Monday, May 21, 2012

Lakeshore RV Park- Lake Chelan

May 18, 2012
Drove about 100 miles to Lake Chelan to stay at Lakeshore RV Park. This is a beautiful park owned and operated by the City of Chelan. It is adjacent to Don Morse Park which has 2000 ft of beach, a kid's playground, skate park, basketball and much more. It is a short walk to town so we went to see what has changed in the past 20 or so years. All the local taverns are gone or changed to upscale restaurants,  or a Chinese restaurant. Here is a pic of the lake from our site.

April 19, 2012
We went for about a 2 mile walk into town and along the Riverwalk  Trail which goes along the Chelan River to the dam and across the river back up into town. Went to Senor Frogs for a beer and some authentic Mexican tacos. Very tasty. We visited most of the shops in town which is always fun. Gail made me say that. Back to camp to enjoy the nice 75 degree day. Don Morse Park was very busy with families and kids playing.

May 20, 2012
We went for  long hike out of town, about 4 miles, along the Chelan River. The trail was paved for about the first mile then gravel. There were informational stops on the trail that told us about the Indians and early settlers in the area and that the river produces a lot of electrical power on its way to the Columbia River.


Later in the afternoon Don's sister Terry arrived in her motor home. We got her settled and went to the Lake Chelan Winery and Cheese Co. We had tastings and bought some nice red wine called Falling Cow Red. The name comes from an event several years ago when a couple was driving from Manson to Chelan when a 600 pound cow fell off a cliff 200 feet above them and landed on the hood of their minivan. Another second and it would have gone through their windshield. All the driver could say was,"I don't believe it. I don't believe it. They weren't hurt. TRUE STORY. Then it was back to the park for cocktails and a great dinner Terry brought of Spring Sunshine, her specialty. Then outside to enjoy our fire and cocktails til about 10:30.

May 21, 2012
We woke to rain showers and cooler weather, about 65. We bravely went into town again. More stores and walking but fun. Back to camp for lunch and relaxation. Later it was BBQ hamburgers for dinner and more lounging time around the fire. I walked over to the 18 hole all grass putting course. It looked like fun with holes ranging from the 58' par 2 to the 165' par 4. Here is a pic of part of the course


May 22, 2012
Gail, Terry and I went into town again weathering cool temps and a couple rain showers. In Chelan they have a "Mural Walk". There are 13 murals on various buildings depicting the history of the area. Each one has an apple in it that may be obvious or concealed. We had a fun day and even did a little shopping. Then back to camp to enjoy our last day in Chelan. There was a lot of work going on in Don Morse Park to get ready for the Memorial Day weekend and the summer. Here is an example of what they are doing.

May 23, 2012
Well, another fantastic trip to areas we have not experienced. Home to Kent until our next outing on June 3.

Lakeshore RV Park- Lake Chelan

May 18, 2012
Drove about 100 miles to Lake Chelan to stay at Lakeshore RV Park. This is a beautiful park owned and operated by the City of Chelan. It is adjacent to Don Morse Park which has 2000 ft of beach, a kid's playground, skate park, basketball and much more. It is a short walk to town so we went to see what has changed in the past 20 or so years. All the local taverns are gone or changed to upscale restaurants,  or a Chinese restaurant. Here is a pic of the lake from our site.

April 19, 2012
We went for about a 2 mile walk into town and along the Riverwalk  Trail which goes along the Chelan River to the dam and across the river back up into town. Went to Senor Frogs for a beer and some authentic Mexican tacos. Very tasty. We visited most of the shops in town which is always fun. Gail made me say that. Back to camp to enjoy the nice 75 degree day. Don Morse Park was very busy with families and kids playing.

May 20, 2012
We went for  long hike out of town, about 4 miles, along the Chelan River. The trail was paved for about the first mile then gravel. There were informational stops on the trail that told us about the Indians and early settlers in the area and that the river produces a lot of electrical power on its way to the Columbia River.


Later in the afternoon Don's sister Terry arrived in her motor home. We got her settled and went to the Lake Chelan Winery and Cheese Co. We had tastings and bought some nice red wine called Falling Cow Red. The name comes from an event several years ago when a couple was driving from Manson to Chelan when a 600 pound cow fell off a cliff 200 feet above them and landed on the hood of their minivan. Another second and it would have gone through their windshield. All the driver could say was,"I don't believe it. I don't believe it. They weren't hurt. TRUE STORY. Then it was back to the park for cocktails and a great dinner Terry brought of Spring Sunshine, her specialty. Then outside to enjoy our fire and cocktails til about 10:30.

