Sunday, July 14, 2013

Port Orford, OR

July 10, 2013
We had about a 250 mile drive to the Port Orford RV Village. It is very windy here usually in the summer and today was no exception. The wind got up to about 60 mph on the coast. The park has a lot of long term and permanent tenants but the rigs are nice and the park isn't run down like others we have stayed in with this type of occupants. The owners, Tim and Cindy are real nice people who truly care about their property. We  took a drive to Port Orford Heads which is a coast guard Museum and display of a 36 foot motorized rescue ship used  in the coastal waters of the port from the 1930's til 1957. The men who worked these water were true heroes. Then we drove to the port. Since it is on the ocean there is no bar to cross and the tide effects the launching of private and commercial vessels. They have to use slings and cranes to store the boats on the dock, even the commercial fishing vessels. There is no moorage. Then back to the park for a windy evening. We went inside at about 7:45 when the sun went down behind the trees because it got chilly very fast.

July 11, 2013
We got up and had breakfast and went sightseeing. The wind wasn't real bad first thing but were told it would kick up later in the day. First to Cape Blanco Lighthouse. This is the most westerly point in the contiguous US. There are tours of the lighthouse but we opted to not go on one because we have been on others like it. Here is a pic of the lighthouse.
Then we went to Mt. Humbug for a hike. The sign said it was 3 miles. We weren't sure if that was to the top or round trip. It was 6 miles round trip. The path was narrow and steep in places with some stream crossing it and strewn with fallen branches. The gain in altitude was 1748 feet. It took us about 3.5 hours. Here are a couple of photos.
Port Orford from Humbug Mtn
10 ft tree root ball on the trail

Then off to lunch at 4PM for fish and chips at the Crazy Norwegian Restaurant. This place has been open for 27 years. Before it was an restaurant it was a gas station. The meal was very good. We are glad we went. Then back to camp, in the wind, to relax and do a little laundry. We sat out until about 7, then inside for some TV and a snack. We were both pooped from our outing today. Travel day tomorrow. Only about 50-60 miles.

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