Friday, April 22, 2016

Wenatchee, WA

Aug 11, 2015
We drove to Wenatchee for a three day stay and visit friends that used to live across the street from us. The weather was hot and there was some smoke from the Chelan fires. The forecast is for heat over 100 and only getting down to the low 70's at night. We contacted our friends and made arrangements to meet them in the morning for coffee. I had a root canal the day before we left that was giving me a bad time so we just took it easy for the day.

Aug 12, 2015
We got up and drove to a coffee shop to see our friends Sue Engel and her sons Dennis and Chuck. We haven't seen them in over 30 years. Sue's husband died in 1997 while they were living in Montana. She moved to Wenatchee this year with Chuck who was living in Florida. Dennis lives here. Chuck used to babysit our girls when they were little. After high school he went into the Air Force where he was a jet pilot flying Lear Jets, cargo planes and military escort aircraft. He lived and traveled the world during his 30+ year career. Dennis is in the aerospace business doing quite well. We had a great time reminiscing and talking with the Engels. We made plans to get together with Sue and Chuck tomorrow for lunch. After we left them we went to the Pybus Market in town. This market is very nice with a meat and fish market, wine shop, a few restaurants, a local merchandise shop, a cheese shop and more. I guess during the weekends they have more vendors and it is very busy. We bought some cheese, a bottle of wine and Gail got a shirt. Then back to the park for the evening.

Aug 13, 2015
We joined Sue and Chuck at their home for coffee and pastries this morning. After a great visit and tour of Sue's beautiful home we went to lunch at their favorite Mexican Restaurant. More memories were visited. We told them we are planning on being in Chelan next month so they might come visit us then. After lunch we went back to the park for the afternoon and evening. Tomorrow it's home for about about a week and a half.

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