May 21, 2012
We woke to rain showers and cooler weather, about 65. We bravely went into town again. More stores and walking but fun. Back to camp for lunch and relaxation. Later it was BBQ hamburgers for dinner and more lounging time around the fire. I walked over to the 18 hole all grass putting course. It looked like fun with holes ranging from the 58' par 2 to the 165' par 4. Here is a pic of part of the course


May 22, 2012
Gail, Terry and I went into town again weathering cool temps and a couple rain showers. In Chelan they have a "Mural Walk". There are 13 murals on various buildings depicting the history of the area. Each one has an apple in it that may be obvious or concealed. We had a fun day and even did a little shopping. Then back to camp to enjoy our last day in Chelan. There was a lot of work going on in Don Morse Park to get ready for the Memorial Day weekend and the summer. Here is an example of what they are doing.

May 23, 2012
Well, another fantastic trip to areas we have not experienced. Home to Kent until our next outing on June 3.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Steamboat Rock State Park

May 14,2012
Drove about 200 miles to Steamboat Rock SP on Banks Lake.This is a very nice park with grassy sites and great views of the lake and surroundings. Probably the nicest State Park we have seen. They cater to a lot of fishermen so there is a nice new large boat launch. They are working on a new section near the swimming beach that will have a few cabins as well as other sites. The weather was hot, about 85 with very little wind. We had a lot of geese in the park with their babies and even some deer walked through at sundown. Here are geese and deer backsides.


May 15, 2012
Another nice hot day at Banks Lake. We met a few of our neighbors, most of whom were there for the fishing. They catch mostly bass and walleye. The mosquitoes can get pretty bad here so Grant County has a mosquito control system they provide the park. We heard something that sounded like a weed eater this afternoon and soon a pick up with a machine in the back came through the park spraying for the bugs. It was not offensive at all and very effective. What a great service. We wandered around the park on a good path exploring and found a swim beach that has a concession stand similar to that at Alta Lake. Don took a hike up the rock to get a pic of Steamboat Rock SP.

May 16, 2012
Another nice day but the wind came up in the afternoon. That good old Eastern Washington wind. It blew until 8 PM and settled down so we could enjoy our fire. Don went fishing for a while and caught some trout but released them. The fishermen we talked to were having pretty good luck. We were told the bass and walleye were spawning and were hitting on almost anything you used. The sunsetting on the monolith across the lake from the park was gorgeous.
May 17, 2012
Gail and I took a hike that was to lead to the top of Steamboat Rock, some 800 feet. About a third of the way there the trail became very steep and consisted of loose rocks and shale. Too much for us so we hiked part way around the monolith and came upon a very cool area where you can tent. The only access is hiking or by boat. Would have been real nice 30 or so years ago. 

May 18, 2012
Today it off to Lake Chelan for another adventure. Only about 100 miles.

Steamboat Rock State Park

May 14,2012
Drove about 200 miles to Steamboat Rock SP on Banks Lake.This is a very nice park with grassy sites and great views of the lake and surroundings. Probably the nicest State Park we have seen. They cater to a lot of fishermen so there is a nice new large boat launch. They are working on a new section near the swimming beach that will have a few cabins as well as other sites. The weather was hot, about 85 with very little wind. We had a lot of geese in the park with their babies and even some deer walked through at sundown. Here are geese and deer backsides.


May 15, 2012
Another nice hot day at Banks Lake. We met a few of our neighbors, most of whom were there for the fishing. They catch mostly bass and walleye. The mosquitoes can get pretty bad here so Grant County has a mosquito control system they provide the park. We heard something that sounded like a weed eater this afternoon and soon a pick up with a machine in the back came through the park spraying for the bugs. It was not offensive at all and very effective. What a great service. We wandered around the park on a good path exploring and found a swim beach that has a concession stand similar to that at Alta Lake. Don took a hike up the rock to get a pic of Steamboat Rock SP.

May 16, 2012
Another nice day but the wind came up in the afternoon. That good old Eastern Washington wind. It blew until 8 PM and settled down so we could enjoy our fire. Don went fishing for a while and caught some trout but released them. The fishermen we talked to were having pretty good luck. We were told the bass and walleye were spawning and were hitting on almost anything you used. The sunsetting on the monolith across the lake from the park was gorgeous.
May 17, 2012
Gail and I took a hike that was to lead to the top of Steamboat Rock, some 800 feet. About a third of the way there the trail became very steep and consisted of loose rocks and shale. Too much for us so we hiked part way around the monolith and came upon a very cool area where you can tent. The only access is hiking or by boat. Would have been real nice 30 or so years ago. 

