Monday, July 22, 2013

Hoquiam, WA

July 19, 2013
We drove to Hoquiam, Wa, about 150 miles to spend the night before heading up the coast to explore the Olympic National Forest and the area. We stayed at Hoquiam River RV Park. It is a very nice newer park right on the Little Hoquiam River. The owners are very nice and take great care of the grounds and guests. We decided to drive to Copalis Beach. Then it was south on the beach to Ocean Shores. Since it was windy and marginally sunny there was quite a crowd on the beach enjoying walks, kiting and just having a good time. When we exited to Ocean Shores we were surprised to see that there are a couple of new hotels, even if only by name and the town was very busy. We realize the prosperity is only for about three months a year but it was good to see. We took a little walk along the river and came across an old set of pilings and posts where there used to be a rail siding where they would ship logs from the area. The spotted owl put a stop to that. Back then Greys Harbor County had zero unemployment, the lowest in the state. With logging disrupted over the years they have the highest unemployment. We got a pizza from Sasquatch Pizza for dinner. Pretty good if you are in the area.

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