Monday, September 24, 2018

Caldwell, ID

July 28, 2018
     We left Packwood by 9:30 as planned heading for Pendleton, OR. We arrived in the early afternoon at the Wildhorse Casino and RV Park and got set up by 2. It was hot and smokey from fires in Canada. At about 3 we went to the casino for some light gambling and an early dinner. We sat out in the park until about 9. I heard some loud music that I thought was from in the park. After wandering around a bit I found that it was Latino music night at the outdoor venue near the casino. It was supposed to last until 11. At about 11:30 I still heard the music, I turned out to be some of the concert goers in the park still partying. By midnight security shut them down.
     We were up and out of the park before 9 for the 230 mile drive. We got to Caldwell, ID and the Ambassador RV Park. It was very warm and smokey here. We have stayed here several times. It's a very nice park with all the amenities. Gail's very good friend Sherral Sherry and her husband Tony live in nearby Nampa. Gail called Sherral and we were invited to her new house for dinner. Sherral 's daughter and family were leaving Monday on a camping trip and wanted to see us. Both families have moved into new homes. We had a very nice dinner and were shown both homes. We were back at the park by 9PM.
     Monday in Caldwell. We had breakfast and called Sherral at about noon. She was running errands so we decided to meet her for lunch at about 1. We had a very nice lunch and went to her house. Since they have just moved into a new home she had some furniture that needed to be assembled. I grabbed my tools and went to work putting together a pneumatic adjustable table. We barbecued some chicken for dinner and spent the evening visiting. Back at the park it was still pretty hot and smokey. This made for some nice sunsets.
     On Tuesday I had an appointment to get the truck serviced in the afternoon. Sherral came over for lunch and then she and Gail went for a drive while I took the truck in. The dealership found our front brakes needed to be replaced so I got it done. I met the ladies at Sherral's home for dinner. We went back to the park at about 8 so I went for a swim.
     Today we had a leisurely start before calling Sherral asking if she had plans for the day. She asked us over to her house for lunch. AND, she had a desk that needed to be assembled. We had lunch and I went to work. Later we went out for Pizza dinner. We were back to the park by 7 so I took another swim.
     This is our last day in Caldwell. We went over to Sherral's home for a while in the afternoon and then back to the park to get ready for our drive to Reno in the morning

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