May 18, 2012
Today it off to Lake Chelan for another adventure. Only about 100 miles.

All Asses Day

May 12, 2012
We drove to Bellingham for a new tradition called All Ases Day. This goes back to when Gail and Joan's Mom was sick and decided we were all asses on the day before Mother's Day. Tracy and Stephanie and girls were there so we joined them for the day and into the evening. We stayed at Bellingham RV Park. It's a nice park right off I-5 near Gail's sister's house. It all began at Win's Drive Inn in Fairhaven for fabulous burgers. Then one of the Dad's, not Don, took all the kids to a park. Well, we were drawn to Jalapenos Mexican restaurant. Six of us sat on the upper deck drinking Big Mommas, LARGE margaritas. Then back to Joan's, Gail's sister's house. Then lots of snacking and imbibing as well as fried chicked and delightful salads to enjoy the company and new celebration. Much  much fun!

All Asses Day

May 12, 2012
We drove to Bellingham for a new tradition called All Ases Day. This goes back to when Gail and Joan's Mom was sick and decided we were all asses on the day before Mother's Day. Tracy and Stephanie and girls were there so we joined them for the day and into the evening. We stayed at Bellingham RV Park. It's a nice park right off I-5 near Gail's sister's house. It all began at Win's Drive Inn in Fairhaven for fabulous burgers. Then one of the Dad's, not Don, took all the kids to a park. Well, we were drawn to Jalapenos Mexican restaurant. Six of us sat on the upper deck drinking Big Mommas, LARGE margaritas. Then back to Joan's, Gail's sister's house. Then lots of snacking and imbibing as well as fried chicked and delightful salads to enjoy the company and new celebration. Much  much fun!

Monday, May 7, 2012

2012 First trip. Wilsonville, OR

April 30, 2012
We drove to Wilsonville, OR and stayed at Pheasant Ridge RV Resort. This a real nice park. It is ranked in the top 8 in the US. It rained the entire way there and most of the day. We went to a new McMenamin's Brew Pub. Very nice with a "church" on the site for special performances.

May 1, 2012
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO GAIL! We drove to McMinnville for a nice drive through the country. Rained and clouds most of the day. We had lunch at another McMenamin's in the Old Oregon Hotel. It was a five story climb up an old wooden stairway to the Roof Top Bar. There was a great view and bet it would be a lot of fun on a nice sunny day. We stopped at the Solene Winery. We bought a nice bottle of Pinot Noir. The Oregon wineries are famous for their pinot wines. Back to the park.

May 2, 2012
We went to Aurora, OR and toured the local businesses. aurora was the first settlement in all of Oregon in 1856. It is also the antique capitol of Oregon. The old stores are stocked with everything imaginable. We had lunch at the local old pub. Don asked around about relatives on the Leever side. He went to family gatherings in the 50's and 60's. It turns out one of the original settling families is on his Grandma Leever's side of the family, the Keil family.

May 3, 2012
Drove home in the rain. Back on the road in a couple of weeks. Thanks for tuning in.

2012 First trip. Wilsonville, OR

April 30, 2012
We drove to Wilsonville, OR and stayed at Pheasant Ridge RV Resort. This a real nice park. It is ranked in the top 8 in the US. It rained the entire way there and most of the day. We went to a new McMenamin's Brew Pub. Very nice with a "church" on the site for special performances.

May 1, 2012
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO GAIL! We drove to McMinnville for a nice drive through the country. Rained and clouds most of the day. We had lunch at another McMenamin's in the Old Oregon Hotel. It was a five story climb up an old wooden stairway to the Roof Top Bar. There was a great view and bet it would be a lot of fun on a nice sunny day. We stopped at the Solene Winery. We bought a nice bottle of Pinot Noir. The Oregon wineries are famous for their pinot wines. Back to the park.

May 2, 2012
We went to Aurora, OR and toured the local businesses. aurora was the first settlement in all of Oregon in 1856. It is also the antique capitol of Oregon. The old stores are stocked with everything imaginable. We had lunch at the local old pub. Don asked around about relatives on the Leever side. He went to family gatherings in the 50's and 60's. It turns out one of the original settling families is on his Grandma Leever's side of the family, the Keil family.

May 3, 2012
Drove home in the rain. Back on the road in a couple of weeks. Thanks for tuning in.