders. Some are as big as a full size pickup truck.

Then we drove to a trail head leading to Mill Creek and Barr Creek Falls. Two more beautiful viewpoints in the area.

June 23, 2014
One more day exploring the upper Rogue River.Today we hiked the Rogue Gorge viewpoint. The Rogue River pours through this cut in the lava at a rate of 441,000 gallons per minute. At one point it is about 30 feet wide and narrows to about 3 feet. The power of the water is amazing. Thousands of years ago the river ran about 650 feet deep through the earth. Then with volcanic events the river bed was filled with lava so the water has been cutting through to create a new bed.

Then we went down stream to see the natural bridge. This attraction is where the river found a lava tube that runs through the lava bed along the its path. The water enters the entrance of the tube and bores through to come out 200 feet downstream. Still another awesome feature of nature.

Crater Lake

June 20, 2014
It was just a 110 mile drive through some picturesque forest land to Prospect, OR where we are staying at Crater Lake RV Park. This is a nice park in a setting in the trees. Our site has a good yard that gets plenty of sun. After setting up and lunch we took a hike in the woods to a back water of a dam on the North Rogue River. The water is very clear and I was told fishing is pretty good. Then we walked down stream to see if we could get down to the river. I was able to go down a pretty steep slope to get a look at it. Very pretty. Then back to the site and sit around and relax. Tomorrow off to Crater Lake and other sites.

June 21, 2014
After breakfast we drove to Crater Lake. WOW!! Amazing! Being Saturday it was busy at the rim but none the less beautiful. It's nice to have a senior National Parks Pass. We were able to get through the line at the entrance to the park with a minimal delay.
The lodge at Rim Park is stunning. They have done several renovations since it was built in 1915 but maintained the beauty of the great hall's massive fireplace and other details.
Walking along the paths on the crater rim is awesome. The lake was formed 7700 years ago by the eruption of Mt Mazama. The color of the water in the lake is the bluest we have ever seen. It is the clearest lake in the world. You can see at 144 ft deep. The lake is 1942 ft deep at its deepest point. It was so still I took a picture of Wizard Island which can be viewed upside down and still look upright.

Because of the snowfall, average 10 feet per year, trees have adapted themselves to withstand the weight and cold.

There was still about 5 feet of snow in places alongside the road. On some areas of the lake there is still a film of ice. The temperature of the lake ranges from 32 to 60 degrees. At 230 feet deep the temp stays at 38 degrees. This is a spectacular place to visit.
From Crater lake we drove to viewpoint of Diamond Lake. This lake was also formed by volcanic activity but is not deep, only 60 to 85 feet. With the streams washing silt into the lake it will eventually be filled and not have water.

Nearby is Mt Thielson, elevation 9100 ft. This is another volcano from the days of Mt Mazama. The pointed top is referred to as a plug which acts as a plug so it won't erupt again out of the top.

Then it was off to find Toketee Falls as was suggested by one of our camp hosts. We thought we found the trail head so hiked on for about 1/4 mile. Nope, it was the Clearwater River trail, so back to the truck we went. A few miles more driving we found the Toketee trail head. The trail is 1/2 mile long with 97 steps/stairs going up and 125 going down. That's 444 stairs in the round trip It was an interesting hike with beautiful results when we came to the falls. Then back to the truck to drive back to camp. It was almost 5 so we got dinner ready and enjoyed the evening.

June 22, 2014
Today we stayed pretty close to the RV park exploring the sites around Prospect. We first hiked to Piersony Falls. The falls are in deep woods where the creek splits and comes down about a 20 foot pair of falls.

Then we hiked to the avenue of Giant Boulders. These massive rocks were blown about 35 miles from the
eruption of  Mt Wallowa which created Crater Lake. The pictures don't really show the size of the boulders. Some are as big as a full size pickup truck.

Then we drove to a trail head leading to Mill Creek and Barr Creek Falls. Two more beautiful viewpoints in the area.

June 23, 2014
One more day exploring the upper Rogue River.Today we hiked the Rogue Gorge viewpoint. The Rogue River pours through this cut in the lava at a rate of 441,000 gallons per minute. At one point it is about 30 feet wide and narrows to about 3 feet. The power of the water is amazing. Thousands of years ago the river ran about 650 feet deep through the earth. Then with volcanic events the river bed was filled with lava so the water has been cutting through to create a new bed.

Then we went down stream to see the natural bridge. This attraction is where the river found a lava tube that runs through the lava bed along the its path. The water enters the entrance of the tube and bores through to come out 200 feet downstream. Still another awesome feature of nature.