Monday, May 21, 2012

Lakeshore RV Park- Lake Chelan

May 18, 2012
Drove about 100 miles to Lake Chelan to stay at Lakeshore RV Park. This is a beautiful park owned and operated by the City of Chelan. It is adjacent to Don Morse Park which has 2000 ft of beach, a kid's playground, skate park, basketball and much more. It is a short walk to town so we went to see what has changed in the past 20 or so years. All the local taverns are gone or changed to upscale restaurants,  or a Chinese restaurant. Here is a pic of the lake from our site.

April 19, 2012
We went for about a 2 mile walk into town and along the Riverwalk  Trail which goes along the Chelan River to the dam and across the river back up into town. Went to Senor Frogs for a beer and some authentic Mexican tacos. Very tasty. We visited most of the shops in town which is always fun. Gail made me say that. Back to camp to enjoy the nice 75 degree day. Don Morse Park was very busy with families and kids playing.

May 20, 2012
We went for  long hike out of town, about 4 miles, along the Chelan River. The trail was paved for about the first mile then gravel. There were informational stops on the trail that told us about the Indians and early settlers in the area and that the river produces a lot of electrical power on its way to the Columbia River.


Later in the afternoon Don's sister Terry arrived in her motor home. We got her settled and went to the Lake Chelan Winery and Cheese Co. We had tastings and bought some nice red wine called Falling Cow Red. The name comes from an event several years ago when a couple was driving from Manson to Chelan when a 600 pound cow fell off a cliff 200 feet above them and landed on the hood of their minivan. Another second and it would have gone through their windshield. All the driver could say was,"I don't believe it. I don't believe it. They weren't hurt. TRUE STORY. Then it was back to the park for cocktails and a great dinner Terry brought of Spring Sunshine, her specialty. Then outside to enjoy our fire and cocktails til about 10:30.

May 21, 2012
We woke to rain showers and cooler weather, about 65. We bravely went into town again. More stores and walking but fun. Back to camp for lunch and relaxation. Later it was BBQ hamburgers for dinner and more lounging time around the fire. I walked over to the 18 hole all grass putting course. It looked like fun with holes ranging from the 58' par 2 to the 165' par 4. Here is a pic of part of the course


May 22, 2012
Gail, Terry and I went into town again weathering cool temps and a couple rain showers. In Chelan they have a "Mural Walk". There are 13 murals on various buildings depicting the history of the area. Each one has an apple in it that may be obvious or concealed. We had a fun day and even did a little shopping. Then back to camp to enjoy our last day in Chelan. There was a lot of work going on in Don Morse Park to get ready for the Memorial Day weekend and the summer. Here is an example of what they are doing.

May 23, 2012
Well, another fantastic trip to areas we have not experienced. Home to Kent until our next outing on June 3.

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