Monday, May 7, 2012

2012 First trip. Wilsonville, OR

April 30, 2012
We drove to Wilsonville, OR and stayed at Pheasant Ridge RV Resort. This a real nice park. It is ranked in the top 8 in the US. It rained the entire way there and most of the day. We went to a new McMenamin's Brew Pub. Very nice with a "church" on the site for special performances.

May 1, 2012
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO GAIL! We drove to McMinnville for a nice drive through the country. Rained and clouds most of the day. We had lunch at another McMenamin's in the Old Oregon Hotel. It was a five story climb up an old wooden stairway to the Roof Top Bar. There was a great view and bet it would be a lot of fun on a nice sunny day. We stopped at the Solene Winery. We bought a nice bottle of Pinot Noir. The Oregon wineries are famous for their pinot wines. Back to the park.

May 2, 2012
We went to Aurora, OR and toured the local businesses. aurora was the first settlement in all of Oregon in 1856. It is also the antique capitol of Oregon. The old stores are stocked with everything imaginable. We had lunch at the local old pub. Don asked around about relatives on the Leever side. He went to family gatherings in the 50's and 60's. It turns out one of the original settling families is on his Grandma Leever's side of the family, the Keil family.

May 3, 2012
Drove home in the rain. Back on the road in a couple of weeks. Thanks for tuning in.

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